Trial| Brisk of Life

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Truth Bullets

Monokuma File #2- The time of death is unknown but it's estimated to be early in the morning. The victim is Mario. The cause of death appears to be poison. No additional murder weapons were used. However, the victim did cough up blood.

Sonic's Suspicious Account- Sonic says that during the estimated morning time he was alone with Byleth. He had not seen anyone come into the hospital at the time. It was just him and the patients staying at the hospital.

Bloody Bedsheets- The bedsheets that were on top of Mario were covered with bloodstains. The bedsheets themselves were white so you could see very clearly that the stains on the sheets were bloodstains. However, it is said to believe these bloodstains are from the coughed-up blood.

Cap with Vomit and Blood- There is Mario's cap on the ground of the crime scene. Hajime says that he remembers his cap being on the desk next to Mario when he last saw him alive. The cap also has vomit with blood on the top of it.

Blood Cloths- On top of Mario's body and the bedsheets there were cleaning cloth pieces where you can see were covered in blood. Apparently, the killer used this to clean up the coughed-up blood that was dropped by the victim.

Clean Face- Mario's face was clean with no trace of blood or anything on him. However, his face was very pale, indicating that he was indeed poisoned. However, there doesn't appear to be much trace of where the blood was dropped upon.

Chrom's Autopsy results- The poison that was given to Mario was a lethal poison, kills you if you drink the whole thing, doesn't if you don't drink it all. The blood on the cap also came from his mouth.

Cure to Disease- Inside of one of the three storage closets there was a medicine bottle labeled, "MONOKUMA'S CURE TO THE DESPAIR DISEASE" It said to believe that someone took the bait Monokuma had and got the supposed "cure" but this bottle hasn't been used yet

Strange Items in Storage Closet- Inside the second storage closet there was a hospital rag and a bag. There was no such place for a bag especially to be in the room, which made the place seem stranger than before.

Photo of Murderer and Mario- Sonic showcased a photograph of someone wearing a hospital rag and bag on top of their head trying to poison Mario. Sonic says he spotted this footage after he left the room Byleth was staying in. When he tried to enter Mario's room, it was locked.

Childe's Account- Sonic told everything to Childe about the murderer and Mario. However Sonic stated that the photo was live and that the murderer was in the room Mario was in. The strange part was, the window wasn't shattered when they found his body.

No Live Photo Feed- After searching the features of what the camera had, Hajime came to the conclusion that the photo couldn't be live. Unless it was a live recording of what happened. The photo was just... moving.

Monokuma's Poison- Searching in the medicine cabinet there was a poison bottle that says, "MONOKUMA'S POISON" it appears that this could've been the murder weapon since it has a poisoning label on it.

Chiaki's Summary of Whereabouts- During the estimated morning, the patients were in their rooms, Sonic was in room 2, finally, Zhongli, Hajime, and Childe were asleep. The only person that was awake was Sonic.

Empty Cure Bottle- There was another Monokuma cure to the Despair disease bottle however it was on the desk next to Mario. It appears to be empty and that was the only thing left on the desk.

Black Curtains- The black curtains in Mario's room were the same ones showcased in the photo, meaning that it was taken in the same place. Apparently, this was used to hide the identity of the killer.

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