-Pwease and Thwank Yuu-

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I lean over the balcony and look down over the garden. The breeze is a bit chilli but it's nice. I sigh as I relax after the nervousness of coming here.

"You're not planning on running away again, are you?" A familiar voice speaks behind me.

"Jesus christ Akaza! You scared the shit out of me" I turn around to find Akaza standing on the wooden reck.

"Hmm? You developed your blood demon art already?" Akaza ask as he looks at my new complexions.

"Oh yeah I guess, but what are you even doing here?" I ask confused.

"I was close by" He answers simply.

"Okay... On a mission?" I ask

"Yeah" He says simply once again.

"Mmm..." I hum suspiciously. "Well, would the good sir like to come inside? I shan't *yawn* keep you out in the cold~" I ask as I hold the door open for him.

"Shouldn't you be in bed by now?" Akaza just asks, ignoring my offer.

"Meanie" I say with a pout, knowing he's right. "Non of y'all sleeps, why do I still have to.." I mope like a tired little baby demon.

"Don't ask me" Akaza answers with a sigh. "Come on..." He pushed me through the balcony doors and towards the bed ( I KNOW HOW THIS SOUNDS BUT NO! ). I lay down under the covers and yawn before telling Akaza I'm not tired.

"Sure." Akaza replied before turning to go back outside

"Waiiiit! Where are you goinggg?" I whine.

"You're sleeping and I'm leaving" he states.

":c" I look at him with puppy eyes, trying to telepathicly persuade him to not leave.





"*sigh*" he walks back and lay down on his back at the bottom of the bed. I move my feet to give him more space as I close my eyes with a content smile.

"How long are you gonna be around, for your mission I mean?" I ask to try and stay awake.

"Don't know" Akaza answers.

"What's your mission about?"

"Don't know"

"Will you stop by again?"

"Don't know" he answers again and now I'm starting to get annoyed.

"What do you know?!" I whisper-yell.

"Don't know"

"Stop that!"

"Don't know"

I sit up and look at him with an angry face. "Y-" I stop. 'Is he... not awake...' I lean closer and watch his relaxed face. 'OMG HE'S ADORABLE' I giggle a little at the sight before me before laying back down and falling asleep too.


(Muzan POV >:3)

"(Y/n)-sama" *knock knock* "(Y/n)-sama?" I hear one of the maids call in the hallway. I stand up to walk outside.

"Good morning" I smile at the woman.

"Good morning Tsukihiko-sama, I was just about to wake (Y/n)-sama." She bows while talking to me.

"Don't worry, I'll wake her today."

"Of course Tsukihiko-sama" She bows again before leaving. I sigh at the dumb act I have to play before walking up to her room. I knock but she doesn't answer.

"(y/n)? I'm coming in" I warn her before opening the door. I walk inside and look around the room. She's still asleep... and quite messily too... I open her bag and prepare one of the outfits I brought for her. An expensive black kimono with golden details, and a dark grey obi with matching golden ropes to tie it all together.

I put the clothes on her bed before trying to wake her up again. 'I still don't understand why she has all these human needs, like sleep, even after I turned her to a demon...'

"(Y/n), wake up"





"What what?" She finally woke and sat up with half lidded eyes.


(Back to (Y/n) POV :p)

I sat up, confused with hearing my name over and over.

"What what?" I ask groggily, barley able to open my eyes yet.

"Get dressed, we're having breakfast." Muzan says and I try to not fall back asleep while sitting up.

"Mmhhm" I hum.

"I'll be waiting outside." He finally says before leaving the room again. 

I groan an lay back down, wanting to fall back asleep. Before I drift off again I have to force myself to leave the bed, which happened not so gracefully... I stand up on the floor and look around the room while I'm waiting for my vision to kick in. On the bed I can see a black spot where Muzan put the clothes and I walk closer to pick them up.

I slowly take off my nightgown to put on the kimono in front of me. The first part is rather easy, just one arm then the next and  cross it in the front, but the second part where I put on the obi... not so much. I've just never had to wear one before so how am I suppose to be a pro, am I right? Right... Anyways I always say it's better to not do it at all then to do it wrong so let's just skip the obi shall we? Now then time to leave!

"Where are you going?" Muzan asks the second I step outside the door.

"To breakfast..?" I answer him as I do my best to act innocent. He sigh before signalling me back into the room.

"You must remember that as the daughter of a wealthy family you must always look presentable and carry yourself with grace." He starts while helping me tie the obi.

"I know" I answer bordely, familiar with the speech. Muzan finishes the obi and tying the rope together and I look in the full body mirror placed on the wall at the result. Muzan stands behind me and quickly fixes my hair, so I don't have to look like a crazy person.

"Although this family is only a temporary necessity you should always keep that in mind. Wealthy or not, you're above humans." Muzan says from behind me in the mirror. I nod at his statement, not really knowing what to say.

"Shall we head down for breakfast?" Muzan continues as he's on his way out the door.

"Yes!" I hurry after him.

• Taisho secrets

• Akazas mission was defiantly to look after (Y/n).

• Akaza wasn't sleeping he was just... resting his eyes... yeah...

• "you're above humans and most demons" is what Muzan wanted to say.


a/n: It's been too long again, I'm sorry...

I'm finally on summer holiday so hopefully I'll be able to put more time one here. Honestly I had some trouble writing this chap and it may or may not be because I'm getting exited since we're closing in on the return.... >.<

Anyways it's going to be a crazy hot summer so make sure to drink water, cool down and eat lots of ice cream!!! I hope y'all have a pool, lake, beach, puddle or other water thing to go to, because hot summer is easier with a quick swim once in a while ;)

Anyways that's all for today, take care, byeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

-Love, author-chan<3

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