Trial| One With a Shining Star

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Truth Bullets

Monokuma File #5- The victim is Chrom, he appears to be tied up to the wall with a spear in his stomach. Estimated time of death is 11:40 PM. Apparently he was also strangled with the rope but that wasn't what killed him. There are nails in his hands but they were placed after he was killed. Leaving questioning to what exactly murdered him.

Spilled Oil- There was spilled oil at the crime scene. It is led to believe that perhaps while Chrom was running away from the killer. He spilled the oil on the ground. It is also speculated that the killer used the oil to do something to Chrom.

Pearl's Hallucation- Pearl says that she saw Chrom alive early in the morning. However this was later proved to be Pearl hallucinating due the fact she couldn't sleep. Perhaps what she saw could've been someone else...

Albedo's Blood Test- Albedo found out that Chrom didn't end up dying until 1 AM. His blood was found following at 12 AM and up to 1 AM is when his blood stopped flowing. With this in mind, perhaps the killer came back and finished the job with something else. Or Chrom didn't have any more strength to keep him alive.

Chiaki's Account- Someone was going around knocking on people's doors and Chiaki ended up opening her door to nothing. She searched the place around for a bit before heading back to her room. Before she entered however, there was a strange crash near the stairs.

Messy Warehouse- The warehouse was completely messy and it appeared like someone had a fight in here. Which might've been Chrom vs the killer. Whatever what ended up happening, in the process ended up creating a huge mess with no real given reason.

Chrom's Body State- Chrom was found dead similar to one of deaths in the killing game Hajime participated in before this one. Apparently these deaths are completely similar to each other; it's hard to tell what the real reason behind Chrom's death is.

Possible Suicide- Based on Chrom's body there isn't much details about how someone could've killed him. Perhaps Chrom staged it to look like someone did but in reality he committed suicide in a gruesome way.

Bottle of Poison- The bottle of poison could have some correlation with Chrom's death. Hence explaining how he was still found alive even after everything that happened to his body. Perhaps the killer came in and used the poison on Chrom.

Video Recording- Chrom and Albedo were found discussing the mastermind in this video recording. There appears to be extra evidence about who is the mastermind but there's nothing else to really note than how Chrom recorded the video beforehand.

Laptop With Code- Apparently there was a laptop found with a code underneath the laptop. Strangely enough this ended up opening up the laptop to more important details. The laptop's code was 51351291.

Emelia Code Relationship- The numbers 51351291 have a huge part in who Chrom's wife is. In this case her name is Emelia. These numbers must've been special to Chrom in order for him to set up a code on the laptop, as such using the numbers of his beloved.

Chrom's Video Message- Chrom before dying left a video message behind containing information about the mastermind and the traitor. Apparently this was planned before his death which is strange, but it contained some valuable information.

Chrom's Accurate Prediction- Chrom accurately predicted how he was going to die. He predicted that he would leave the camera behind containing some evidence, he predicted he was going to die. So he ended up leaving a recording just before his death. Making it more likely he comitted suicide.

Boxes On The Ground- While trying to search around Hajime found boxes on the ground which aligns with what Chiaki said earlier about something falling down the stairs. While the boxes don't have anything important in them. It's still worthy to note.

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