Fine Line part12|Ellie Williams

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warnings: fluff, a little bit of smut, alcohol consumption 

You can find the original story on tumblr @/andvys

You kept stealing glances at Ellie on your way back home, she seemed a little sad ever since you woke up this morning.

She looked like she was in her own little world, her gaze was unfocused and she seemed distant. 

You knew she was worried about going back home, you felt the same way. You were scared that this thing between you would end up being a short lived thing, you didn’t wanted it to be but you couldn’t help but still worry about it and you knew she felt the same way. 

You found out that she had a crush on you, so you were aware that she had harbored romantic feelings for you. It wasn’t just sex, she wanted more than that. 

And you did too. 

You began to understand what made you think that you hated her. You were attracted to her but she is a girl, you were around people that made you think that it wasn’t okay, dating someone of the same sex, so when you felt a certain emotion for her for the first time you immediately pushed them away and started being hateful and mean towards her, in order to push these “unnatural “ feelings away but you realized the more you did, the stronger they became, you didn’t notice until woke up with her for the first time. 

But you decided to take it slow and keep it low key once you’d get back to Jackson, as low key as you could at least. 

You didn’t know if keeping it low key would work since you agreed to staying with Ellie. At least till you’d find a new place to stay at. You didn’t even know if there were any free houses right now. 

You were a little nervous about your friends reaction. They would know that something changed between you and Ellie, especially with you staying at Ellie’s place. 

Just over a month ago, you left Jackson, thinking you hated each other and now you would come back with completely different feelings. 

You looked over at her, noting the frown on her face, you wished you could make her feel better but you knew you couldn’t take the worry off her.

You walked closer to her and grabbed her hand, intertwining your fingers with hers. She looked up from the ground, glancing at you, she gave you a small smile as she squeezed your hand. 

You were close to Jackson now, just a few more minutes and you’d be home. 

The gates came into view as you arrived back home. A dreading feeling set in your stomach when you remembered that Ethan might be on guard duty. 

Ellie squeezed your hand one more time before she let go of it. 

She had no problem with walking inside Jackson hand in hand with you but she knew you needed some time and she was willing to give it to you. 

The gates opened, a few workers came into view along with Tommy and Joel who seemed to be on their way out for patrol. 

Their eyes lit up at the side of you and Ellie, Joel got off his horse and immediately made his way towards Ellie, relief was written all over his face, he seemed to have dark circles under his eyes, indicating that he didn’t get much sleep while she was gone. He worried about her. 

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