𝙻𝚊𝚗 𝚉𝚑𝚊𝚗;

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> Lan Zhan


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a/n; honestly right guys I'm extremely tired LMAOOO. anyways your clothing is just like wwx's but it's teal coloured and the edges are dirty gold

CW/TW; mentions of character's death

Lan Zhan quietly sat in his room, trying to relax

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Lan Zhan quietly sat in his room, trying to relax. Sighing, he opened his eyes and got out of his trance of mind. He stood up and grabbed his bichen. He walked out of his room and patrolled around the mountain of Cloud Recesses, in need of something to distract him from the deep grief from his late friend, Wei Wuxian.

The atmosphere was calm. Nothing bad was happening. Maybe he could finally find his peace?

He was slowly strolling along the pathway by the small forest. Feeling the gentle breeze against his skin made him slightly shiver. As he took a deep breath and out, he heard soft murmurings. "Should I bring you guys home? It'll be great to have some company," It sounded like a male voice. Unfamiliar with Lan Zhan. Curious, he followed the voice, his hand on his sword Bichen, readying just in case. As he slowly walked around the slim birch trees, he spotted a tall male with ragged teal coloured clothing. The unknown male still hasn't noticed the presence of the second young master of the Lan clan. The man was cradling a small animal. Seems to be a white rabbit. Others were seen peacefully resting around him. Lan Zhan stared at the male with slight awe as he relaxed.

"You guys don't want to? Okay! That's alright. I'll just come back here and visit you lot," The male softly smiled at the fluffy creature that was on his lap, gently picking it up and placing it aside on the ground. Letting out a soft sigh, he stood up while patting away the dirt that was attached to the long dress he wore. As the male started moving, an article of white clothing caught the corner of his eyes. Curious, he shifted his position. Eyes met the others', widening them in shock. [Name] smiled at the stoic male in excitement. It was the first time he sees a person entering his homeland.

"Hello! What are your intentions coming here?" The male beamed. He bounced around a little before facing Lan Zhan. The said male only watched him with a confused look as he slowly backed up his tracks. [Name] noticed the slight discomfort from the other male so he tried to calm himself and apologized to the other. Lifting his arms in front of him, one clenched into a fist and the other was wrapped around the fist. He bowed as he greeted the male.

"Pardon, my manners sir! I'm [L. Name] [F. Name]. It's nice to meet you!" he exclaimed. Lan Zhan only nodded in response while returning the gesture. "Lan Wangji," he replied. That's the only thing he said. The [h/c] head didn't care and carried on the conversation. "Ah right. That means you're in the Lan clan right? That's cool. I.. don't belong to any clan. I'm just.. [L. Name] [F. Name]. By myself!"

"That's unfortunate,"

"Yeah.. But it's alright. I can manage. Oh yeah, you didn't my question. Why are you here?"

".. Taking a stroll. To clear my mind. I live nearby also,"

"That's nice. Oh! May I invite you to my warm and cosy home for a cup of tea?" he politely asked. Lan Zhan nodded in agreement. The [h/c] head cheered as he led the stoic male to his home.

On the way there, [Name] wouldn't stop blabbering about how hard he had to get food in the village. How he couldn't get any money to afford anything. Even with trying to get a job there. Everyone would refuse to take him in. Stingy as hell, he complained. Lan Zhan on the other hand followed him behind while silently listening to the stranger's complaints. A tiny smile would even creep up onto his face when he hears the funny parts of the taller male's story. Was he finally feeling happy?

A couple of minutes later they finally arrived. A small wooden building stood upon them. There was a small water stream right beside it too. It was quite a good quality place. The ground wasn't too hard or soft. The trees that surrounds it were far enough to avoid any tree branches falling onto the roof. Water was provided and the small house seems to be stable enough for heavy rains. "This place looks amazing.."

"I know right!? Cause I made it myself. And thank you. Come on! Let's go inside," [Name] nudged the male, signalling him to follow him once more. He quickly complied. Both of the males entered the warm and cosy home. It was nearly kept. Everything was in place. Thank god [Namae] was an organized person, or else he would somehow going to get a short lecture from the Hanguang jun.

Inside of the house was only one big room. Only that spacing. There was a squared table in the middle of it, with four soft leaves as pillows to sit on each side. On the top left side was where a blanket laid. Probably where [Name] sleeps. The side of it was a couple of small man-made boxes. Things for him to store in. Another door was crafted on the opposite side, maybe an easy access to the water stream.

"Lan Wangji, you can sit there. I'll make go ahead and make the tea," he pointed to the table as he hurriedly went to the small man-made box. Taking about a couple of herbal tea leaves and went out the other door towards the water stream. Lan Wangji walked towards the table and took off the sheath, placing it beside him. He sat down on the pile of soft cushion leaves in a professional manner. Hands on his lap as he waits patiently for the enthusiastic male.

It has been less than five minutes and [Name] finally came in with two small teacups on both of his palms. Settling down the cups on the tabletop, he sat the opposite of the stoic male, facing him. He gestured to Lan Zhan to take a sip, and of course he did.

"This.. This tastes amazing, [Name]," He softly said and he took another sip. The other male smiled and chuckled lightly. He thanked the male and softly blew his cup of tea, taking a sip of it.

"So, What's been bothering you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you were taking a stroll to clear your mind. So what's wrong?"

"I'm sure I can't tell my problems to a person that I just met,"

"Ah, right. Of course. Well, did you at least clear your mind? Are you calmer now?"

"Yes. Talking to you and drinking this tea made me calmer. By the way, where did you get these tea leaves?"

"That's good to hear! And I don't just stick around the village y'know? I travel out far. You know, survival things," He smiled afterwards. Lan Zhan nodded silently. [Name] changed the topic and continued talking to the other male. Occupying both of them while time passes by them quickly.

Crickets could be heard chirping outside the house. Lan Zhan took notice and looked out the small window, seeing the bright crescent moon in the night sky. He stood up and grabbed his sheath. Bowing down as to say goodbye to the [h/c] head. "I have to go now. My brother is going to be worried. Goodbye for now,"

"Ahh, Okay, Okay. Goodbye! You're welcome to come back anytime," [Name] said as he stood up, returning the gesture and waved. "Will do,"

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