~{Chapter 16}~

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~{Max's .P.O.V.}~

Haha, I finally got my report card. I got all straight A's hardly believe, right! Haha, I switched grades on my report card, how evil is that!

*evil laugh* *thunder* Stop with the Thunder Already! I can't control the weather so stop making me think that I can! Well, anyways, I am at my house right now showing my parents my report card.

"Mom, Dad, Look at my report card, it might surprise you!" I smirk at Phoebe as she gives me a glare. Stupid Mrs. GoodieTwoShoes.

"It better not be another F Max because if it is, no more phone for a week." Dad states as he grabs my report card at of my hands. I simply smile feeling proud.

"Oh Max, I-I'm so proud of you!" Mom chirps with delight as she runs over and gives me a hug.

"My boy is becoming a smartie just like his sister." Dad says as he pats my back.

"What!" Phoebe glares as she grabs my report card and scans my grades. "What the Heck! Your going to be enrolled into my AP Math! This can't be true!" I smirk as I rip the paper out of her hands as she freezes.

"You better believe it Pheebs, I'm going to be rolling with you for now on." Phoebe screamed and froze me.

~{Phoebe's .P.O.V.}~

"You better believe it Pheebs, I'm going to be rolling with you for now on." Max smirks, I snapped. I screamed and used my freeze breath to freeze my annoying brother.

"Phoebe, unfreeze your brother this instant!" Mom demanded, stepping her foot against the wooden floor.

"Fine!" I glared at Max as I used my heat breath and unfroze him.

"Oh My God! Cold!" Max shivered. I laughed feeling quite relieved but my father and mother continued to glare at me.

"What! It's his fault!" I whined.

"Phoebe you should be happy that your brother finally deserved the same grades as you." I rolled my eyes, screamed and ran upstairs, face planting my bed.

~Next Morning~
~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

I sit in AP math as I stare at my report card. Wow, another perfect report card, ain't I so proud. I rested my head on the desk as I kept daydreaming about Angus. I've missed him so much. Who's going to be my studying partner now? Phoebe has Cole and Cherry has Sarah.

"Are you okay Emma?" Phoebe asks as she sits down in the empty desk next to me.

"Just peachy!" I say as I grit my teeth. I trying not to sound mean or sarcastic but I am pretty much in pain.

"Emma, Ah..." I look at Phoebe as her attention is turned to her brother as he walks in with a cotton candy machine. Everybody runs up and get free cotton candy from him. Me and Phoebe just sit and watch as Max makes his way and takes a sit next to me and her.

"What's up everyone want some cotton candy!"

"Shut up Max and leave us alone!" Phoebe glares, I turn my head back down to my desk ignoring everyone in the room.

"Maxy!" Sarah screams as she races to Max and jumps into his arms. I look up and try to ignore but I can't keep my glance away as jealousy feels my insides. I had just gotten over Max when I was with Angus but now that Angus is gone it seems like my feelings for Max are attaching itself back to my heart.

"Everybody in their seats!" Mr. Robinson asked as he stepped into the class. He sat at his desk and took role.

"Well, everybody, today we have a new student in our class. Max Thunderman." Max stood up and waved in my direction. I rolled my eyes and kept my glance back at Mr. Robinson.

"Well everybody, the annul Math Bowl is today. Does anybody want to sign up and support our school?" Mr. Robinson asked. Everybody walked around talking to each other amongst themselves.

"Hey Emma, I was wondering maybe you and me can team up and beat Max's sorry butt at the math bowl."

"I don't know Phoebe?"

"Come on Emma! Maybe beating Max can cheer you up and maybe it will help get your mind off of Angus." Phoebe smiles. I smile back and nod my head. She delightfully takes my hand and I kindly sign the papers for our entrance.

~At the Math Bowl~

"The Trig Monkeys, how lame!" Phoebe points out as she laughs at the name on Max's shirt.

"What about the Brainiacs, I don't think that's very smart!" Max snickers to himself. Phoebe starts getting out of hand and yells at her brother back and forth.

"Hello Everyone, I am Nick Carson and who is ready for some Math Bowl!" Mr. Carson walks on stage. "Who's ready for the first question?"

~Half Time~

I walk over to the cooler and grab a nice cool water. I unscrewed the cap and took a sip. Phoebe left me to go talk to Cole and Sarah, leaving me all alone until time is up.

"Hello babe!" I turn around and meet Max as he pushes past me to grab a water. He unscrews the cap takes a sip and throws his arm over my shoulder.

"Max!" I grunt as Max pushes closer to my side. Space! Space! Too Close! Too Close!

"Aren't we doing good?"

"Sorry to rain on your parade Max but actually me and Phoebe are winning and you, just stink." Max laughed, I didn't know he would take it that well usually some people would throw a fit when they here the word "you stink" but Max took it the opposite.

"I only did it to torture my sister!" Max laughed again as he took another sip of his water and choked.

"And you're doing a fantastic job at that, changing your grades and switching classes just to get back at your sister." I rolled my eyes as Max smirked.

"Wow you're good babe!" I rolled my eyes as I crossed my hands over my chest.

"Max if you call me babe one more time I going too."

"You're going to what, babe?" Max smirked as I pushed him into the closest. That was the last straw. Max forcefully grabbed ahold of my waist. I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong.

"Shut up Max! Just, SHUT UP!" I yelled. Max's smirk fell as he stared at my lips. "What?" I asked, his lips suddenly attached to mine. I tried to push away but I couldn't. I stared into his closed eyes with anger but I suddenly felt like I wasn't upset but wanted to feel loved again. I wanted ever so to feel his soft curved lips against mine again. I wanted this boy so badly that I couldn't except my true emotions.

I fluttered my eyes open and realized I was back at my house. What the Heck! There must be a little kink in my powers. Oh no, I have to get back to the school before the next round starts. There's only 2 minutes left. I quickly run back to the school. I push open the doors but they wouldn't budge. I try again but still wouldn't open. Maybe nobody will see me if I use my powers to teleport back. I look around and realize that nobody is there and use my teleportation powers and teleport back to my original spot without anybody noticing with just a few minutes to spare.

~{Author's Note}~

What The Heck! Max got straight A's but played dirty. Poor Emma. With no Angus by her side how will she cope. Max and Emma kissed in the closest! Ooooo! How will Emma control her emotions as long with her powers when she is with Max?

Hope you like the chapter. Pretty good huh? No it sucked I think I don't know? Next chapter will be up soon. Goodnight! Keep voting and commenting😊 Love You All❤️

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