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-(Y/n's POV)-

"Do... Do you want to be part of my family..?" Rui asks shily as I carry him towards where I think mommy and sissy are.

"Of course, I told you earlier, didn't I?" I answer with a smug smirk.

"R-right, but I already have a mother... Could you be my nee-san instead?" 'Rui is literally such a cinemonroll<3 I can't!'

"Of co-" I was interrupted by someone grabbing me by the neck, making me stop abruptly. I try to look back but all I can see is a dash of pink in the corner of my eye.

"Well well well, I guess he was right." a familiar voice spoke behind me. He let go of my neck and I turned around so that me and Rui could face him.

"Well well well, if it isn't my favorit upper moon!" I answer him while Rui mumbles a

"Upper moon three"

"What the heck are you doing, he is furious with all the chaos you're causing." Akaza says annoyed.

"Rui, could you go ahead and look for your sister and mother? I told them to hide somewhere safe." I say and let him down. He looks a little upset but runs away nonetheless. "Hey, I ain't doin nothin! and he needs to chillax!" I pout at Akaza and he just sighs.

"Look you've had your adventure, just come back already." he says

"Why, you missed me<3" I ask him cutely. He just looks away. Typical flustered Akaza.

"He's getting really mad at everyone for you being gone, what are you even doing?" he asked, clearly talking about the fact that I was running around with a lower moon just now.

"I'm saving baby Rui from the demon slayers!" I exclaim like it was obvious.

"You're telling me that's the reason you've been gone for weeks?"

"Nope, I'm on my way to the corps that's why I've been-" I said before Akaza interrupted me

"The demon slayer corps? Are you out of your mind! Are you forgetting that you're a demon? Are you trying to get yourself killed? You're not going back there, no way in hell!" He scolds me and I just look down.

"Well I don't care! I'm going, I don't care if they kill me, I'm tired of being watched 24/7 and I... I miss them..." I mumble out the last part.

"Hey, I know but do you really think it's a good idea? What are you going to do if they actually try to kill you?" Akaza says in a soft, caring tone. I just shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know." I mumble out. Akaza sighs again and pulls me into his chest, resting his chin on top of my head.

"You're pretty stubborn so I guess it doesn't really matter what I say... Just be careful. If you get yourself killed, I'll beat the shit out of you." I laugh into his bare chest.

"Thanks Akaza" I hugged him tightly. He then reaches for something in his pocket.

"I kinda had a feeling this would happen, here." He hands me the object.

"My phone? Thank you!" I go in for another hug.

"Just don't stay away for too long, Doma's been annoying me extra much since you left."

"Haha, can't you just admit that you missed me" I jokingly teased him and to my surprise he hugged me tighter.

"Fine, I missed you and I was worried about you, don't just disappear like that." He says quietly, almost in a whisper.

"Sorry" was all I could say

"Oh and by the way I'm assuming you're not gonna give out any wital information if I let you go now." Akaza says seriously.

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