-The Painful Truth-

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I woke up to Shinobu again, and the day was pretty much the same. I started with some studying, breakfast, stretching with the butterfly girls, breathing with Tomioka. I actually made a lot of progress and can now hold it a good 11 minutes and even do some light training and other stuff at the same time. After that I had lunch and did sword practice with Obanai, who's thankfully not angry and murderous anymore. I had dinner and left for the stone estate, where I trained with Genya. In the end Genya even agreed to train with me and the other hashiras.



"Genya, would you like to train with some of the other hashiras alongside (y/n)-san. It would be a great experience and you would learn a lot faster."

"No way, I'm not gonna risk seeing him more than I have to."

'You little!' "I guess it's no use Himejima-san. I mean I'm older after all, it's only natural he'll be scared, especially since he knows I'm already so much better than him. He is only still little so it makes total sense." 'Ha'

"The hell are you talking about, are you dumb? I'm clearly better than you!"

"Prove it, kid."

"Argh! Fine, I'll gladly join (y/n)-kun and train with him and the other hashiras. (y/n)-kun I'll show you! I'm way better than you!"

"We'll see about that tomorrow. Bye Genya-kun~"

~End of Flashback~


After that day Genya joined me and we both shot up in skill. Everything became a competition and neither of us were gonna back down.

"Girls, I think you can stretch a bit more, I can barely feel anything."

"Ah, me too! This is too simple" Genya copied.

"B-but you're both crying out of pain already..."

"No I'm not!" We screamed in sync, but as they stretched us out more we both screamed in pain.


"I bet I can keep my concentration breathing longer than you!"

"I'd like to see you try!" I mocked him.

"I want you both to keep concentration breathing while fighting each other, combat that'll say, with fists."

"I'll beat your ass you little brat"

"As if I'll totally beat you!"

"Your breathings"



"Hey Iguro-san I'm doing way better than him, right"


"I thought you were over it! I've apologized multiple times already, I'm sorry ok!"

"(y/n) do 500 more swings, Genya-kun you can take a break"

"You hear that Genya I get extra training to get better. *Blah*(Putting tongue out)"


"Argh, kids..."


"Himejima-san, what is the score now?!"

"Yeah, I won right?!"

"Eh, sorry I lost count after 27-26..."

"Well who had 27, that'll be the winner?"

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