Not a chap. - Q/A

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Includes some spoilers! You don't need to read this before the story, it's just placed here in case you have any questions later on :)

So I understand that this story can be kinda confusing so I thought that I would add this, where you can ask about stuff👍

Please comment any questions at the dots (•) and I will do my best to answer it. Some stuff that people have been asking about already↓

•y/n's powers

Yes I made (y/n) op both because some people actually wanted it and because some things, like walking under the sun, would make it much easier to write the story. Also personally I just like the idea that we're not weak and helpless. I do understand that we've been a demon for a short amount of time but also remember that we've been staying close to the upper moons, training to become stronger too.

•y/n being on par with Muzan?

No she's not as strong as Muzan, you're right he is the demon king and the most powerful demon. The reason why she has the status of '(y/n)-sama' isn't because she's the strongest (even tho she's not really weak) it's because during the time she was in the infinity fortress Muzan took a liking of her and saw her almost as a daughter, which is why he would get pretty pissed if one of his demons did something to her.


Basically (y/n) is (y/n) but she can change her appearance and the appearance she's been using is named 'Shizuka Himari'. It doesn't really have any big meaning, it's basically just a secret identity.




• Other

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