-The Train Says 'Choo Choo'-

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"Kanae! Shinobu!" I call out as I walk towards their office. I open the door and find the two girls talking.

"(Y/n)!" Kanae is first to speak.

"(Y/n)? I didn't know you were coming to visit?" Shinobu says after.

"I hope I didn't disturb the two of you, I was reporting to Oyakata-sama and thought I'd step by." I explain to the two.

"You're welcome anytime, it's good to see you again." Kanae states and gets up to give me a hug.

"Still if we'd known you'd be coming we could have prepared some snacks or something!" Shinobu says with a pout.

"Don't worry about it! Oh and before I forget I wanted to ask you something." I start.

"What is it?" Kanae and Shinobu asks simultaneously.

"I wanted to ask about Kamado and the others, are the being sent on any missions soon?" I ask them.

"I was actually thinking of recommending Oyakata-sama to send them along on Rengoku-san's mission." Shinobu answers with a look of 'how'd you know?'.

"Oh I just wanted to tag along so gotta make sure I know when we leave." I say innocently.

"Well Rengoku-san left the other day and if Oyakata-sama permits it then Tanjiro and the others should leave in a day or so..." Shinobu continues still looking a bit suspicious about my request.

"I see, then I hope you don't mind it if I stay here until then!" I say with a smile.

"Of course. Although I must ask one thing out of you (Y/n)..." Kanae starts as she looks down.

"Yeah sure, anything!" I answer quickly, worried about her expression.

"Please don't disappear like last time.." Both sisters look at me with slight desperation.

"I.. can't promise anything.. but I'll always come back!" I answer truthfully knowing fully well who I'll soon run in to.

"Please be safe." Kanae states, now with a smile.

"Always am!" I stand in a victory pose with a proud grin.


After chatting with the sisters I leave to let them continue their work. I decide to go look for Genya and tell him about the mission I'll soon be going on. He had a bit of mixed reactions but ultimately settled on 'why are you going if Rengoku is already there? SuS'

"Remember when I told you I'm from the future?"

"No... you said you could see the future...  what..."

"Well that's what I meant but like so there this dude..."

"A demon..?"


"And this demon is... going to show up on Rengoku-san's mission..?"


"And you're going too because..?"

"Why not?"

"Yeah.. why not..?" (sarcasm)


*sigh* "When'll you get back?"

"Hmmmmmm... I don't know :)"


Genya kept me company at the butterfly estate and at morning on the second day I headed out together with Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu. The three were all hyped about finally being out and about again. Well maybe not Zenitsu since he was crying about dangers again. He stopped worrying after a good old threatening his life though ;P. Either way we all arrived at a train station where people has been disappearing.

"What is this huge metal monster!"

"Inosuke no!"

"Are those weapons? Call the police!"


"Have you never seen a train before..?!"

At last we convinced Inosuke that the train was not the enemy and we could all get back to the train station. It was harder then we'd thought to shake those guards and it was already getting dark. The train conductor blew his whistle as he signaled the train was leaving. We all hurried to run towards the train in an attempt to make it onboard. As it moved out of the station Inosuke jumped onboard, followed by Tanjiro. Zenitsu continued to run after the train until he threw himself over the railing and Tanjiro and Inosuke had to pull him up. I myself hopped on last and after feeling the breeze created by the trains high speed we all headed inside to find Kyojuro.




The shouts were clear throughout the train as we all moved towards the man with yellow and red hair.

"Is that...?" Zenitsu mumbled anxiously at the loud and sudden shouts.

"Yup, that's Kyojuro alright" I answer giving Tanjiro a small push.

"U-um.. Rengoku-san..?" Tanjiro starts as he stumbles forward.

"Hmm?" Rengoku turned to look at the boy. "Ah, Kamado-kun. Care for a bento?" he offers a box.

"Sure?" Tanjiro answers, putting Nezuko down and sitting in the seat next to Rengoku. He accepts the bento as well as passing bentos to the other two boys who sat down on the other side of the isle. 

I sat down in front of Tanjiro and Rengoku, next to Nezuko, and grabbed a bento from Rengoku. I tasted the food and was enjoying myself while the others were having separate conversations. I looked out at the scenery while grabbing some more bentos, waiting for the action to happen.

"Tickets please" A slender man speaks from a few rows behind and we all bring out our tickets. Once he reaches our row he punches a small hole in the corner before continuing. I watch Tanjiro wrinkle his nose for a second but he seems to dismiss whatever he thought he'd smelled.

I look down at my half empty bento. The four male were all sound asleep tighter with the rest of the train. I grab another bite of food and move it to my mouth, thinking I'd be able to finish it on time. Before the food even reach my mouth four children enter our cart. I sigh but ignore them none the less as I continue to stuff myself with food.

"Someone's still awake?"

"How's that possible?"

"He said everyone would be asleep already?"

"What do we do now?" 

I hear the four of them whisper in panic. I sigh again as I look down at my not yet empty bento. 'Couldn't they have waited like 5 minutes..'

"Umm..? Excuse me?" I raise a hand to grab their attention. They look slightly afraid but as I got their attention I continue. "Don't mind me, I'll be out of your hair any minute. You can do your thing." I go back to finishing the food and after another awkward minute of them just staring at me I leave the empty box on the table and stand up. I wave bye-bye to the kids and leave the cart.

"Now what should I waste my time doing? I wonder when things will get exciting..!" I mutter to myself as I stand in the middle of a new cart full of sleeping people.

Taisho Secrets

•Poor Genya.. He's already so used to (Y/n) he's not even surprised anymore...

•Zenitsu be like, you're all country bumpkins. Jokes on him cause this is all vintage for (Y/n) ;)

•Those Bentos were really good :)


-Love, author-chan

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