Jealous | Ellie Williams

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Summary: You got upset after seeing Dina kiss Ellie at  the town’s monthly dance event. You thought you were getting to that point with Ellie, but it seemed that Dina beat you to it by a mile, or so you thought.

“Hey, Jesse.” I gave him a sad smile and he returned it. “How are you holding up, big brother?”

He shook his head and nodded toward the building where the dance was being hosted.

“I’m not really holding up too well. Our best friend was kissing Dina and I’m not sure how I feel about that. Ellie had just told me she’d give me and Dina about a week to get back together and then they end up kissing each other? The girl you like kissing the girl that I love? This whole thing is backwards.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, seemingly trying to keep his cool together.

I hugged him, not wanting him to start crying. He wrapped his arms around me and took a deep breath as I spoke. “Everything’ll be okay.

There may not be a lot of people left in this world, but I’m sure there are other fish in the pond.” At the sound of fish, my stomach grumbled.

Jesse started laughing and punched my shoulder. “You sound exactly like mom, Y/n. You up for some fishing in our backyard?”

I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Yeah, fish sounds good tonight.”

As we walked to our house, we joked around and messed around, causing some people to yell at us through their windows, but we ignored them.

We were both hurting and the only way we knew how to deal with the pain was by joking around with each other. It was nice.

When we got to the house, we grabbed our fishing poles and supplies before heading out to the pond. As we threw the lines into the water and waited, we talked about our patrol that we were going on in the morning.

I frowned as he warned me about the awkwardness that was going to happen.

“The only ones that are gonna be awkward about it is us. Dina’s pissed at you and Ellie’s gonna act normal with me. Just be cool and act like you didn’t see anything, beause that’s exactly how they’re gonna act.”

Jesse sighed and ran a hand through his hair, something he’d been doing a lot since he and Dina broke up. “I’ll try. You know I’ll support their relationship, right? It just hurt because Dina and I literally broke up a week ago and Ellie knew that I still had feelings for Dina, but she ended up kissing her anyway.”

I nodded, listening and not saying a word. It hurt me, too.

I thought Ellie and I were getting to a point where we could be together, possibly, but I guess we didn’t go as far as I’d thought.

Jesse continued, “I hope I’ll meet someone else on our journey tomorrow.”

Just as he finished, both our lines started to jingle. I woo-hooed and immediately reeled mine in. I carefully took the fish off the hook and put it in my bucket, before heading inside, not waiting for Jesse.

What? I was hungrier than a motherfucker.

After Jesse came in and cooked our food, we headed to bed and slept until we had to leave in the morning.

I woke up to someone shaking me awake.

“Y/n! Wake up, we have to leave in half an hour.” Ellie?

I wiped at my eyes and squinted at her, confused as to why she was in my room. She frowned and was going to say something, but then I heard Jesse let out a surprised yelp.

“What are y'all doing here?”

I grumbled, clearly not in the mood to talk. Or move.

I heard Ellie sigh as I closed my eyes again. Then I felt a hand being placed on my cheek and then lips being pressed to mine. My eyes shot open, but closed as I quickly kissed her back. Our lips seemed to mold together as our lips moved in perfect sinc. Was this a dream?

Ellie pulled back since we needed to breathe. My eyes were wide as she stared at me with a smirk. “Get up, there’s food downstairs and we all have some things we need to discuss, Y/n.”

I was speechless, so I nodded and finally got up. I felt like I was floating on air as I walked to my closet.

“Okay. I’ll, uh, be out in a sec.” I forced out. Ellie chuckled and walked out, closing my door behind her.

Motherfuck! What in the hell just happened?!

I took a deep breath and shook my nerves out before changing into black jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a tan jacket, and a pair of work boots.

I hurried down the steps and ran into the kitchen to see what kind of food there was. I rushed past the dining table, where everybody was seated, and immediately grabbed the last two pieces of corn bread and stuffed them in my mouth as I sat down next to Dina to avoid talking.

Ellie snorted at me, realizing why I crammed them in my mouth. Then she glanced at Dina and Jesse, who sat beside her. “Alright, Dina and I would like to explain ourselves for what happened at the dance last night.”

Dina nodded. “I’m the one who initiated the kiss. I was a little drunk and it was in the heat of the moment.
Ellie’s my best friend, our best friend, and I want to keep it that way. Also…the kiss was supposed to make you jealous, Jesse.” She looked ashamed of it, but I was glad that she admitted it instead of keeping it from him.

I swallowed the corn bread with a little bit of trouble and said, “Sooo…does that mean you and Jesse-boy here are possibly getting back together?”

She looked at Jesse and Jesse looked at her. They seemed to have a silent conversation because they both got up and hugged each other, going into another room to talk privately.

I cleared my throat and looked at Ellie, who was already staring at me. When she saw that I caught her staring, she quickly looked away and blushed.

I laughed a little bit. “You okay there, ranger?”

She smiled as she looked up at me again. “Yeah, I’m good, Bub. Are we…good?”

“Yeah, we’re good. More than good, I hope. Would you like to be my girlfriend?” I asked, thinking back to our kiss just a few minutes ago.

She looked shocked at my bluntness for a second before recovering. “Yes, of course I would!”

I cheered and jumped over the table to her side, kissed her, and then I ran out of the house.

Romantic, right?

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