-Stop Flirting With Every Woman-

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-(Y/n's POV)-

"Nezuko, get inside your box, the sun's already up." Tanjiro says as he opens the box in front of her. She shrink and settle in as Tanjiro flashes her a smile before closing it and placing the box on his back.

"Alright then let's head out." I say as I walk towards the door. Tanjiro walks out first and then me with a few worried stares. I step out into the morning sun, and bash myself in the warm rays. I look back to see Susamaru and Yahaba standing just outside the sun's reach. Stretching my arms out to them, I grab their hands and carefully pull them out of the shadow. Yahaba is looking terrified at his arm getting closer to the light while Susamaru's shutting her eye tightly, ready for the pain of burning away, but to both of their surprise all they could feel was a stingy tickling. Sure it's not the best feeling but at least it's not a burning pain that literally kills you.

"Whoa! It doesn't burn! I'm not burning! Yahaba, look" Susamaru exclaims like a child on christmas eve, jumping around and swinging her arms around.

"Don't be so childish, (y/n)-sama said it would work." Yahaba says but I can see that he's doing the same thing, only on the inside.

"Wow, it really does work, your blood is amazing Hi- eh (y/n)?" Tanjiro said, genuinely impressed.

"Thank you Tanjiro-kun, and call me whatever you want. Just don't call me (y/n) in front of your crow or he might snitch on me." I say and chuckle a little at the thought of oyakata-sama's face when he finds out I'm safe and on my way home.

"Alright then (y/n)-chan, let's go!" Tanjiro cheers as starts walking.

"Hai! Susamaru, Yahaba, let's be on our way!" I say as I turn around to the two demons with a smile on their faces.

"Hai!" Susamaru runs up to me, still enjoying the sun

"Hai, (y/n)-sama." Yahaba says more calmly as he walks up on my other side, and with that we all left Asakusa. The trip was a little awkward at first. Tanjiro wasn't really feeling the besto friendo vibes with Susamaru and Yahaba, which is understandable, so he stayed quiet and my two demon companions wouldn't speak because of old habits, Muzan and all. I was pretty much talking to myself. Lucky for me tho Tanjiro warmed up and started talking, maybe not to them but to me.

"(y/n)-chan, how did you even find me earlier?" Tanjiro asks while we walk on the peaceful path through the woods.

"I followed you."

"From where?"

"Your encounter with Muzan."

"But when and how? I didn't see you."

"Yes you did" I say with a small laugh, making Tanjiro look away in the distance while thinking back.

"No, the first time I saw you was at that man's food-" Tanjiro turned to me and froze, his face full of terror when he sees my apperence, a familiar one. In Front of Tanjiro is the younger woman he had seen with Muzan. With black curly hair and pale red eyes, dressed in modern clothes. In fear he automatically takes a step back, placing a hand on his swordhandle.

"Ah? Tanjiro-kun? Sorry, I'll take it away!" I noticed how intimidated he was by the appearance I had worn earlier, making me change it into another appearance, to Tanjiro unfamiliar. My hair turning back to its original (h/c) hue and (h/l), my orbes becoming (e/c) and my skin (s/c). My clothes are no longer formal but rather simple. A pair of black hakama pants and a (f/c) hoodie, with many obvious repairs.

"Whoaaa?" Tanjiro could barely talk, he's beyond confused.

"It's something I was left with after Muzan's failed attempt of turning me into a demon, this is what I look like and the others are more my secret identities." I say with a little embarrassment and itch the back of my head. "Unfortunately I'm gonna stay like Himari for now" I say as my hair becomes pale and my eyes turn into a smooth teal color, a multitude of red hues covering my features.

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