-Lady in the making.. sort of-

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I open my eyes slowly. I remember the happenings but I'm afraid it was all just a dream. I sit up and almost get a hearth attack. I hold one hand over my chest as I try to calm down and regain my breathing.

"Kokushibo..." I laugh at his confused face.

"Are you.. not feeling well?" He asks.

"No- yes- I mean I'm fine you just scared me that's all" I explain as I continue to laugh.

"Good" He says and smiles. It's the tiniest smile I've ever seen but still.

"Hehe" I smile back.

"Since you're fine... You can explain.. where you.. have been" He looks at me expectantly and I sweat and look away.

"he.. he... he.." 'Uh oh...'

I ended up being scolded by Koku. He did end it with saying he's glad I'm back and safe tho. Then he continued to scold me saying I need training because I'm irresponsible and reckless and so on.


After a few days everything was pretty much back to normal. I spent most of the day with Koku and then I went to work with Muzan. Although it felt less like work and more like a check up. Except for that, it was like I had never even left in the first place. 

That was until...

"A mission?" I repeated his words.

"Yes. I'm can apparently not trust you enough to leave you here and therefore you'll be accompanying me on my mission." Muzan explain. I would be offended by the lack of trust but 1 he's kinda right and 2 I'm really exited about going out on a mission.

"Alright what's the mission? Fighting dudes? Getting information?" My eyes sparkle as I think of all the possibilities.

"I've been living with a human family for reasons you don't need to bother about. You shall simply play the roll of daughter in this family. That way it'll be much easier for me to keep an eye on you personally." He says simply. Me who only heard what I want to hear = 'I wanna be family so be my daughter uwu' I stayed quiet for a second trying to grasp the fact.

"Okay." I answer calmly. Muzan looks at me like he'd expected something else.

"That's it?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"When do I start?" I ask slowly, not sure what he was expecting.

"When you're ready" He answers.

"Alright I'm ready!" I smile from the excitement.

"No, you're ready when I say you're ready."

"And when is that?" I ask confused.

"Well if you're going to play the roll of my daughter then you must first learn how to act like it. You must also get used to being a demon, you follow different rules now." He says. 'Wasn't he the one who wanted me to go? Why does he talk like I'm doomed to fail before I even started? To bad I'm good at this, I'll be out on that mission in no time heheh'

"Alright, bet" I straighten my back, shoulders back, chest out, chin up. Please acting like you're better than everyone else is children's play. I fix my hair and straighten my shirt by pulling at the ends. I clear my throat before speaking again. "Why isn't today a pleasant day, would you be so kind as to accompany me on an evening stroll dear sir?" I finish with a small bow.

I look up and the man looks bean boozled. Ah there's nothing better than confusing people with a few pretty words. I look up with a teasing smile, making him sigh and shake his head.

"I suppose it's a start." he says and starts walking.

"Wha... start? That was good! Come onnnnn" I complain offendedly.

"Then let's start with getting you used to being a demon." He stops and turns around to look at me and I run up to him, following as he continues to walk.


"This is boring." I complain.

"Why? These are all important, especially if you're going to live with humans." he questions.

"Then can we move on from the basics? I already know things like 'no sun' and 'don't eat every human'. I'm not dumb you know." I continue to complain with an eye roll. Muzan sighs.

"Fine I'll call the upper moons here and you can get used to your abilities through fighting." he says sarcastically. Too bad I liked the idea.

"Please doooo!" I shout excitedly, causing Muzan to sigh yet again.


It's kind of fun fighting the demons now that I'm not a human. I mean Koku used to give me a few lessons on sword practice but now I can actually have a chance at fighting back. It used to be him just avoiding or blocking strikes but now he's even swinging at me. He's swinging at me AND I can dodge it! 

I also got to have a rematch with Doma. I didn't almost die this time and I even managed to do a critical hit, although that might have been Doma playing nice and letting me win... Either way I feel crazy strong and I'm not only fast my ability to react is far beyond what it would have ever been if I were still a human.

Even Akaza finally admitted that I was though enough to train with him although he didn't quite prioritise sparing but instead helped me get even faster and taught me some useful hand-to-hand combat moves. 

Last but not least Muzan had to 'make sure' I could behave properly and taught me about etiquette. It was things like how to eat and what utensils to use, how and what to wear, and also some polite phrases.  He was also trying to find a solution to the fact that we don't look much alike. I'm just thinking about the obvious, shapeshifting, that he can literally do himself but I don't want to ruin his big brain moment so I've just been keeping that to myself. 

I haven't quite let go of the idea though. I know not every demon has extraordinary powers or blood demon art but I have to have something.. Therefore I've been using my free time to secretly find my power. That said, I haven't succeeded yet... I mean for a second that one time I'm pretty sure something happened but... it might have just been me imagining it.. I'm not giving up just yet though!

•Taisho Secrets


•Mission? Family? Hmmmmm ;)

•Why do school when you can do demons? Wait.. I MEAN- Stay in school kids!!


a/n: Hiiii cutiesss<3<3<3<3

sorry I forgot about this chap.. should've posted it a few days ago..

Anyway I hope life is going smooth enough and that you take care of yourself!!!

-Love, author-chan

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