-Hee Hee-

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-(Y/n's POV)-

It was already bright outside when I woke up but I was still feeling tired so I ended up falling asleep again. This time I had a dreamless sleep. When I woke up for the second time I decided it was time to get ready and be on my way. I grabbed my phone to check the time. 2.47 pm. Well that was a good long sleep I guess. I got out of the futon and stretched before going into the bathroom and doing my morning routine. I then got dressed in my hoodie and hakama pants.

I put the yukata back in the bag with the towel and shampoo, and made the futon. I walked out of the room and greeted the old lady, thanking her for her hospitality and leaving the bag. I walked out and wandered the streets in search of a place to eat. Just like yesterday I took my time to enjoy the scenery. I then found a little restaurant-shop-place where I decided to eat. I ended up getting a simple meal with rice, meat and vegetables.

After I'd eaten I went back out on the streets and as I looked up at the sky I could see that the sun was going to set in only a few hours. It's a rather cloudy day though so with my luck I won't have to wait long to find trouble.

I asked a woman passing by if there were any nearby villages and she told me that there actually was. It would only be about an hour walk. I thanked her and went on my way. I leave the village behind and walk along the road leading away.

After a good ten minutes of walking I look down at my feet while I continue to walk. 'My feet still hurt really bad after running around in that stupid forest... Also should I try to find that bird again-' I literally walked into something. 'Just my luck. I'm gonna fall.' Someone grabbed my arm, helping me find my balance instead of falling. Probably the person I walked in to.

"Hah, sorry..." I look up to see the person. "Thank-" I slap my hand over my agape mouth. 'You've got to be fucking kidding me...'

"No problem, are you alright? You look a little pale." I just stare at the person in front of me. I can't even make sentences.

"Yeah- I. Yeah. Fuck- I- sorry" The person furrows their eyebrows.

"Is something wrong?" they say as their eyes start looking me up and down with suspicion.

"No I'm-" I start

"Why don't you come with me so we can check up on you?" he says knowingly.

"Ekk" 'Should I make a run for it? Does he know? What should I say?' I panicked. "I said I wouldn't snitch!" I start running back towards the village. I've seen enough scary movies to know that you're always attacked when you're alone so if I just-

"Why are you running?" He appears in front of me.

"AHH!" Fucking shit, abort mission, turn around and- I'm cought. He lifts me up by the neck of my shirt.

"What are you talking about? Snitch?"

"I'm sorry Michel HEE HEE but I'm not gonna snitch I promise!"


"Sorry I just had too, but for real I'm not snitching so if you just let me down-"

"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course, you're Michel" 'HEE HEE daddy' "jackson!" I burst out laughing. He just looked at me like I'm the stupidest fucking bitch he's ever seen. He just puts me down and walks away. I guess he just assumes I don't actually know who he is. I puff out in relife. "Thanks Muzan-daddy-sama" I mutter out and walk away again. I pick up my phone. 'I wonder if google maps works? It's probably gonna be of more help than google bird anyways... Well maybe not since I don't actually know where I'm going...'

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