Chapter 3| The Lunar Stars| Daily Life

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I remember slowly stepping into my school dorm room, once again I was stuck in this feeling of regret, why can't I save the people I want to save? I felt tired, extremely tired knowing I failed to save the people I wanted to save. But... I started hearing something...

Hajime: Is there another music box?

I searched around the room but there was. Marble Zone was playing... Near my closet, I could hear the music slowly playing. My sorrow felt... warm again. Thanks to this music box I could finally be at peace. I mean sure he did murder Mario but... at least with these two music boxes I'm at home at least. Perhaps they're not dead and just waiting for me at home. Back home in Dawn...


Announcement from Monokuma: Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am! Rise and shine everyone! Let's make this day great everyone!

I didn't feel well-rested but I had to go to the dining hall. Let me make sure I check my look this time before people are worried about how I look.

Hajime: Great, of course, I was going to look sleep-deprived.

I started splashing water on my face to wake myself all the way. After some time I did finally look better and I made my way to the dining hall.

Byleth: Good morning Hajime!

Hajime: Ah, good morning, it's good to see you all here and chillaxing.

Byleth: Was it me or did I struggle with sleeping? I had a rough time.

Hajime: No... I had the same situation, I found myself waking up all of a sudden.

Chrom: HAHA! Good morning everyone!

Byleth: Morning Chrom!

Hajime: Ah, good morning to you Chrom.

Chrom: What's with the deal with you two?

Byleth: I couldn't sleep that well...

Chrom: You need to learn to not give up on things! You can't be going around thinking is going to be good. We're stuck here until we are able to do something! So, lighten up!

Hajime: I guess you're right, yeah we've dealt with 4 deaths already. We're going to be fine.

Chrom: Hah, you little idiot don't know what it is like to deal with shit! I've dealt with a lot more than this to be fair.

Byleth: You do have a point but we just lost 3 team members! That's different from losing 3 random members of your team you don't even know!

Chrom: True but learn to grow up.

Zhongli: What's going on?

Chrom: Nothing much, just Hajime and Byleth refusing to lighten up. You can never be successful at this rate.

Byleth: Speaking of success, where is everyone else?

Hajime: I don't know for sure...

Zhongli: Let's go searching for everyone and see if there's something happening.

The four of us went searching around the area to search where everyone was. Turns out only some didn't get the idea that we had to switch rooms.

Chiaki: We're sorry we are late... we didn't realize that last night we had to switch rooms.

Zhongli: Understandable, there wasn't much information on where exactly we were staying.

Chrom: Whatever, we're starving...

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