-I'm Back Baby-

963 46 19

The little girls slid the doors open and I slowly walked outside with Oyakata-sama. The air was immediately filled with surprise and gasps. I carefully looked at the hashira from the corner of my eye. Everyone except Muichiro and Mitsuri look either happy or on the brink of tears. Except for Sanemi who looked pissed as always. The hashira wouldn't believe their own eyes and they all looked to Oyakata-sama for reassurance.

"O-oyakata-sama... is.. that..." Shinobu is first to speak.

"She's alive?!" Kyojuro burst out next.

"How unfortunate.." Obanai mutter, secretly relieved to see you well.

"What the hell is the meaning of this?! She's alive now!? Who the hell pretends to be dead, not showing their face ONCE in over a year?!" Sanemi screams angrily. I lower my head at his statement.

"That's enough." Oyakata-sama states rather firmly, shocking me as his gentle manner was forgotten. "Sanemi perhaps you'd like to explain what (Y/n) has been through this whole time? Since you're shaming her reasons you must know them, no?" He continues.

"You're right Oyakata-sama, I let my emotions take over. I'm very sorry." Sanemi admits, lowering his head.

I was surprised but grateful for Ubuyashiki's unusual outburst. I took a step forward and bowed.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to come back and I'm sorry I can't tell you everything that's happened since then..." I tell them all as I feel a wave of sadness. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms embrace me. Then another and another.

"We're just glad you're alive (y/n)! Please don't scare us like that ever again!" Shinobu who was first to hug me cries out.

"The important thing right now is that you're back here safe!" Kyojuro adds also in the hug.

"Stop crying or- or else I-I'll start too!" Mitsuri joins in from the hug, already in tears.

I look up to find all hashiras surrounding me with reassuring faces. All except Sanemi who still looked down. 

"His brother took your disappearance the worst... I think he's just worried about him" Shinobu explains.

"Yeah... Oyakata said Genya should be at your estate, I thought I should probably head over there after this." I tell her.

"I'll come with, my sister should be there too... I think she'd like to meet you as well." Shinobu reminds me. I release a breath of relief.

"I'm glad she's alright" I say.

The hug slowly comes to an end and Shinobu and I excuse ourselves to head to the butterfly estate. Before we leave I stop in front of Sanemi to apologise for my troubles and also tell him that I'm heading out to see his brother. He only sighs mutters an 'ok' and 'welcome back' before urging me to go.

I leave towards the butterfly estate with Shinobu. We both walk and she tells me a little about what I've missed like how she became a pillar and her sister have been working more on the medical field and there's a crazy boy who's traveling with his demon sister.. Yeah I knew about that last one but still, it was nice talking and catching up with her again.

Before I knew it I was waiting outside Kanae's door while Shinobu went inside to get her sister. I stood quietly outside and listened to the small sounds of conversation I heard from the other side of the door. That was until a shout erupted, 'What!', then the sound of footsteps closing in from the inside of the room. As the door opens I can barely react before Kanae embraces me while sobbing. I hug her back with a few tears threatening to spill and in the corner of my blurred vision I can see people entering the corridor in worry.  I stay with Kanae for a few more minutes until someone confronts the sudden chaos.

"Aoi" Kanae calles her over and she soon notices herself who's standing next to Kanae. Me.

"(y/n)..?" She asks hesitant as she walks up to us.

"Hiii.." I greet her and she comes over to join the hug. Or she did after smacking me on the head and telling me how stupid and irresponsible I was.. and that everyone was so scared and worried... and sad... and I can never do it again... :,)

After apologising and being welcomed back by the butterfly girls, it's time to look for our next target... I used to think that it would be fun to be back but now I realise how scary it is.. I followed Kanae through corridors as she lead the why to the room where Genya was waiting for his usual check-up. Yet again I was silently waiting outside a door as Kanae would go through the medical exam first.

It didn't take long but as I waited my anxiety still grew. Ok calm breathes. I'll just be like, 'Heyyy! nonono, Hey~ or... Hii...' I think while practicing my hand gestures. I stop what I'm doing as I finally her Kanae speak up from inside.

"Ehem" She clears her throath nervously. "Before you leave Genya-kun..."

"..." It's quiet as he only turns to look at her.

"There's.. ehm.. how do I.." She sighs frustrated not knowing how to form her sentence.

"If it's not important I'll take my leave" He mutter as he walks out of the room. Kanae looks after him, waiting for some sort of reaction but unbeknownst to her. The (h/c) girl had fled in panic.

I simply opened the closest door and ran inside, to stressed to know what I was even doing. I let out a breath of air thinking about how dumb that was before banging my head against the door.

"(Y/n)-san?" the voice of a familiar burgundy boy called.

"Tanjiro?" I turned around.

"(Y/nnnnnnn)-channnnnn!" Zenitsu called out from the bed next him.

"Zenitsu? Inosuke?" I answer looking over at the two boys occupying the beds to Tanjiro's left.

"What are you doing here? Did you meet the hashiras?" Tanjiro asks curiously with a tint of worry.

"Yeah yeah I found them and stuff..I yeah it's fine but ehh." I answer not even being able to think straight due to all the stress put on my poor heart within this past hour. The door behind me then open and I almost fall backwards.

"(Y/n)-san?" Kanae asks from behind me.

"Kanae!" I ask surprised.

"I thought you were waiting for Genya-kun?" She asks confused.

"Genya? Shinazugawa Genya?" Tanjiro adds in.

"I- I... I FREAKED OUT OK!" I panic and run out the door.

Ah crap- that was so embarrassing... 'Calm down, deep breaths' I tell my self as I breathe in and out. I just keep running, wanting to get out in the garden for a bit of fresh air. 'With just a bit of luck on my side I'll be able to find the front door! I just know it. I just have to beli-' 

"Ouch" I rub my lower back as my butt just hit the floor.

"What the heck? Get out of my-"The reason for my fall, turned around to curse at me.

"Ah shit..." I mumble at the absolute audacity god has to put me in these situations...

•Taisho secrets

•Genya was kinda uncomefy during his check up cause he had this strange feeling that someone was standing outside the whole time.

•Kaburamaru was happy to see (Y/n) too :)


a/n: This is fine :) *bieng a demon, surrounded by demonkilling people* Yeah, this is fine...

Omg we're officially back and busted :,)

I hope y'all enjoy cause I'm trying to figure out how many buckets Genya will fill with tears in the next chap :,)

Take care, I love you allllll<3<3<3

-Love, author-chan<3

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