-Flirt- I Mean Fight!-

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As I walk through the carts, internally complaining about being bored in wait of everyone waking up, I find myself stumbling over a certain sleeping train conductor. I realize he's the only one in this cart and it also seems to be the last one. I pull the man up and place him on a seat.

"Hope that's comfier than the floor." I mutter to the unconscious man. I wait for a second, making sure he won't fall over once I let go. When I see he's alright I continue my walk towards the exit of the last passenger cart.

I look up through the gap between the carts before jumping, trying to land steadily at the roof. With the speed of the train and the harsh wind I lost my balance and was almost sent flying off. I put my arms out to try and find my balance before standing up properly. As I look up ahead I can see the back of none other than Enmu, lower moon one and the last of the lower moons.

"Helloooo!" I shot as I walk towards the first cart where he's standing. He turns around looking slightly surprised and amused.

"Woah someone already broke free from my spell?" He says with an excited face.

"Nope everyone's still asleep" I answer as I stand next to him and look out over the scenery fast approaching.

"He.. he he.." Enmu chuckles under his breath. He raises one arm. " I suppose I missed one, I'll give you a lovely dream.. sleep!"

I stay in place fully awake as his smirk slowly turns into a confused look.

"That's never happened before.. how did you do that?!" His amused grin is back.

"I didn't do anything" I answer simply.

"Oho? My blood demon art should work on all humans... unless.. you're not a human. Are you perhaps a demon?"

"You know you're smarter than you look." I say with a thumbs up.

"Well if you're not a human then I have no use of you. Muzan-sama has high expectations of me and I wouldn't want some other demon the get in my way.." Enmu says with a murdery look in his eyes.

"Woah woah woah, I'm not here to steal your spotlight or anything! I was just a bit bored, I'm leaving all the work stuff to you!" I defend myself before tries to throw me off the train or something.

"Sorry but-" Enmu starts but stops himself to turn and look at tanjiro who just climbed up on the roof as well.

"Ah, bummers, I guess I'll just take my leave then. You boys play nice." I wave as I enter the captains hut.

The man inside looks terrified as he struggles to get a hand of the knife he has hidden.

"Easy, I don't feel like getting stabbed right now so- h-hey!" I shout out as he launch at me mid sentence. I manage to block it with my hand but now I have a knife going through my palm instead. As I slowly bull it out with my free hand I hiss at the stinging pain and the man in front of me faints. I sigh and throw the knife out the window.

I sit down next to the unconscious man. Since Tanjiro is already awake it probably won't take long before the rest wake up and they defeat Enmu. Soon the trían transforms into the Enmu train and Tanjiro and Inosuke work together to chop his neck while lightning can be heard in the distance from Zenitsu protecting the passengers.

*one train crash later*

Everyone's too busy worrying about whether all passengers survived or not they totally forgot about me. I sit on top of the train wreck looking out over the scenery. Zenitsu seems to have fallen asleep, Nezuko is sneaking back into her box, Tanjiro and Inosuke look exhausted and Kyojuro's acting like the reliable big brother he is.

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