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> Choi Saeran

a/n: so, I haven't play V or Saeran's route yet cause I'm broke of hg so I'm just going to make shit up

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a/n: so, I haven't play V or Saeran's route yet cause I'm broke of hg so I'm just going to make shit up

spoilers for unknown's and seven's real name and relation

CW/TW; shouting, cursing, gunshots, blood/gore 

CW/TW; shouting, cursing, gunshots, blood/gore 

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"Saeran.. put down the gun.." [Name] said as he stood in front of [MC] like a human shield, protecting them from Saeran, who was pointing a gun at both of them. Saeran's grip tightened on the gun. His mint iris shifted to the [h/c] head and his brows furrowed. "Y-yOU! YOU! I HATE YOU! YOU ABANDON ME!"

"I did not abandon you Saera-"

"YES, YOU FUCKING DID. DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME [NAME]!" The taller male only stayed silent, still calmly standing between Saeran and [MC]. He lifts his hand beside his ear, pressing a small button on his earplugs. "Hurry up Seven. I can't just hold him this long,"

"Sorry [Name]. We're almost done okay. Just hold him on a little longer. Keep [MC] safe," Saeran slightly lowered his guard as [Name] watched him tensely. "Why did you abandon me [Name]? Why? Why? WHY!?"

"I DID NOT ABANDON YOU SAERAN! IT WAS YOU WHO LEFT ME! You left me without a trace! You don't know how fucking scared I was when you suddenly went missing!" Saeran flinched at [Name]'s sudden outburst. His eyes widened as tears started to form in his eyes. He lowered his weapon and dropped onto his knees, clenching a fistful of his hair. [Name] only looked at him with pity.

"Shut up! SHUT UP! IT'S NOT ME! IT'S YOU! DON'T LIE TO ME [NAME]! I-IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" [Name] pressed his lips into a straight line. He wanted to comfort him. Help him. Hug him. So he did. He told [MC] to stay behind as he slowly approached Saeran. [MC] nodded as they watched [Name] slowly walking away from them. The [h/c] head crouched down in front of Saeran and placed his hand onto the other male's shoulder. He harshly flinched as he looked up, seeing [Name]'s calm face. His body relaxed as he loosen his grip on his hair. [Name] only smiled at him.

Saeran didn't know how much he longed to see that smile. His smile. For the first time in his entire life, he felt relieved. So relieved. As if something was telling him that everything's over, he can finally be free.

Saeran broke down, crying his eyes out, mumbling apologies. [Name] pulled him close and hugged him tightly. He soothes his back as he whispered 'it's okay, it's okay' into his ear, trying to calm him down.

It took some time to calm Saeran down but it was worth it. [Name] pulled away from the hug and wiped Saeran's tear-stained face with his right hand while the other held with his hand. Saeran leaned into his touch, feeling safe. They held in that position for a few minutes until a loud slam was heard. It was the door, revealing Saeyoung with a worried expression on his face.

"[MC] FOLLOW ME NOW!" Seven's loud booming voice startled everyone in the room. Seven grabbed [MC]'s wrist and pulled them out of there. Panic fills Saeran as he remembered his main mission. He quickly loaded the gun, aimed it at [MC] and pulled the trigger.

"Saeran! No!" [Name] shouted. With his quick reflex, he moved his body in front of the bullet before it could hit [MC]. Everything went slow-mo for [Name]. The bullet penetrated through his abdomen, near to his left side. He grunted in pain as he fell to the ground.

"[NAME]!!" Everyone screamed his name in unison. The male groaned in pain, trying to hold onto the pain. Covering up his wound so the blood would stop oozing out. He wheezed and coughed out blood as he tries his best to sit up.

"You guys go now! Before the leader comes!" the injured coughed in between his sentence. Commanding Saeyoung to leave. Saeran quickly crawled to his side. Saeyoung hesitates and thought about it for a moment, but he eventually took [MC] out of the building.

"Saeran, help me stand up,"

"W-what!? No-! You're injured!"

"It's fine! I'm fine! I'll be okay! Jus-just... help me stand up!" Saeran hesitantly grabbed ahold around [Name]'s arm to stand and guide him out of the building. Once they have reached outside, they saw seven waiting outside his car panic-ly calling someone on his phone. He took notice of the two males approaching him. He quickly put away his phone and helped [Name] into the car. Saeran only stood there, watching the other two males.

"Saeran get in!" Saeyoung grabbed his younger twin wrist, tugging him. "N-no, I can't- I have to go b-bac-!" [Name] used his last energy to lift his arm and grabbed onto Saeran's clothes, trying to pull him towards him. Pleading him to join, but he fainted before he could finish his sentence. The twin brothers panicked and placed the male into the car, with Saeran ending up following them too.

[Name]'s eyes slowly opened, filling his vision with brightness. He adjusts his focus into the light as he tries to sit up. He harshly winced as the pain in his lower body grew. His right hand gently rubbed on it and tries to soothe it. His eyes travelled around, trying to find out where he is. White walls surrounded him, along with a window placed to his right side in the room. Everything was unfamiliar but yet so familiar. Oh right, the hospital. He's been here before. It was during V's incident. Yes, yes, he remembers now. A small movement shifted on his bed, interrupting his train of thoughts. He turned to the left side of his bed, seeing Saeran laying his head on the hospital bed with his arm covering his face. He smiled softly and gently pats on Saeran's head.

Saeran flinched at the sudden touch as he lifted his head. He looked at the [h/c] haired male, who only smiled sweetly at him. Tears started to blur his vision as he suddenly hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I-i shouldn't have done that! You could've died because of me!!" [Name]'s face softens as he rubbed the other male's back for reassurance.

"Shh... It's okay... It's okay... I'm here right? Alive and well... It's not your fault okay? You panicked and you just wanted your mission to be done, right?" The weeping male buried his face into the crook of the taller male's neck, still sobbing quietly. He was trembling and [Name] could feel it. [Name] held him closer, trying to let him know he's okay and safe. Saeran started to calm down in the male's grasp. [Name] pulled away from the hug and cupped the other male's face.

"Are you okay now?" Saeran nodded. The [h/c] head smiled once again, wiping Saeran's tears with his thumbs away. He then softly kissed him and his lips, where Saeran quickly melt into. They both pulled away and stared at each other's eyes.

"I love you,"

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