Softer, Softest | Ellie Williams

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Warnings: none, just a little imagine <3

Ellie x fem!reader

A/n: Ofc no apocalypse just normal life but with patrol ellie look and i might make this into a series of the reader and ellie’s entire relationship from this point on :))

Info: Ellie had been sort of busy and distant these last few days, when she suddenly asks the reader out on date, she reveals what’s been keeping her away.

You plopped down on the couch to sit near Ellie who had been very up close to her phone. Almost like she was texting someone. You thought plopping down on the couch would probably help make her pay attention to you -but no it didn’t.

“Ellie.” No response. You leaned over to get a quick glance at her phone before she immediately drops it making it fall on her lap faced down.

You rolled your eyes and went back over to your side of the couch. Ellie had noticed you were hurt but she only stared at you while grabbing her controller to play some games. When she didn’t even want to ask what was wrong made you so feel so terrible inside.

“I’m going to bed.” You said basically storming out of the living room. All you heard was the tv going and Ellie hushing you as she put on those gaming headphones.

When you arrived to the room you both shared, you closed the door loudly hoping she’d hear and come talk to you, but Ellie was stubborn and kind of annoying sometimes so that wasn’t going to happen.

You stare at the empty and quietness of the room before eventually aggressively taking off your shoes , throwing them to the side and wrapping yourself up like a burrito in the blanket. With no warning, tears just come out uncontrollably.

Fortunately, time passed and those tears helped you fall asleep quite fast. Ellie comes in the room, trying to not make any loud noises. She comes behind you touching your shoulder and leaning down to kiss your cheek.

“Don’t touch me.” You say harshly while still being asleep, pulling away from her touch. Ellie laughs silently to herself before slipping in bed with you. Now facing you, she watches you sleep before you get the sense that she is, making you turn away from her.

|Time skip|

It was morning, the room was cold and Ellie hadn’t been beside you. Another day with this mess.

It had been going on for weeks now. Ellie not being beside you when you had woken up, she’d never finish a full on conversation with you, she didn’t want to spend time with you at all. It felt like she was slipping through your fingers and you were letting her.

You walk outside the room to see Ellie in the kitchen just biting into a slice of bread. You sat on a barstool with the kitchen island being the only thing between you two. The moment felt awkward and intense.

“Good morning.” She said with her mouth full.

“Be quiet.”

“That was rude. You want some bread?”

“Why are you being like this?” you asked completely shoving everything else to the side.

She took a deep breath causing you to worry.

“Like what?”

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