-Explain yourself!-

903 42 19

I walked through the gate and as I continued further on the path memories would come flooding back. It's been so long but at the moment it seems like it was just yesterday. The first building I come across is huge and I almost immediately recognise it as the butterfly estate. I suddenly start to feel how much I've missed everything and I'm both worried and curious about how they've all been. So much that it hurts. 

As I come around the estate I'm met with Tanjiro being carried on the back of a kakushi and I quickly call out to him.


"Huh? (y/n)? (Y/n)!" Tanjiro shouts back and start moving around on the kakushi's back, almost making them both fall.

"Are you heading in to the butterfly estate for treatment?" I ask after catching up to the now still kakushi.

"Yes. You won't believe what I've just been through.." Tanjiro whined exhausted making me laugh.

"Sure sure but I just need your help with something real quick."

"What is it?"

"Can you tell me the way to the Hashira meeting.. I'm a bit lost hehe."

"How did you know I was just there!? I-it was that way but are you sure-" Tanjiro is about to ask wether it's a good idea for me, a demon, to go there.

"Ok thanks byeee" I run off, ignoring his warning.

As I finally arrive outside the closed wooden doors sealing off the Hashira meeting spot from the rest of the open space, I can hear Ubuyashiki's gentle voice as he speaks to the hashira. I decided it'd be rude to interrupt and decided to simply stay put, listening the the melody of Oyakata-sama's calm voice.

I didn't get to enjoy it for long tho since the wooden plank I was leaning on suddenly got stabbed by a green blade, only inches away from me.

"Who ever you are I'd advise you to explain your reasons for listening in on a hashira meeting! Or perhaps you'd like to skip right to the part where I beat your ass!" A white-haired man with anger issues scream trough the hole in the plank. 

Knowing it's such a Sanemi-thing to do I start laughing uncontrollably, having missed is crazy ass. I walk to the slide door next to me and slowly open it before bowing in front of the hashira and Oyakata-sama.

"Hello everyone." I greet them as they stay quiet.

"Do we.. know you?" Obanai is first to speak up.

"Indeed! You sound familiar yet I don't recognise you amongst any of our ranks!" Kyojuro states.

"State your reasons for eavesdropping here before I-" Sanemi continues his threats.

"That's enough. I believe you're here for me yes?" Ubuyashiki smiles knowingly.

"Ah so you did know I was coming hehe..." I scratch the back on my neck.

"Excuse us." Oyakata says as he signals for me to follow him. I carefully bow towards the hashira before jumping up on the deck and following him inside. Yet again I sit down in a small room across Ubuyashik. I wait quietly, not knowing where to begin.

"I was relived when I received a letter from Tamayo saying she had met you. (Y/n)" He smile at me.

"Yeah.. I thought she might do something like that." 

"Yes she told me about your meeting."

"Yeah I can explain-"

"There is no need. I still trust you'll make the right decisions based on your knowledge." Oyakata explains as nicely as ever.

"Thank you Oyakata-sama." I thank him gratefully.

"Although for everyones safety I'd still like to make sure the situation is under control." 

"Of course! I did travel with a group of other demons but they're no threat and they're hidden at- somewhere safe.. and I wouldn't do anything to risk the safety of the corps!" I explain truthfully.

"I'm glad to hear that." Oyakata says and I smile content. "How are you doing? Tamayo slightly explained your situation." 

"My situation.." I wondered what he meant for a second. "Oh you mean that Muzan turned me into a demon? It's alright. He never really managed to get any control over me and somehow I have stayed rather humane." I explain shortly.

"I see."

"I won't get all demony tho! I promise, I don't really do the whole eating humans thing. It's kinda disgusting if you ask me.." I utter out, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

"I understand. Since Tamayo's letter I was preparing for something like this, therefore I have prepared a distant estate for you to stay. You may also keep you friends there." Oyakata reveals and I'm shock by his kindness.

"R-really?! I- Thank you Oyakata-sama!" I bend down in a thankful bow. I know he technically can't see it but it's the thought that counts.

"I'll have a kakushi guide you there once you're ready. Before then, would you like to meet the hashiras?"

"Oh I-I hehe yeah i... do you think it's a good idea.. what if.."

"Of course they'll be surprised in the beginning, that is to be expected after you've been gone for so long, but I'm sure they've all missed you and would like to know sooner rather then later that you are alright and safe." he smiles at me.

"Yeah I suppose you're right.."

"Just don't forget to greet them as yourself. I suppose you came here as Himari from the reactions given by our dear hashiras." he chuckle and I blush in embarrassment.

"R-right hehe" I silently change into my natural form.

"Shall we head out then?" 

"Y-yes" I stand up and walk around the table. 

Oyakata carefully took a hold of my arm, wanting me to lead him outside. I nervously walk out of the room with Oyakata-sama, his daughters waiting by the door leading out to the hashiras. I take a deep breath to calm myself and before we walk outside I stop to ask Ubuyashiki one last thing.

"Oyakata-sama do you know where-" I start

"He's at the butterfly estate at the moment I believe" Oyakata answers already knowing what I'm about to ask.

•Taisho secrets

•Nervousness is at the top!

•Tamayo told Oyakata about (Y/n) but later he also received reports from his crows about some strange situations and people. He put two and two together.

•Sanemi is as nice and pleasant as always <3<3<3

•The demon estate >:D

•Yes we're asking about Genya at the end


a/n: Literally screaming and crying rn. WE'RE BACK!!!!

Damn I don't even know how to process all these meetings we're about to face...

I really do hope y'all enjoy this so far! I know this has been anticipated for a LONG time!

Until the next chapter, take care and do the usual, eat something good and DON'T forget the breathing! I really do hope y'all know this by now..

-Love, author-chan<3

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