~{Chapter 17}~

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~Warning: bad photo too blurry👆 and there is going to be a little violence between Emma as she tries to handle her feelings against a bully including her life~

~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

"Leave you little witch, nobody likes you and if they did something is totally wrong with them. You'll never amount to anything because you are so stupid! Veronica rudely comments with her posse behind as I stand in the middle of the hallway as everybody glue their attention on me and her. Veronica has been mean to me ever since I moved here. She's stuck up and snotty and she only cares about herself and no one else, she will step on anyone who is weak and less important to her own presence.

"Shut Up, Just SHUT UP VERONICA!" I yelled as I plug my ears in pain trying not to tear up in front of everyone including Max.

"Everything you hate about yourself...We all feel the same way. You are nothing. You will always be nothing. Never be popular. You're worthless, you're boring and You're just a pathetic loser who fails and fails." I couldn't hold in my tears any longer, I finally snapped at Veronica's rude comments and broke down crying in front of everyone I knew. I ran to the girls bathroom as fast as I could and locked myself in one of the stalls. Nobody stood up for me as Veronica's words constantly put me down as she spit a rude comment after the other and why would they stand up for me since I am worthless and pathetic. She's right, I hate everything about myself. I have powers, I'm not normal I'm different. Sometimes I can't control my powers through my emotions and sometimes I hurt other people including my family through my own actions. Why would anybody love a pathetic girl like me. Would Max still like me even if I'm different or would he just throw me out and leave me to rot. At least I had Angus well I did before he moved to North Dakota. He was the only one who cared and understood my emotions but now that he is gone I can't think straight anymore. I wiped my tears as I grabbed my knees and pressed them against my chest.

"Emma are you in here?" A voice calls from the other side.

"Leave me alone Phoebe!" I yell as I continue to sob in pain. Phoebe crawls under the stall door and sits next to me as she pulls me into a hug to calm me down. I look up and notice their is strawberry and banana smoothie dripping from the ends of her hair.

"What happened Phoebe?"

"I tried to stand up for you after she terribly put you down. She said the same rude comments to me but I just ignored her. She told me I will never be lead chair in choir because my voice is too horrible for words. At first, I did believe the mean and nasty words she said but I brushed them off. She didn't like how I was standing up for you or myself so she poured her banana and strawberry smoothie all over me." I wiped the left over smoothie from her eyes as I gave her a hug.

"Thank You Phoebe." She smiled as she helped me up from the floor. I helped her clean the leftover smoothie from her hair, face and clothes.

~At my house~

I sat on my bed as I blank fully stared up at the ceiling. Thinking of a plan to finally put Veronica in her place. I really want to use my powers on her so badly but it would put a horrible chance of me and my family moving again. Come on light bulb, pop in that little brain of mine and bring some light into my dark empty skull.

~At the Thundermans front door~

"Hey Billy is your sister home?" I asked.

"Which one, Phoebe or Nora?" Billy asked.

"You know which one silly."

"Oh her, I think she is downstairs with Max."

"Thank You Billy!" I lean down and peck his cheek as a burst of red glisten on his cheeks. I wave goodbye to Billy as I walk down the steps.

I gasp as I see Max's lips forcefully kissing Veronica's. He places her on his lap as she grasps him in her arms. She opens her eyes and keeps her glance glued on mine as she mockingly tugs on Max's brown locks. My eyes start watering. I run upstairs and slam the door. Billy and Nora look at me as they notice me tearing up. I quickly push past them and run upstairs. I accidentally ran into Barb.

"Emma sweetie are you okay?" Barb asked as she rests her hands on my shoulders.

"Y-Yes I-I'm f-fine." I say as I wipe my tears from my eyes. I push past her and run into Phoebe's room. I find a tissue box and grab millions of tissues as I try to clean off my running mascara as best as I could.

"Emma?" Phoebe said as she makes her way out of the bathroom.

"Hi Phoebe!" I try hard to keep my tears in.

"Is everything okay, you look a little bit red." Phoebe asked as she sat on her bed.

"Nope, everything is fine, peachy in fact." I say with a smile. Phoebe shrugs.

"So, I have the perfect plan to get back at Veronica with." All I kept hearing was blah blah blah. I barely paid attention to my own friend as the image of Veronica kissing Max was glued in my head. It took me like a week to get the memory of Max, Tara and Sarah together, this is even worse. I thought when Max kissed me in the closest after the math bowl meant something about our love but actually it meant a whole lot of crap and lies. Why would I fall for Max's schemes, all they do is bring you down and make you hope for the best. I thought for just a second that me and him truly shared a moment but now I see that Max is back to being a player again as he tries to take every girl he sees and make them into his own little puppet, sending mixed messages making them think it is true love but actually it's not.

"Emma, Emma!" Phoebe places her hands on my shoulders and shake me out of my thoughts.

"What, what, I'm awake, I'm awake!"

"Is everything okay with you Emma?" Phoebe asks again.

"Yes, everything is perfectly fine, so what is your plan to get back at Veronica?" I asked, snapping back into reality.

"Your going to love it..." Phoebe says as she pulls me closer to her side and whispers the plan in my ear.

~{Author's Note}~

Sorry about the rude comments. Warned you. But I had to, to put a little drama into the story. I feel so bad for Phoebe especially Emma. Why would Veronica say all those horrible things to her? And What The Heck Max!!! WHY? All Will soon be fixed on Chapter 18!!!😱😨🔜

Hope you like the chapter. Next chapter will be updated soon but I don't know when because I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow. I only have two and I don't want to do it but I have to get it done and over with. Wish me luck! Keep voting and commenting☺️😊 Love You All❤️

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