-Ruuuuuun! Wait, No<3-

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Since we're already outside and the garden of the butterfly estate is so spaceus, we decided to do the training where we were. Just like with the others, Iguro started telling me about the basics and stuff I should keep in mind. When he thought I had a good enough understanding he told me to swing my sword. I ended up swinging it up and down while he corrected my mistakes for at least an hour. After that we moved on and he started teaching me basic attack- and defense moves.

To be honest, I thought he would be meaner as a teacher but he's actually really good. He has a sharp eye and can easily point out everything I'm doing wrong, then he also nicely tells me how to fix it. He tries to help me understand everything and if I don't he'll explain it again, or differently or simply just show me what I'm supposed to do. 'I really didn't get this picture of him from watching the anime. He's a really nice guy. That'll probably change when I start hitting on Mitsuri tho... Yeah then he'll definitely kill me. For sure. I wonder if he'd be upset if I tried stealing his snake? Speaking of which...'

"Hey Iguro-san, where's Kaburamaru? I thought you would always have him with you."

"Huh?" He started looking around. 'Don't tell me he brought him, forgot about him AND lost him. Poor little Kaburamaru. Wait. What's that. Something's touching my leg.'

"Aghh!" What the heck is touching my leg! 'Oh wait, it's just Obanais snake.' I sigh a little bit in relife. Wait. I just remembered. I'm really scared of snakes. 'Come on don't faint like you did on that one school trip to the zoo, you can do this! It's just Kaburamaru after all, right.' I swallow all the fear and bend down slightly, to reach out for Kaburamaru. He quickly slitters up my arm and onto my shoulders. I stand back up feeling a little dizzy.

'He's on me. I have a snake on me. On my shoulders. I can't feel my legs. I think I'm shaking. The world is falling. Oh wait, it's just me.'

"Ah, you found him. He actually does like you, that's weird."

And I'm back "What the hell is that supposed to mean, he 'actually does like me' and why is it weird!"

"It's just that for some reason he got so upset yesterday while you showed the other hashiras that box thing, I swear he would have gone there himself if I wouldn't have brought him down. He also kept glaring at me for some reason, kind of like now. You're probably affecting him with stupidity and annoyance. Look, he's getting worse with every second. Hurry up and give him back."

I just stared dumbfounded at him, and bluntly stated "He's probably just mad that you're acting like a little bitch towards me. You know since he obviously likes me." I start petting Kaburamaru and scratch his neck. 'Ha he's like a cat, he's even kinda cute up close.'

Iguro's eyes widened at what I said, then he looked at Kaburamaru who seemed to enjoy the head pats. He looked defeated. No, wait, never mind. He brought out his sword. Ha I'm going to die.

"Shit, RUUUUUN!" I just ran. I have no idea where, but I ran. Although it was pointless. Every turn I made, every hideout I found, he was there. I was starting to get tired. 'I haven't run this much in my entire life.'

Somehow I found myself back at the butterfly estate. Since I was sick and tired of running I decided to pick up the bamboo sword I'd been using for practice. 'This is probably not gonna save me. Hopefully he just gives up soon.'

As I grab the sword I hear Kaburamaru hiss and quickly take that as a 'Bitch! Better move if you don't wanna die.' and so I swiftly rolled over only to see Obanai with his sword in the grass, far into the dirt, right where I was just a second ago. I sweatdropped and quickly stood up, taking one of the positions Obanai taught me in defense.

"H-hey, I-Iguro-san maybe we can t-talk about it. W-what do you say?"

"I am going to kill you, please stand still." 'Why does he say it with such calmness? Stop, please or I might actually listen to you. Why is everybody so god FRICKIN' DamN HOT!?'

He got his sword out of the ground and took a step towards me while swinging his sword. My pathetic bamboo sword broke. 'He just cut that shit clean, like even captain god damn Levi would be impress and this isn't even his type of clean.'

"Did you really think you could fight me with that? You do realize I have a real sword right?"

"No shit Sherlock, I was just kind of shit tired from all that running and that was the best I could do, okay! Don't blame this on me, it's not my fault I don't have a real sword. Hmpf." I just sit down, crossing my arms and legs. 'Damn not even my gym teacher could make me run. Well at least I got to spend a day here. I should have known this life wouldn't last forever, still I was hoping I would get killed by some hot demon and not a hot hashira but I guess either's fine.'

"What are you doing?" He's looking at me like I'm doing something wrong. He definitely has some disappointment in those gorgeous eyes rn.

"I'm sitting still, duh. I've decided I won't run for you anymore, so you can kill me now." Now he looks kind of disgusted. "Hey! What the hell is that face, you just said a minute ago to sit still, so what the hell is your problem now!!"

Kaburamaru, slithers down from my shoulders and onto the ground. He goes(Crawls?) over to Obanai and starts climbing his leg. 'Well that's looking kinda tradic, he can't really get up by himself.'  "Aren't you going to help him?"

The calm eyes that had been on his snake now turned into a cold glare as he looked at me and... hissed? 'Bro, wtf...' He obviously listen though since he bent down and picked him up, letting him slither into a comfortable position on his shoulders. He lets out a sigh and I'm a little worried about what he's going to do next. I also may or may not feel a teeny tiny bit sorry for calling him a bitch earlier. He obviously took it very offensively.

"Hey sorry for calling you a bitch earlier, I didn't really mean it. I'm just not that good at thinking before doing" I scratch the back of my neck. "I guess I don't really know when to keep my mouth shut." I bow down, trying to be as respectful as possible while apologizing.

"tsk" 'Did he just click his mother fucking tongue. Bitch I'll rip that tongue of yours out and I'll shove it so far up you a-' "I'll see you for training tomorrow." he said, before casually walking away. 'Did he just say...see you for training tomorrow? Is he not mad anymore? Do I owe my life to a snake now? I really need to rethink my life choices because my life is getting kinda crazy...

I'm hungry, I wonder what I'll get for dinner..?' I happily walk back into the butterfly estate in search of Kanae and some food. Maybe some more people too. You never know, anyone could be here right now, especially since everybody knows *CouGH* loves *cOugH* Kanae it wouldn't be weird if they visited once in a while.


a/n: Here you go, chapter 9. Hope you enjoyed. Also thank you so much for 200+ reads!!

Please do interact, it really just warms my heart❤️

I'm kind of getting too excited over my own writing and I'm like this close🤏🏼 to posting like 7 chapters at once.

Anyways, I have a math test on Tuesday and instead of studying I've been writing a bunch of chapters so I really hope you'll like the book so it'll be worth it<3 

-Take care, with love, author-chan.

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