Epilogue- The Day Before The Future

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It's over... after all this running away, it's over. I'm so glad we can stop running... The game is over. We're okay now...

Chiaki: Albedo...

I looked over and noticed Chiaki was smiling. It appears Dimitri, Pearl and Eliwood were nowhere to be seen.

Albedo: I'm glad I was able to find you. There's been so much happening... I was worried.

Chiaki: Don't worry... we're finally free. More importantly we have a lot of teammates to wake up.

Albedo: That's true.

???: We're here to help!

I looked over and noticed Eula, Yae Miko and Marianne all waving. Alongside them was Shez and Ayato as well.

Albedo: There you are!

Eula: How did the game go?

Chiaki: It was... a horrid experience. I don't want to experience it ever again.

Ayato: What happened?!

Albedo: A killing game, multiple of our teammates are asleep and we need your help. Especially with Hajime and Chrom. I have a feeling they'll need the most help out of all of us.

Shez: Did something happen?

Albedo: Yeah... but I would rather not talk about it now.

Yae Miko: Oh dear... let's go help them then.

We made our way to find the sleeping bodies but I knew... I knew from the very beginning that this would be...

The beginning of a new future... I can't let this get to me. I pray that no more games happen. I don't want others to experience what I experienced

Is there more to this story? Perhaps...

But all I know is that our world is ours to keep. We're going to help and save. We gotta shut down these games somehow...

Albedo: Only five of us actually made it without dying within the game. The rest of the bodies are asleep...

Shez: Interesting... but we have to shut down the game. We can't let that happen anymore.

Albedo: Agreed.

We continued walking when I came passing by Pearl... Dimitri... Eliwood... they had no idea who I was... but I recognized them. They lived through that horrid game.

We were free...


To start our new future...






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