-Lonely :C-

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-(Y/n's POV)-

It turns out that Muzan was serious. It's already been over three weeks and Kokushibo has been keeping at least one eye on me at all times. I'm not even kidding, he actually blinks his eyes one pair at a time so he never fully blinks, aka becomes blind for 0.1 second. No, he's watching me 100% of the time. Muzan also said he would choose someone who wouldn't be 'badly influenced' by me and to be honest Koku is a hard nut to crack.

"Hey koku- Can I call you koku? I'm gonna call you koku"


"I'm borde"


"I'm hungry"

"You're having dinner... in an hour"

"I need to go to the bathroom"

"You just... went there"

"Can't someone else-"




At least he talks a little more now even though it's mostly short answers. These past weeks have been so boring. I haven't been allowed outside this room, spend time with the other demons and I only got fed three times a day, no late night snacks, no in between snacks, no snacks!

I finished the demon slayer episodes I had downloaded and now my phone isn't too much use. I've been praying to kami-sama every night tho, in hope he'll grant me some damn wifi. Since I've been stuck in the room with nothing to do Muzan gave me a bunch of books to read. They're all about flowers, flower history and things alike. 'Guess he really wants to find that blue spider lily.' I've been reading the books and I was told to report anything useful. I haven't found anything yet tho and to be honest I probably know more about the blue spider lily then all of these books together.

"(y/n)" Kokushibo calls out and I look up from the book I'm reading.

"Yes Koku, what's up?" I answer, happy to do something else then rereading these flowerbooks.

"Come here... Muzan-sama wants... to see you" He say with an expressionless expression.

"Really, ok let's go then. Don't want to keep the man waiting." I say jokingly. Letting Kokushibo take me to Muzan. Once we arrive he doesn't follow me in and I feel a little anxious while walking inside by myself.

"Have you read the books I gave you?" Muzan asks while looking at some books, facing away from me and towards the bookshelves.

"Yeah, you could say I had lot of spare-time to spend on reading books and then reading them again and again and-"

"I see I shall provide you with more books then, you seem to be a fairly skilled reader to have had time to reread all those books in such a short time." Muzan says and puts the books back into the shelves.

"Yeah I guess so..." 'It's because of all the wattpad and ao3, they definitely boosted my reading speed'

"Do you have anything to report?" Muzan asks me. Now turning away from the books to face me.

"Ehh not really, the books are pretty useless since no one knows anything about the blue spider lilies" I answer, trying to remember if I learned something that I didn't already know.

"I see, then do you know anything about the blue spider lilies?" Muzan asked me which shook me for a sec. "So there is something"

"I..." I start, trying to figure out what to say.

"Then do tell"

"I can't"

"Why not"

"Because... it would be cheating?" I say and Muzan rubs his temples.

"I'm sending Kokushibo on a mission so you'll be working with me until he's back. I can clearly not entrust you to any of my other upper moons." Muzan says simply. "We'll start tomorrow. You can go now." He says and waves me off. I leave the room and see Kokushibo still waiting.

"I will take... you back now" He says and walks me back to the room.

"I heard you're going out... what are you gonna be doing?" I ask on the way.

"I will be... searching for the... blue spider lily."

"Oh, yeah, of course" I say as we arrive to the room and I get inside "We'll good luck I guess, bye bye"

"Good bye" he put a hand on my head "Don't cause... too much trouble" he says and leaves.

I would usually go to sleep now but I don't really feel like it. I've been with Kokushibo non-stop for the past weeks. I guess I feel kinda lonely now. It's been a while since I slept alone too, I guess I've gotten used to having someone keeping me company while I fall asleep. How childish of me...

I lay down on my futon as if going to sleep but I can't actually sleep. God I hate feelings... Being alone now I feel, well alone. No demons, no demon slayers, no family... 'Why am I getting so emotional!' I hit the sides of my face and feel the slight sting before getting up again. Since I'm not tired I'll just read or something.

I grabbed the books and started going through them, deciding on which one to reread first. I ended up picking one of the Japanese books. I can't read it but it has the prettiest pictures. I then read one of the English ones, then another one, then I try to compare the English and Japanese versions to see if I can learn some Japanese while I'm at it. I almost fell asleep a few times so I brought my phone out and started some spotify. On low volume of course. Don't want to drag a bunch of attention to myself in the middle of the night- wait I'm probably the only one asleep tho...

I'm halfway through the third book and I can barely keep my eyes open. I doze off until I hear something. I open my eyes and look around the room. I can't see anything weird and just as I'm about to give up and let sleep take over me, the door opens and Muzan is visible in the door opening.

"You're already awake, good. Let's go then." He says, waiting for me to get up.

"Ehh yeah *yawn* sure" I say and get up to follow him. I grab the book I'm reading and the Japanese book with the pretty pictures before hurrying after Muzan.

•Taisho secrets

•Koku likes (y/n) company.

•Kokus mission was partly to look for the blue spider lily but also to deal with some demon slayers. He didn't tell (y/n) because he didn't know how she would feel about it.

•(y/n) dozed off a few times so she still got a few hours of sleep.

•The only Japanese (y/n) managed to learn was how some flower names are spelled.


a/n: New chap! Hope y'all enjoy~

I just ordered a Obanai figure and I'm praying to kami-sama it'll be good quality.

Take care dearies, luv u and I'll see u in the next one, byeee~

-Love, author-chan<3

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