-When I Say Sleep, You Say Over!-

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Just reminding cause I forgot about it too..

Sakiko = Spider mommy

Sayuri = Spider Sissy

That's all<3


We finally manage to find our way to Mt. Natagumo and I lead the way to the cave where my demons should still be waiting. When we're right behind the corner I stop.

"Alright, it should be right around here. Wait here while I go get em." I tell Genya with smirk.

"Alright.." Genya answers, somewhat suspicious.

I walk a few feet and disappear into the cave.

"Helloooo, anybody home?" I call out into the cave as my voice eco against the walls.

"(Y/n)-sama!" Susamaru peaks out of the darkness.

"(Y/n)-sama" Yahaba and Kyogai greets more politely.

"(Y/n)-nee!" Sayuri yells excited and run to hug me.

"Welcome back" Sakiko greets me like a true momm- mother.

"Hi everyone! Good news, I have a place for us to go now" I tell them all excited.

"That was fast.." Yahaba says.

"That's just because (Y/n)-sama is the best!" Susamaru quickly defends.

"Precisely! Let's get going before it gets dark. Oh and maybe a quick refill first." I laugh as everyone stand up and get ready to leave. When everyone has moved away from the corner of the cave I could finally see Rui in the back.

"There you are Rui, why are you hiding back there? Come on!" I call out to him with a smile and he soon run to my side without saying a word.

*One blood drinking session later*

"Oh, I almost forgot! Genya is waiting outside for us so everyone be nice!" I call out as we're about to exit the cave. I walk out first, carrying Rui on my back. 

"Genya!" I shout and he soon appears from where I left him.

"Yeah- eh? A kid?" Genya asks surprised.

"I'm older then you" Rui answers sassily before I can answer.

"Okay..." Genya answers unsure of the fact.

"Genya this is Rui. Rui be nice and say hi." I introduce them.

"Hi.." Rui mutters.

"I must say I wasn't expecting a lone child, didn't you say demons? As in plural?" Genya continues as more demons slowly exit the cave.

"Yes! Genya this is Susamaru, Yahaba, Kyogai, Sakiko and Sayuri!" I continue to introduce as Genya looks like he's regretting speaking too soon.

"I... don't even know what to say..." Genya mumbles.

"Hey! Don't say it like that!" I shout back at him.

"W-what! When you said you were traveling with a few demon I thought you meant like two, not six!" Genya shouts back.

"Oh yeah? Just wait until I collect the rest!" 

"Collect the rest? WHAT IS THAT EVEN SUPPOSE TO MEAN?" Genya answer confused.

"I don't know." I answer playing dumb.

"Let's just get back to the estate..." Genya answers, admitting defeat.

"Yes! Lead the way" I chant happily as I walk up to him.

"Lead the way? I don't know which way back?" Genya answers.

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