~{Chapter 27}~

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~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

"Emma you have been sick for over five days now, I think you need to go to the doctors."

"What?! Mrs. Thunderman I think I have to decline your offer. I am perfectly fine." I look up to her with a smile. I look back down to my small bowl of lucky charms, feeling the rising of vomit going up my throat as it tries to make an attempt to escape my mouth. I scratch my nose, trying not to sneeze hoping fire doesn't burn through and I hold in a cough so no snow gets out.

"Well, if you think your fine then eat your cereal." I looked down to the bowl. I haven't been eating for the past four days, I just couldn't stomach down the food, if I made an attempt to swallow, it would just rise up and I would just spit it back up. I look back up to her as I give her a smile as I raise my spoon to my mouth. I swallow and enlarge my mouth. I take a bite of the charms. I swallowed, feeling fine but I so only regretted the bite. I spit up the cereal out back into the bowl and ran to the garbage can.

"That's it, I'm taking you to the doctor Emma." With the last of the vomit my stomach could dump out, I ran over to Barb and begged.

"See I'm fine, no need for the doctor." She crossed her arms over her chest feeling quite upset with the non stop arguing coming back and forth out of my mouth.

"Emma, you need to go to the doctors, they will help you with this, sickness." She rested her hands on my shoulders looking into my eyes with a smile. I didn't want to go to the doctors. I don't need a doctor I can perfectly take care of myself with any help but I have to face the facts, maybe a doctor can help me cure this sickness for good.

~{Phoebe's .P.O.V.}~

"Mom! My thumb hurts!" Billy whined as he held his thumb in pain to the point where it was beginning to swell from the intense compression.

"Billy sweetheart I know your thumb hurts!" Mom said as she frantically raced to the hospital.

"Mom, is Emma going to be alright?" Max asked as he looked at Emma's unconscious body. We were just sitting in the car all nice and quiet, when Emma suddenly passes out. We don't know how and we don't know why probably from her sickness.

"Yes Max she will be fine." Mom smiles as she continues to drive. Billy screams.

"MOMMMMM!" Billy cried still holding onto his thumb.

~{At the hospital}~

Our mom left to go take Nora to enroll into a fancy private school while we are still in the hospital with Emma still unconscious. Max has been with Emma since we got here and he hasn't left her side since then. A doctor walks in with a nurse. Billy walks in with his thumb all bandaged up.

"Okay guys, Emma will be just fine, she just needs a little anesthetic and she will be back to her normal self." The doctor replies as he washes his hands.

"What about her sickness?" I asked.

"She will be cured in a few days." The doctor smiles. Me, Max and Billy watch as the doctor walks over to Emma. He removes the bear and hands it to Max. It was Max's teddy bear when he was just a little kid. The doctor checks Emma's temperature, heart beat and blood pressure. He lastly pulls out a long pin sized needle and jabs it into Emma's arm. Max passes out.

~{Max's .P.O.V.}~

Oh my god, what just happened? Why am in bed? Where's Phoebe, Billy and Emma? Emma?! Where's my Emma, is she okay?

"Hi Max!"

"Ahhh! Phoebe?"

"I'm so glad you are feeling okay." Phoebe says with a smile.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Well, we were with Emma and the doctor and when he pulled out that needle, you passed out and this is where you ended up."

"Did the doctor do anything to me while I was, you know, passed out?" I gulped.

"Well, they took you and did an MRI." Phoebe explained as she scooted her chair next to me with Billy on her lap.

"What?!" I yelled.

"What?" Phoebe asked.

"The doctor scanned my brain, do you know what that means Phoebe?...They will all find out that I have superpowers!" I rip the covers off of me and jump out of bed.

"What do you plan we do?" Phoebe asked. I looked over at a pair of doctor robs and masks that were lying aimlessly on a coat rack.

"You will see." I say with a smirk.

~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

I wait in the waiting room as I patiently wait for Phoebe, Max and Billy. I wait and wait and still no one has the tendency to show up. I still feel a little light headed from my fall and my throat is a little soar. I walk around the hospital aimlessly, searching for my friends. I look through every room but still no sign. Where could they be?

~{Phoebe's .P.O.V.}~

"Max hurry!" I watch as Max searches through every cabinet draw were his brain scan. I bite down every nail follicle to the numb hoping Max finds his scan sooner before we caught.

"Found Them!" Max holds up the papers in the air and shakes them around.

"Now that you got them, let's go, come on Billy!...Billy?" Me and Max look around for our little brother but he was no where to be seen. We ran out of the emergency room to Emma's room hoping Billy would be there but he wasn't. We run up and down every room searching for Billy.

"Where the heck could Billy be?" Me and Max walked to the waiting and there we see no other than Billy and Emma. Max runs over to Emma and embraces her with a hug, I do as well.

~{At the house}~

"How was the private school, are you going to enroll?" I asked Nora.

"This school, I don't think it's cut out for a girl in my standards, I rather stay here and be with my family then stay in a stuck up school." Billy runs over to Nora and gives her a hug.


Max and Emma passed out on the couch. I walked up to my room. I changed out of my clothes into some fresh new pajamas. I walked over to my bed, got into my covers and fell fast asleep.

~{Author's Note}~

Hello Everyone! How did you like the chapter? It was pretty boring, sorry.

From bio to introduction, this story has grown. I have written 27th chapters and I'm so excited it is going to be 30. Thank You so much for 6k reads. It makes me so proud and happy. I'm probably going to do a sequel for the future of this story. It will probably lead to Emma and Max living with each other's secrets, finally realizing their love for each other and more. Emma realizing her true potential as a hero and Max making the important decision of his life, choosing to be a superhero or a villain giving up the chance to see Emma again....That's for now! I'm pretty excited to share to you all.

🔘 If anybody wants to give me any ideas for the next chapter I would gladly be appreciated. I want to hear your thoughts, ideas. Tell me anything you want for this next chapter. Your choice and I will write. I'm kinda suffering writers block right now and I'm still struggling on finishing my other 4 stories and a new story is about to be published.

Thank You😊


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