-Life Hurts Like a Bitch-

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'I can't feel anything'

'Ha I guess this is it... getting hit by truck-kun.'

'What a fucking joke'


'Death hurts like a real bitch...'

The pain disturbed my peace, and then... Did I faint?

'Wow death really is crazy...'

'Where am I?...'

'Is this a dream?'


'These are my memories.'

'That concludes it. I'm dead'

'Is that a light?'


'SHEESH i'm going to heaven, well I guess I've been a good girl'

'Yeah they probably confused me for someone else...'

"Excuse me, I think you've got the wrong person. "

"And why do you think that?"

'WTF'  "God?"

It's so bright now...

I can't see anything...


'What's that...'


'No. Fucking. Way.'

"Can someone hit me so that I wake up, but wait I'm already dead-


And with those words I felt like someone just bashed my skull in with a baseball bat. 'Sangwoo?'

"Shinazugawa-san please don't hit my patient."

"She literally asked for it"

"That doesn't give you the right to actually do it."


"uh- are you ok???"

So there I was. Between Kocho Shinobu, and Shinazugawa Sanemi. The insect and wind pillars, two of the highest ranked demon slayers in the whole demon slayer corps. My mind was blown, my mouth was agape, my ability to do anything - GONE. What. The. Fuck. Now I really know. I am dead.

What do I do now? (KNY x Modern!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now