Chapter 5| One With A Shining Star| Deadly Life

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Nothing made sense. Chrom was dead?! This was... wrong! Pearl saw him alive and well in the morning, what the hell happened? WHAT IS GOING ON?!

Hajime: C-Chrom?


Hajime: ...

I was so... shocked he was so motivated to live and now he's dead?! WHY!?



Chiaki: W-What's going on?


That was it... everyone found his body...


Announcement from Monokuma: A body has been discovered! Everyone! Head to the second warehouse immediately!

Chiaki: He's... actually dead?

Dimitri: But he was fine in the morning! Who...

Hajime: I...

I couldn't say anything, the absolute state of my body was horrible, I couldn't speak, I couldn't think... Chrom was officially dead and there was nothing for us to do about it... How was this possible?!

Albedo: Who died?!

Dimitri: Take a look yourself...

Albedo: C-CHROM!??


Eliwood: I thought he would be one of the survivors, not for him to die.

Childe: Chrom's dead?!

Hajime: What... is going on?

Chiaki: The state of his body... It's so brutal it's hard to watch.

Pearl: Whoever decided to kill him this way is absolutely disgusting! This isn't normal!

Chiaki: What... if...

Eliwood: Let's not jump to conclusions everyone... at least not yet.

How are we going to do these class trials now without the help of Chrom? He was someone we used to ask for help. Now we have to really go through all of this with a lot of thought.

Pearl: That's... insane yo.

Monokuma: Greetings everyone! I'm sure you all found Chrom's dead.

Childe: Why did he have to go out this way?

Monokuma: Beats me! I was only able to see the body and not who did it. Oops, I actually did but I can't tell for obvious reasons.

Hajime: This... looks hard to uncover the truth for.

Monokuma: Well perhaps that's the case! Chrom is dead so good luck with that!

Chiaki: Just hand over the Monokuma file.

Monokuma: Roger that! Here you go!

Hajime: Thanks...

Monokuma: Good luck everyone, I'm sure this is going to be fun to watch!

We looked at each other, nobody could bear the thought of Chrom being dead. But this was our reality now, we better get to investigating the best we could. Chrom's investigation might be the hardest yet.


Hajime: The Monokuma File. The victim is Chrom, he appears to be tied up to the wall with a spear in his stomach. Estimated time of death is 11:40 PM. Apparently he was also strangled with the rope but that wasn't what killed him. There are nails in his hands but they were placed after he was killed. Leaving questioning to what exactly murdered him.

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