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> Bruno Madrigal

ENCANTO> Bruno Madrigal

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a/n; they requested for, - Bruno being scared of cats.

CW/TW; - 

"Are you thirsty, darling?" the taller out of the two asked, looking down to Bruno

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"Are you thirsty, darling?" the taller out of the two asked, looking down to Bruno. "We've been walking around for some quite time now," Bruno, who was clinging onto his lover, nodded. [Name] smiled softly. "Be a dear and wait here for me. I'll buy us some water," The shorter male hesitantly nodded and let go of his lover's ruana. Flashing a small smile, the [h/c] head left the spot.

A couple of minutes has passed. Bruno was crouching down like a little kid and played with his pet rats out of boredom. Petting and stroking its fur. He played with them for a while until he felt something huge rubbing up against his ankle. At first, he only played it off as another group of rats wanting attention. Until the rats that he was playing with squeaked in fear and quickly ran away. Bruno tilted his head in confusion as he turned to look at what exactly was rubbing against him on his ankle.

Taking one peek of the creature had the male pale as white. As if all of the blood in his body had been drained out. He let out a tiny squeal as he stumbled on the ground. Earing a few stares from the passersby. It was a pretty little feline yearning for some pats. It walked up to Bruno again and continues to rub itself against Bruno. He on the other hand was trying to shoo away the mixed coloured orange and white cat. Waving in a motion of pushing it away. Not too close to it as to not hurt it. He became more frightened when the cat rubbed its head on Bruno's hand. He couldn't take it anymore and shouted for [Name]'s name. "[N-Name]!!!"

In a flash, [Name] came running out of the beverage store with a cup of cold drink in hand. Spilt water dripped down on his hand. "What? What is it? Who's- What's going on?" He worriedly asked, seeing his lover on the ground with tears in his eyes. Bruno scurried over to [Name] and hid behind him, pointing at the animal. "C-cat!"

"Yeah. It's just a cat, amor. What's wrong with a little animal?" Bruno shook his head. "I don't like cats, [Name]!" he whined as he began to clung onto the taller male, climbing on his back. Digging his face into the crook of his neck. "Alright, alright. Careful you're making me spill your drink. I'll ask Dolores to tell Antonio to come over to get the cat to go away," He did what he said.

A couple of minutes later, Antonio was seen riding his pet Jaguar towards the two older males. [Name] smiled softly at him as he watched his nephew get down from the Jaguar. "Tio [Name]! I heard from my hermana that you need my help!"

"Ah yes, Antonio! Thank you for coming over. I have a tiny little problem here. Would you mind?" [Name] gestured the boy with his eyes, pointing to the feline. Antonio looked over and giggled, giving a little nod to [Name]. He walked over to the cat and talked to it, which left it understanding him and left the spot. "Thank you, Sobrino. Sorry for taking your precious time for this,"

"It's no problem, Tio [Name]! And it's alright! If someone needs help I'll come over immediately! I'll be going now. Have a nice day!" Antonio bid goodbye as he climbed on his pet Jaguar and left. [Name] heard a sigh of relief right by his ear and looked back. "You alright, darling? It's gone now,"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, amor. I-I overreacted,"

"Oh shush, It's not your fault. Do you want me to carry you home no-"

"Yes please," Bruno immediately answered as he wrapped his arms around [Name]'s neck, nuzzling his face into his hair. "God, Bruno. My old body isn't made for this but anything for you, amor," he chuckles as he gave Bruno his beverage and went home.

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