~{Chapter 5}~

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~{Phoebe's .P.O.V.}~

I sat in the kitchen and watched Max and Emma. Something weird is going on between those two and I don't like it one bit! Whenever one of my friends are around Max, he lures them in with his charming good looks and his heck of a smirk that can make all the girls swoon from just one look. This will not happen to Emma, No! I don't want to lose her, not to my brother. At least I didn't lose Cherry to him so that's a good thing. I am going to stop this little thing that is going on between those two if its the last thing I'll do!

~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~

I sat and watch SpongeBob with Billy and Nora. Billy sat awfully close to me like glue. I saw that he tried to pull that move on me like Max did just awhile ago but I let Billy take the advantage and wrap his arm around my shoulder. I lay my head on his shoulder. I look up to his cute little face and he blushes and power fists the air. I giggle to myself.

~{Max's .P.O.V.}~

I walk up my stairs and into the living room. I was about to sit down and watch my wrestling show with Dr. Colossus (his pet evil rabbit) but something caught my attention. Billy's arm was over my dark queen. Why would she let Billy and not me? Wow, my dark queen is good!

~{Emma's .P.O.V.}~


"I Got It!" Phoebe yells while running down the stairs. She stands at the front door as she fixes her dress and hair.

"Open the door already Phoebe!" Max yells and Phoebe returns with her tongue sticking out at Max.

She opens the door and a cute tall boy with light blue eyes and blonde hair stands at the front door holding a square box. Him and Phoebe share glances back forth towards each other. She closes the door with the box in her hands with rosy cheeks, probably blushing, must be her crush.

Phoebe walks to the kitchen and places the pizza on the table. We grab our plates, forks and knives. I sit across from Billy and Nora. Phoebe sits at the end and what do you know...Max sits next to me, what a coincidence. I roll my eyes as he gives me a smirk. I look at my pizza and take a bite. I could see Max stare at me from the corner of my eye. All of a sudden, I feel a hand sliding down my leg. I turn my head slightly to see who it is and it is no other than that jerk. Phoebe, Nora, or Billy aren't even noticing. He slides his hand further down to my pants. I twitch my legs a little bit. I grab the fork next to my plate. I lean my mouth next to his ear and whisper.

"If you move you're hands any further down past its limit, this fork is going to be lodged in you're hand." I gave him a glare and he just returned with a smirk. He slid his hand further down past the limit so I took the fork and jabbed his hand. Thought I was playing around, look boy, this girl is not playing around.

"OUCH!" Max yelps in pin. Phoebe, Nora and Billy take their attention away from each other to Max who was yelping in agony.

"What happened Max?" His little sister Nora asked. I grabbed the fork and pulled it out from his hand.

"Max here just stubbed his toe off the end of the table pretty hard." I made a sad face towards him but inside I was laughing.


Me and Phoebe waited in her room talking about the things we liked.

"What is your favorite color?" Phoebe asked.

"My favorite color is red." Red is actually my favorite color and my hair is even red as well.

"What is your favorite hobbie?"

"Singing, drawing and skateboarding."

"Skateboarding! Weird but...cool." Phoebe let out a smile when I mention the word skateboarding. Maybe she doesn't see a girl like myself skateboarding but she will find out sooner or later. Now it was my turn to ask the next question. This should be the last.

"Who do you like? Like who do you have a crush on?" Phoebe started to blush.

"Um...promise me you won't laugh or tell Max or anyone else. Cross your heart and pinky promise." I giggled to myself. I thought it was pretty stupid why Phoebe is telling me to pinky promise even though I can keep secrets pretty well.

"I cross my heart and hope to die that I will never tell another soul about your secret." I put my hand on my chest and latched our pinkies together in a promise.

"Ok, do you know that pizza guy who came here earlier with the pizza?" I shook my head. "Well, his name is Cole and I sorta have a crush on him..." Phoebe started to blush again.

"Really Phoebe...a small crush on him like you like, like, him more than just a crush." I started to smile because she knew what I was trying to say to her.

"Yes!!!"she jumped up and down on her bed. "So Emma, who do you have a crush on?" I didn't want to tell Phoebe that I had a crush on her brother. What happens if she gets upset with me? I don't want to lose her as a friend. She is like my best friend and I don't want to lose her. What should I do? Should I just make up a person or should I just go straight out and tell her that I like her brother.

"Phoebe what ever you do don't be upset with me? You promise!" I looked Phoebe straight in the eye.

"Why would I be upset? It's not like you have a crush on my Cole as well...Do you?" I shook my head no.

"No, no Phoebe...Cole is yours, not mine, but do you promise and I mean promise not to be upset with me when I tell you this."

"I promise Emma! I promise!" I took in a deep breath.

"I like your brother..." She cut me off.

"Billy!" She blurted out.

"Um...no a fense but Billy is too young for me." She stared blankly at my face as I tried to make out his name trying not to make her too upset.

"I kinda...I'm sorta...falling for your brother...Max!"

~{author's note}~

hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a while! I have been so tired and exhausted. I'm sorry for not updating sooner. Thank you for the reads and the votes and comments. I appreciate it so much. I am starting on the new chapter soon.

Please keep voting and commenting😊❤️

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