Tired of waiting part2|Ellie Williams

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Warnings: swearing

This story originally posted on tumblr by @/booppooo

Ellie swung onto her horse bitterly.

She briefly spotted the scowl on Y/n's face as she mounted her steed, and the frustration behind the flick of her reigns. The packing of snow beneath the horses hooves replaced light-hearted banter.

Snow fell in large families making the temperature nip their red, raw cheeks. Ellie squinted to see the horse quickly trotting in front of her, heavily blurred by merciless snowfall.

Another lookout was stationed in a library Dina and Ellie had discovered; Maria welcomed the idea by making it a permanent post. A particular couple awaited to be relieved from the sea of books, luckily spotting no infected.

hat week, Dina and Jesse had claimed to go their separate ways - most were convinced their time apart wouldn't last.

Until then, Dina was unapologetically flirtatious with Ellie, especially when Jesse's eyes were prying. The night before transitioned the flirting to a 'situationship,' leaving the bronze woman excited and the pale woman distraught. Kissing before the town at a dance made a bold statement. Though Y/n wasn't there to witness it - nor Jesse - they both shared feelings of jealousy and resentment. Neither would admit their thoughts, basing logistics off of technicalities: Jesse and Dina weren't together, nor Y/n and Ellie. No need for resent. Still, it hurt.

While trading off, Dina hugged Ellie and brushed her lips against her neck. Ellie returned the embrace lacking fervor and turned crimson. Her unwavering stare at Y/n only served as a catalyst for her racing heart, once fond eyes became dark. Dina's smaller hands traced Ellie's lean arms before lacing their fingers and redirecting her focus. Her gaze of fearful green shifted, but Dina ceased her indecision with her guiding palm on Ellie's cheek. By tucking an auburn strand away, Dina solidified her intimacy with tacit pride. She whispered something to Ellie's sultry lips but no avail, for Ellie's mind had clouded and her body buzzed.

"Y-yeah, okay," Ellie mumbled thoughtlessly. A set of eyes were melting her skin and made her muscles tremble. Jesse's voice boomed Dina's name from the entrance where he sat proudly on his horse, his expression mirroring Y/n's.

Freckles caressed with a kiss signaled Dina's farewell and she swayed her hips hoping to earn a last glance.

However, Ellie was imprisoned in a storm of emotions reducing her to unsteady hands and tingling skin. She didn't dare peel her eyes from her beaten, brown boots.

The cold puffs streaming from her lips came in quivering spirts weaved with piquancy.

A slammed door followed by several stories tumbling from their shelves ripped Ellie from her fog.

The pure excitement whirring was squashed with dread. She released the simmering irritation with a sigh and inferred Y/n's desire for solitude by wandering. "Fuckin' Dina," she mumbled, unsure if she cursed or praised her name.

Unbeknownst to patrollers, a cellar some stairs away offered a haven to copious amounts of marijuana and adult films - a man's paradise. Although Ellie wasn't male, she greatly appreciated the tranquil atmosphere...along with the joint between her lips. The burn didn't have her brows furrowing and a stale taste tickled her taste buds, but even if it lapsed the principle of smoking humbled the furious blizzard outside and upstairs.

Dong of the Wolf. Smash Brandy's Cooch. Binging porn without selfish intentions seemed ethical. Ellie melted into the dusty couch and awkwardly chuckled at the men and women. She scribbled in her journal about seeking calm in chaos and it's guilty undertones.

Should I go talk to Y/n? I don't want to argue about Dina, she's just trying to make Jesse jealous. Maybe I do like her? Fuck, I hate this. Ellie thought.

A phony orgasm cued calloused fingers to power off the VHS. Honey hair lolled against the stiff couch arm and her body stretched its length, eyes heavy. Too exhausted to fight her dwindling sight, she let the rest of her aching muscles ease and sink into the cushions.

"Are you fucking serious?" Y/n had uncovered the cellar and Ellie's smoked joint - "We're here to keep an eye out for infected and you're smoking bunk weed and watching porn? Not to mention straight porn."

A peeved groan chorused Y/n's insistent nagging. Countless times the unique youth would fantasize patrolling with Y/n: what they'd quip about, the endless lingering touches, a hopeful kiss. Perhaps she dreamed too hard.

"Are you even listening to me? Get up!" Fussed Y/n.

The furniture jolted from Y/n's tempered bunt and Ellie fell to the dusty floor with a livid grunt. Spitting insults, she stood and faced Y/n:

"The fuck is wrong with you?!"

Albeit being friends for years, there wasn't a situation demanding directness.

The barking had Ellie's chest tight and vision delayed, moreover the proximity delivered no solace. In her ears her heart hammered, sending the blood to her speckled cheeks and nose.

Belligerence thawed from Y/n's brows and jaw leaving uncertainty to flush her expression. Contrast to Ellie's ruby skin, her's had gone ghostly; and while Ellie couldn't wrangle her throbbing heart, Y/n's stopped.

The world had faded only sparing the panting girl and the few inches between them. Air was trapped in Y/n's closing throat which froze with the muscles battling to sustain composure.

A sheer miracle had Ellie grumbling, "Let's just fuckin' get this done." Her hands shook with vigor as she grabbed her bag, fleeing past Y/n.

Another second and her world would've been swallowed by flames.
Y/n saw smoke.

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