-With An Open Heart-

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-(Kanae's POV)-

"I'm sorry Genya-kun..." I took a quick glance at him before moving towards oyakata-sama's estate to leave my report. My feet felt heavy every step on the way as my feet basically dragged behind me. I usually look at the surroundings while walking to him since it's very beautiful here, the kakushi's take good care of this part, but I can't bring myself to lift my head as my eyes are glued in the ground and my head full of thoughts.

'How could I make such a mistake? She's only as old as Shinobu, she is only 16 (no buts- you just are!) , she was only 16... I should have been there, I shouldn't have listened to her, I should have done something. Now she's gone and it's all my fault.'

As I finally look up from the ground I'm in front of oyakata-sama's estate. Slowly I climbed the wooden patio and knocked on the sliding door where he always walks out during a meeting. I wait for a few seconds before I hear small footsteps coming and the door opens, revealing a little girl with white hair dressed in a purple flower kimono.

"The master will see you inside, please follow." she says before leading me down the halls and stops in front of another door. She knocks carefully and after hearing a 'come in' she easily opens the door and bows slightly before leaving the room. I walk into the small room and settle down in front of a little table with oyakata-sama on the other side of it.

"Oyakata-sama." I say and bow down all the way until my head is touching the floor mats.

"Child, please sit up." I slowly raise but my head is still looking down "I take it the mission did not go as planned." I couldn't help it any longer. Silent sobs left my mouth as tears slid down my face.

"Oyakata-sama, I've done something terrible..." I look up to meet his gaze and it's one filled with forgiveness and warmth, one I don't deserve, making me look away again.

"Please tell me what happened." he says, his voice filled with calm and forgiveness.

"I killed (y/n)" I say just above a mumble.

"Are you sure about that?" he asks once again without any blame or anger in his voice.

"No, but I might as well."

"Why do you say that?"

"I brought her along on the mission and I left her alone, I wasn't there to protect her and now she's gone..."

"Mmm, what happened?"

"We were looking for the demon but when we started closing in (y/n) said that Shinobu and I should go back."

"And you listened to this?"

"Yes." I answer feeling even more guilt built up, he must know now how wrong I handled this mission.


"Well because you said she would be of use during hard missions..." I feel horrible, like I'm blaming oyakata-sama for my mistakes.

"What was the plan?"

"Well before (y/n)'s plan it was to have me fight the demon of course, I'm the hashira assigned to the mission."

"What was (y/n)'s plan?"


"Kanae-san, Shinobu-san, I want to talk to you about this mission."

"Go on,"

"If this mission is what I think it is, then I would like you both to stand by. I will deal with the demon and I want you to trust me and not interfere."

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