Trial| Melody of Love

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Truth Bullets

Monokuma File #1- The victim is Magolor. The time of death was 9:00 pm. The body was found in Classroom A-1. He appears to be stabbed and strangled. It also appears the victim has blood on his head. No other external injuries were found.

Kirby's Account- Magolor and Kirby were very close friends with one another. Apparently, Magolor was attacked by someone, Kirby assumed it was Chrom and attacked him. Causing a scene in the Dining Hall

Chrom's Account- Chrom was minding his own business not doing anything. When Kirby attacked him, he had no idea why. Apparently, he hadn't seen Magolor all day besides breakfast.

Dining Hall Fight- Chrom and Kirby were the two folks who were fighting. The bystanders are Link and Byleth. However, Kirby was the one who started up the fight. The two bystanders don't understand why it started in the first place. Link says Chrom didn't do anything to Kirby or Magolor

Bloody Weapons- A drawer fell out containing a knife and a rope. It is said to believe, these are the weapons that murdered Magolor.

Weird Colored Blood- There's different colored blood on the top of Magolor. However, when Chrom took test results he seemed to notice that the colored blood isn't from Magolor at all.

Chiaki's Analysis- Based on what the Monokuma file said, Chiaki figured out that nobody was motivated by the music or promotional video playing. The killer was motivated by the motive.

Byleth's Account- Byleth realized that the way Kirby was acting was off-putting. He was pulling Chrom's hair and grabbing him aggressively. He says that this isn't normal behavior for him

Threatening Note- There is a note on the ground in Magolor's room. The note reads "YOU WILL DIE," it is said to believe that the killer wrote this note.

Meeting Note- There was another note found in Magolor's room. This time, the note reads "MEET ME IN CLASSROOM A-1 AT 9:00 PM" The handwriting on this note is the same as the threatening note, it is said to believe the killer sent these notes

Magolor's Letter- There is a letter found in Magolor's room. This letter reads, "Hey Kirby, I want to tell you that I want to kill someone. I'm not sure who or why yet but can you help me?" This is explaining that Magolor wasn't just a blameless victim

Chrom's Autopsy Results- According to Chrom's Autopsy, the stab wounds appear to be deep, deep enough to go straight through his body. The part where he was strangled is around his waist.

Zhongli's Notices about Magolor- Zhongli was roaming the halls during most of the afternoon and this is what he saw about Magolor.

7 PM: Entered the Gift Shop

7:30 PM: Left the Gift Shop

8:00 PM: Went to his Room

9:00 PM: Rushed into Classroom A-1

Agent 4's Notices About Kirby- Alongside Magolor's notices, Agent 4 saw Kirby entered the gift shop with Magolor at the same time. However, he left the gift shop at 7:20 PM, at that time he was running to the dining hall. Agent 4 stopped seeing Kirby after 8:30 PM.

Extra Supplies- Around looking at the scene of the crime. There were extra supplies at the scene. However, a minority of them were cleaning supplies at helped clean the scene.

Lamp on the Ground- There was a lamp found on the ground of the scene, it also appeared to have blood on it. The lamp seemed to feel down from on top of the desk.

Little Blood on Scene- Eliwood noticed that the scene appeared to be clean, there was little sign of blood besides on the body itself.


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