-My math may be lacking but-

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"What's your name?"

"Um my name is (y/n) (l/n) or wait i mean-, my name is (l/n) (y/n)"

"Ah what a beautiful name, would you like to take a walk with me (l/n)-san?"


"Ah sure" I say as I try to stand up, only for my legs to give up and send me to the floor. Lucky me tho there's a strong beautiful lady in the room who can catch me<3

"Owch" She just let me fall, like deadass just WATCHING me. 'Whyyyyyy...'

"Oh my, are you alright?" Kanae says, looking down at me.

"Yeah definitely, except for the pain that goes through my whole body right now..." 'I guess it still hurts getting hit by truck-kun even though I died and came back in another dimension' Small tiers forming in my eyes as the pain from my past memories comes back. As I start to actually make painful sounds of slowly dying, again, Kanae decides to finally help me up.

"Here drink this, it's water and I mixed some painkillers in it so you would feel better."

'Ah she really is an angel!' "T-thank you." I stutter a little as I drink what she gave me, and literally seconds later I already feel better. 'Damn these painkillers really worked in like 2 seconds like why does my painkillers take like 30-90 minutes to kick in.'

"Now shall we try again." She says with that big beautiful smile of hers.

'I think my heart is melting away' I can't say no to her so I just nod in agreement.

This time she helps me stand up and when she thinks I'm able to stand without falling she starts to carefully lead me out of the room. She leads me down the hallway and then stops to slide open a door. 'Wow this place is just, wow, amazing' She continues to lead me through what I'm guessing is the butterfly estate. We continued walking for quite some minutes and now my body is feeling a lot better and I can walk by myself, but no need to tell Kanae that just yet. She leads me to what I'm guessing is someone else's estate, it kind of looks familiar, I wonder who's estate it is?

Kanae led me to a wall and slid open a door. "Right over here" she says pointing ahead to the otherside of the gate. We walk in only for me to realize where we are now.

'Fuck she took me to oyakata-sama. Does this mean I'm in trouble? Are they gonna put me on a trial? Are they gonna decapitate me, if so I'll request for Uzui to do it, at least I'll know that I went out flamboyantly you know... Wait, shouldn't the other pillars be here though?' As I realize that Kanae and I are the only ones here I start looking around trying to catch a glimt of someone else, I even look up in the trees hoping to find Iguro there with kama... kabu... kura... ehh... idk his snake with a weird ass name I can't remember.

"Are you looking for something?" Kanae asks me, pulling me out of my own thoughts.

"Eh no, but why are we here Kanae?" I can see the slight surprise in her facial expression. I realize I just called her by first name without any honorifics, which you only do with someone you're really close to or like family. "EH, sorry-"

"The master has arrived" two identical little girls say in sync. They both have white hair and purple eyes. They're on each side of Ubuyashiki-sama, slowly leading him out the sliding door.

Suddenly I was shoved to the ground, but not like with Tanjiro. No, this person didn't seem like they wanted to hurt me but simply just made me bow in front of oyakata-sama. Wanting to know who did it I looked to my sides but completely lost that thought when I saw ALL the pillars. 'When the fuck did they get here?! They literally wasn't here 5 seconds ago'

Tomioka Giyu

Uzui Tengen

Rengoku Kyojuro

Tokito Muichiro

Himejima Gyomei

Kocho Kanae

Shinazugawa Sanemi

Iguro Obanai

'Wait- 1...3...6...7...8 oh right I forgot... I'm pretty sure Shinobu becomes a Pillar after Kanae dies and Mitsuri hasn't joined yet either... I wonder if she's Kyojuros tsugoku at the moment'

"I see that you're all doing well. Muichiro I hope your time as a pillar so far has been pleasant. I can see that the girl you found is doing better."

'Hah Oyakata-sama is so funny, like why does this blind man feel the need to say that he 'sees' everything, like no you don't.' trying to keep myself from laughing out loud, I look up at Oyakata-sama to say something signaling that I'm here since, you know, he's blind.

"Yes I- WAIT YOU'RE NOT BLIND!" Oops, I think I said that out loud.


"STFU AND STOP HITTING ME OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL- I mean sorry for acting in such a rude manner Oyakata-sama, please forgive me." I said bowing even lower. 'What am I thinking this is the Oyakata-sama I can't go around acting like a spoiled brat from 20XX, show some respect (y/n)... maybe I should ask Kanae for those anger management tips after this... nah no need I'll be as good as new after messing with Sanemi later, hehe.'

"*chuckles* Don't worry about it child, it is your first time here after all. I remember Sanemi's first meeting. It went a lot like this, although he wasn't nearly as nice as you."

'Hah sucker' looking over at Sanemi I stick my tongue out to tease him. He was mad but kept a straight face, probably because of Oyakata-sama.

"Now then children let us begin our hashira meeting."

"Hai, Oyakata-sama" All of the hashira sang in union.

'But wait, hashira meeting? Then what the hell am I doing here..?!'

'...Should I make a run for it? No. First, only sus people run ok, you run because you know something. Secondly, there is no way in hell I would be able to outrun everybody here... Also a third, since Oyakata-sama isn't blind yet he'll see me run away and that would be embarrassing as shit. Oh wait, I forgot...'

'... I have shit to hide and I mean I'm fast enough, plus I'm small which makes me harder to catch AND like not to be that person but like... there are only guys here and I'm pretty sure no one's planning on having children in the future so...'


a/n: Chapter 5! Hope you guys enjoy ❤️

I think there's like 6 people reading this book so far, so thank you so much✨

-love, your Author-chan

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