Fine Line | Ellie Williams

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warnings: angst, enemies to lovers, slow burn, reader thinks she’s straight and has a boyfriend, cheating

Ellie Williams x Fem! reader

A/N: this will be an enemies to lovers fic! also as stated in the warnings already, reader has a boyfriend and thinks she is straight, don’t worry Ellie will fix that and make her realize a few things about and one more thing, You can find the original story on tumblr @/andvys

You were just coming back from a long exhausting and unsuccessful trip, you were assigned to look for guns, ammo and medication but you weren't able to find anything. All the hospitals and police stations where picked clean already.

Jackson wasn't in the best state lately, you’ve almost been overrun by a herd a few weeks ago, you had to use up all the ammo that you had and it was a lot, now you had barely anything left and the infirmary didn't look good either, everyone was on edge, some people died and some ended up badly injured when a part of the herd managed to get through one of the fences , one guy got his arm amputated because a runner managed to bite him. It was crazy, nothing like that ever happened in Jackson before.

You were out there looking for supplies all day, you were beginning to grow frustrated, Jackson had almost no ammo left, if the Hunters attacked, you wouldn't know if Jackson was strong enough to fight without the guns.

You were about to go home when you were stopped by Tommy.

“hey kid, did everythin’ go okay out there?” he asked.

“yeah but I found nothing except for some single bullets.” you sighed, looking down.

“it’s okay, all that matters is that you’re back.” he said, putting a hand on your shoulder.

“yeah, I won’t stop looking until I find something.” you promised him, making him smile at you.

“yeah I know y/n. Maria actually wanted to talk to you about something.” he told you.

“oh? now?” you asked.

“yeah better go talk to her now, I think she’s talking to Ellie right now.” he said. “I gotta go now though.” he said, smiling at you before he left.

Nodding your head, you watched him leave, furrowing your brows, you wondered what Maria wanted to talk to you about.

“okay then.” you sighed, as you started walking towards the bar, where you'd most likely find Maria. Her office was in the back so you knew she’d be there.

|Time Skip<3|

You didn’t know what she could want from you but you were curious as you walked into the bar. You saw her sitting on a barstool talking to Ellie, who looked pissed off for whatever reason.

The sight of her here made you roll your eyes, this reminded you of the last time both you and Ellie were called to talk to Maria when you were getting some scolding from the woman because of how careless both you and Ellie were on the group patrol and that was two years ago.

Walking over to them, you greeted Maria but avoided looking at Ellie.

“hello y/n, how was trip?” she asked, smiling at you. “find anything?”

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