~{Chapter 8}~

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~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

"Leave me alone Connor! I won't go out with you!" I was walking to gym when Conner grabs me from behind and pushes me up against the lockers. My back and head slam against the cold metal.

"Please Emma, would you please go out with me?" He pleaded but I shook my head no. I did not want to date, I was too upset as there was already.

"Please let go of me, Connor. I don't want to be late for gym." It was quiet.

"No!" His grip squeezed tighter on my wrists. I let out a yell but unfortunately no one seemed to hear me so I let out another until I felt two pairs of lips crash on to mine. I tried hard not to kiss back. He deepened the kiss, he bit my lip to gain entrance into my mouth with his tongue but I didn't. When he gasped for breath, I took in a deep breath myself and screamed. Connor didn't seem too happy so he took charge and slapped me across the face. What! He can't do that! No guy like that should ever slap a girl not even once. I wish a superhero would come to my rescue right about now...oh wait! I'm a superhero but I can't use my powers or someone will catch me and me and my family would have to move away again...I really wish a superhero would fly to my rescue and save me right about this minute.

~{Max's .P.O.V.}~

"Bye Phoebe, I will see you at lunch." I grabbed my backpack and waved goodbye to my sister.

"Keep your head up Max, I know you can win Emma back. Don't give up!" Phoebe's motivation pushed me on.

"Thanks Phoebe!" We both waved goodbye and walked to our next class.

Why can't she see that I love and care for her. She is the most perfect girl that ever walked into my life. I don't care what my parents say. I can date a non - sup however I like but no girl wants to date me before she came. When I first saw her when we arrived at her house for dinner, I was silent. I could barely talk but give a smirk. She saw past that. To me, she is the most beautiful, kind, smart and caring girl from any other girls. She is my one and only dark queen. Like Phoebe said, "I will not stop giving up until she is mine and only mine."

{screaming came from behind the corner}

I turn my head and see Emma pressed up against the lockers helpless by Connor. All I can hear coming out from his lips are "Will you go on a date with me or Will you be my girlfriend?" I didn't like it one bit and neither did she. The red hand print was a permanent mark left on her cheek from one of Connor's slaps. Connor lunges in and forcefully kisses Emma as she struggling trying to push him away. I bet she is hoping for a superhero to come and rescue her but I'm not a superhero...I'm a villain and villains aren't supposed to help but, this villain is.

I run up to Connor and punch him square in the face. Connor stumbles to the ground but makes a quick retreat. I look at my poor Emma. She jumps in my arms and embraces me.

"I'm going to take you to the nurse okay." She nods her head as I walk her to the nurse to get a cold ice pack for her bruised cheek.


~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

"I'm going to get you out Max Thunderman."

"Not as long as I get you out first Emma Walters." In gym, we played a long hard game of dodgeball. Only me and Max are the only ones left standing in the game. I throw the ball at him and it misses. He throws his and I quickly dodge it. The game was intense between me and him. That stupid smirk on his face really wants me to throw the dodgeball square in his face to wipe the stupid smirk but on the other hand it's really turning me on.

"Wait up Emma!" I hear the awkward sound of Angus's voice.

"Mr. Anderson I am sorry I was late but can I help my friend Emma." Angus asks Mr. Anderson. Awe he is so sweet.

"Sure Angus but Thunderman needs a partner as well. Who wants to be Mr. Thunderman's partner?" Mr. Anderson ask his class. Nobody raises their hands expect for Sarah who is like jumping off the bleachers with anticipation. If I wasn't the one versing Max, I would go help him.

"Thank You Sarah! Go on the court and help Max." Mr. Anderson demands Sarah. She jumps off the bleachers and runs into Max's arms. That girl really boils my blood...She Is Going Down.

After gym was over, I changed out of my gym clothes and back to my regular old style clothes that consisted with a short black skirt, white leggings, black high heel boots and a white T-shirt.

Angus walks me to my class while he carries my books keeping me company. Angus was actually the first friend I ever made while I was here. He's so sweet and kind. He sneezes are funny but when he uses his hands to wipe his snout away that's when I stop there. I always pull out my handy dandy hand sanitizer to disinfect his mess and everything is better.

"Thank You for carrying my books Angus." I say with a smile. I lean up and plant a sweet kiss on his cheek.

"Um Emma."

"Yeah Angus?" I watch as his hand reaches the back of his neck to scratch as he bites his lip.

"I was wondering if you would like to hangout at the park with me tomorrow since we don't have school tomorrow." He asked as he bit his lip. It took me a while to think but I said yes. A big smile planted across his face as he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I just let out a giggle and walked to my next class which was Biology.

~{Max's .P.O.V.}~

I peak over the corner and see Angus hug my girl and lastly, give her a simple kiss on the cheek. Angus always boils my blood whenever he is around Emma. What am I feeling inside? Is this jealousy I feel?...yes! I turn around and see just the girl I wanted to see. "Sarah!" She turns her head quickly to lock on to my eyes.

"Hi Maxy Poo!" She smiles. It makes me want to puke inside just thinking about me and Sarah together...NO!

"Hi Sarah!" I try to swallow the puke that was forming in my throat down. "Do you want me to help you carry those heavy books?" I didn't want to do this but jealousy was over taking me. It's a good thing my powers aren't going crazy right about this minute.

"Thanks so kind of you Maxy!" She lets out a big grin and hands me her books as I help her carry them. I easily feel her hand snake through to wrap around my arm.

~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

I hate taking notes in Mr. Wilson's class. I thought I would get used to taking notes everyday but now I just hatefully despise it. Biology class was finally over which seemed like forever, Angus walked me out of class and all of sudden, I see Max hug Sarah and give her a kiss. I didn't even notice that Angus was trying to get my attention as I blankly stare at Max and Sarah, touching each other like they are some sort of couple now. This upsets me so bad that I run out of the school with tears in my eyes straight to my house.

~{author's note}~

Poor Emma😢 If I was her, I would go straight up to Max and punch him but what would that lead to? More hate? No! I hope everything gets fixed back together between those two😬💔👫❤️

Hello🙋🏻 How do you like the story so far? Will you please leave a comment and tell me please. I would like to know what you think💭 I will try to keep updating during this awesome summer going on☀️ Love you all❤️ Please keep voting and commenting😊

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