Chapter 1| Melody of Love| Daily Life

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We looked down towards our E-handbooks. Everyone finally stopped being concerned.

Hajime: Well... let's check out the school regulations.

Rule #1: Students may reside only within the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.

Rule #2: "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.

Rule #3: Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly.

Rule #4: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore the school island at your discretion.

Rule #5: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is the destruction of surveillance cameras.

Rule #6: Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.

Rule #7: You will all have rooms for the island setting and the school setting. You will all switch settings every two weeks or whenever a student dies.

Rule #8: Additional school regulations may be added if necessary.

Kirby: I can't believe this is happening...

Hajime: Neither can I but whoever is the mastermind behind this. I WILL FIND THEM!

Chiaki: We need to stop this killing game before anything happens.

Byleth: May I ask a question about rule 6?

Monokuma: Why of course! Go right ahead!

Byleth: What does it mean by "Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered."

Monokuma: I'm so glad you asked! When a student kills another student they will be considered blackened. That means nobody but the killer will know who did it! So to graduate you need to get away with the murder! That means nobody will find out you did it!

Link: That sounds... like a lot.

Monokuma: I know! That's the point!

Dimitri: ...

Chrom: Back to what Chiaki just said. The regulations all seem fine, but... heh, stop the game? You must be kidding.

Hajime: Nobody is joking around here! Nobody is kidding! What do you mean by that!

Chrom: I would love to see how this "killing game" will go, I'm sure it will be very enjoyable.

Hajime: Wait, I'm sorry, what?

Chrom: You heard me loud and clear.

Dimitri: I like the way you talk prince Exalt.

Chrom: Same to you,

The two of them smirked at one another. I got this really weird feeling in my stomach... I couldn't see those two but nothing but trouble. But Chrom was my friend... he's acting weird.

Chiaki: We have rooms, correct?

Hajime: We should, where would we even sleep?

Monokuma: That's right! You all have rooms! Remember what the rules say!

Hajime: We have rooms in the island setting and the school setting. We will need to switch every two weeks or after a death.

Monokuma: Correct! Now then let me show you all your rooms!

Kirby: I wonder how this is going to go...

Hajime: We are going to find our rooms, nothing too crazy.

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