~{Chapter 2}~

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~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

I opened the door to a family of 6. There was two girls, two boys and their parents. The girl and the boy who were yelling at each other looked like they were twins. The little girl was fixing her bow...Her and my sister have the same thing in common, bows! They will be fast friends... The little boy was standing nice and calm and their mother and father were both yelling at the twin brother and sister who were fighting back and forth. I kept staring at the cute boy with short brown hair, with the green eyes. I guess him and his sister were the same age as me and my brother. I just couldn't stop staring at him. He's so cute! Wait! What are you thinking Emma? You never met this kid and you already think he's cute?

The woman standing in front of me took me out of my day dreaming. "Hey sweetie, you must be Emma, nice to meet you! I am Barb Thunderman." She motioned to herself with a smile. "This is my husband Hank Thunderman and these are my kids, Phoebe and Max( the two kids who were fighting) Nora( girl fixing her bow) and Billy (the calm one)." The two little kids and the twin girl with the long brown hair waved to me but the other twin didn't. He just stared at me which I felt kinda weirded out. I motioned for them to come inside. They stepped in one by one.

Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman went into the kitchen to talk to my parents while their children stayed in the living room. I grabbed my headphones and sat back down on the couch.

"Emma will you come in the kitchen please." My mom asked. I walked to the kitchen with my phone in my hand.

"Yes mom!" I said with a smile.

"Will you introduce yourself to Max, Phoebe, Billy and Nora and please tell Cody and Katie to introduce themselves as well and show them around the house for a little bit until dinner is ready." My mom requested and I followed her directions. I walked back to the living room and Cody and Katie already beat me to it. I walked over to them and introduced myself.

Phoebe seemed pretty nice, as well as Nora and Billy. I think Billy has a crush on me. The boy known as Max still wouldn't say hi to me or anything. Weird, I think? Well, Cody took Phoebe and Max downstairs. Me and Katie took Billy and Nora to our rooms.

"Oh My Gosh! I love your room and oh my gosh! I love your bows! They are sooooooo cute! I didn't know you like bows too Katie, that is awesome! I love bows too!" Nora said excitedly.

"That is so cool! Bows are my life! We can be Bow Buddy's for life!" Nora and Katie started jumping up and down excitedly. "Hey Nora, my sister Emma can do your hair and we can give you a cute bow. My sister always does my hair and she is actually really good than my brother Cody." I looked at Katie and Nora. They both took my hands and asked if I could do both of their hair. I shook my head and agreed... Nora and Billy were really nice and cool.

I turned Nora and Emma's hair into braids and fixed they're bows in they're hair and they simply loved it which made me really happy. Emma and Nora gave me each a hug. I looked at Billy. He seemed pretty amused with my room. He liked all my pictures and drawings but he mostly liked my skateboard.

"You like to skateboard!" Billy asked. He is so cute. I think he likes me which is weird because I am sixteen and he is ten. It will never work out. Sorry Billy!

"Yeah, I love to skateboard!" I smiled.

"I always wanted to learn how to shred on a board but my brother never teaches me." He frowned.

"Maybe after dinner, I can teach you how to skateboard if you like." Billy seemed really excited. He jumped up and down and gave me a hug.

~{Max's .P.O.V. ~before going to dinner}~

"Phoebe give me back the remote control!"

"Never Max!" We fought back using our powers.

"Phoebe and Max Thunderman, what did I tell you about fighting? Get ready because we are going to have dinner with our new neighbors." I rolled my eyes. I don't want to go to dinner with this new family! I've never even met them before and these are non - supes! I am a supervillian, well technically I'm not a supervillian just yet, I'm still a superhero but I want to be on the dark side with my best friend/bunny Dr. Colosso who was a human before but my dad changed him into a bunny. He is always my best friend. Supervillians before gals!

We walked up to our so called "neighbors house." Me and Phoebe were fighting as usual and mom and dad were yelling. The door opened and out came this beautiful girl I have never seen before in my entire life.

She had gorgeous red hair that shined like the brightest red rose. She had ocean blue eyes and pink soft lips that I wanted to kiss so badly. She looked like the same age as me and Phoebe. She was completely gorgeous. I wanted to meet this girl but something inside me wanted to keep it cool so I just stared at her and I bet she found it really creepy.

We stepped inside her house. She introduced herself along with her brother Cody and her little sister Katie. The ravishing girl's name was Emma. Oh, how it treated her so well.
Her and Cody looked pretty similar to each other, they must be twins like me and Phoebe.

Me and Phoebe followed Cody downstairs. I watched as the beautiful girl left. Me and Phoebe played the wii with Cody... Cody was a pretty cool guy.

~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

"Kids, Dinner's ready!"

Billy, Katie and Nora ran downstairs before I could. I finally made it to the last step and face to face, I met Max. "The cute kid."

"Hi!" I smiled.

"Hey babe!" He smirked. I frowned.

"My name is not babe, it is Emma, thank you very much Max!" He continued to give me a smirk but then he opened his big fat mouth.

"Being feisty are we, I like that coming from a girl like you." I rolled my eyes and walked away. Man, and just when I was starting to like this guy and now he just ruined it.

Everybody sat at the table. I sat between Katie and Nora and of cross, Max had to sit across from me giving me that same stupid smirk. I took my fork and started eating my spaghetti ignoring the "not" cute guy across from me.

After dinner, the Thundermans had to leave but was a relief for me since Max had to leave but I was sad that Phoebe had to leave because me and her were just starting to become friends and she told me that she couldn't wait to show me around her school tomorrow which I was so excited to hear... Phoebe was my friend now!... Barb, Hank, Phoebe, Nora, and Billy waved goodbye and hoped to do this again which I actually didn't want to do this again because of Max. If Max left then it would be fine, I thought to myself.

"Bye sweetheart, I can't wait to see you tomorrow." Max gave me a wink and I just rolled my eyes.

"In your dreams Max!" He left and I shut the door behind him... I really dislike that guy.

I walked up to my bedroom. I put on my pajamas, cleaned my makeup off, walked to my bed and fell asleep.

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