Chapter 2| Brisk of Life| Daily Life

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I woke up suddenly, what time was it?... 1:00 am huh? Yesterday was rough... losing Kirby and Magolor... why?...

Hajime: Should I be up? I should not be up... but I feel so... hopeless? What is this feeling?

I feel homesick, I suddenly felt just... sick. But I collapsed onto my bed, suddenly I heard this... soft melody playing.

Hajime: Huh? A... music box?

It was playing this soothing melody, I heard it before, Moonstruck Blossom. What a nice... melody. I miss them... I decided to listen to it until it finished. I had this melody with me when I need it, I feel grateful. I soon felt sleepy... slowly sleeping as the music played... what a nice feeling...


Announcement from Monokuma: Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am! Rise and shine everyone! Let's make this day great everyone!

Hajime: Why... am I so tired? Never mind, I better head to the dining hall. I'm sure I'll be fine.

I walked my way to the dining hall and I saw Chiaki and Chrom waiting there.

Chiaki: Morning Hajime, how are you feeling?

Hajime: ...

Chrom: I'm more worried about your mental health, you look worse than ever. Chiaki, forget about the food, is... Is Hajime okay?

Hajime: I'm fine, don't worry about me, I'll be better soon, trust me.

Chiaki: Did you get sleep? It looks like you didn't.

Hajime: I did but... I woke up and fell back asleep.

Chrom: Then go back to bed, you don't look very well rested.

Hajime: No, I'm fine...

Childe: Hey all!

Sonic: Hajime?

Hajime: Huh?

Agent 4: Are you okay?

Hajime: Yeah, why?

Chiaki: Like we have been saying, you look tired.

I stared at everyone, they were staring at me. Do... Do I look that bad? Come to think of it, I didn't pay attention to my looks this morning...

Link: You should get rest, you look all punched up.

Hajime: Um, who's going to cook?

Byleth: I will, I need to try to do something, I haven't helped much.

Hajime: Um... okay then.

Chiaki: Get some good rest okay? I don't want you up until you're fully awake.

That was harsh but I guess she's right. I went back to my room waving goodbye to everyone.

When it became 1 pm. That's when I woke up again. I tried to meet with the other team members. When I tried to, I realized that the second island was open. That's right, we were going to stay there until 2 weeks or the next death. That's... nice to know. I walked across the bridge, from there I spotted a bunch of things. A library, bakery, drugstore, Music Venue, and a hospital. This reminded me a lot about the island... I first went to the bakery and from there... I saw...

 I saw

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