-Not Hell, It's Worse... Exercise-

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It soon became late and Kanae finally showed me back to my room. Since I only had my jeans and hoodie, Kanae gave me a yakuta to change into. It was super cute, different shades of purple with small butterflies at the ends.

I got changed and went to bed, and as my head hit the pillow and my eyes shut, my body relaxed and I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to someone poking and calling out for me. Opening an eye, I looked at the person, Shinobu, then at the window.

'Still dark' "No"

I heard how Shinobu huffed in disbelief. "Nee-san, she won't even wake up, she just went right back to sleep!"

"Ara ara, then try harder Shinobu-chan. Don't forget to smile, you're so pretty when you smile!" I could hear Kanae say from afar.

Shinobu sighs before walking up to me once again. "Hey, wake up now. Nee-san says you have to start your training now." I guess I'll just have to get used to this. At least I'm gonna be woken up by ✨Pretty woman✨ everyday so that's good I guess.

"Alright, thanks for waking me up Shinobu-chan. The day always turns out better when you wake up to a pretty face." I say sitting up. I see how her cheeks get slightly tinted in pink before she turns around and walks away.

I throw my legs over the bed and stand up beside it.

"(y/n)-san I brought you some new clothes."

"Ah, thank you Kanae-san" I take the clothes from her and she leaves again so that I can change. I hold them up and inspect what she's given me.

A white kimono-shirt-thing, a pair of black hakama pants(Pants that have slits from the hips and up, that you tie) and a haori in the same color as my hoodie, my favorite color. I put it all on and try to see how it looks but there are no mirrors. 'How am I supposed to see how my ass looks in these pants without a mirror...' I remembered my phone and quickly looked for it. As I found it, I opened the camera app and put my phone at a little table. I backed up a bit and took a quick glance, before I heard Kanae from out of the hallway.

"(y/n)-san are you done? hurry up so we can start training!" With that I quickly put my phone away, and ran out in the hallway and up to Kanae.

"I'm coming, I'm here." I said as I ran through the hallway. Kanae only smiled upon seeing me and then she started walking as I just followed her. We walked for a while in peaceful silence, until she stopped.

"We'll be starting your training here." she said as she opened a sliding door. The room reminds me of where the kamaboko-squad did their rehabilitation training. We walked in and she explained that we'll start every morning with some studying,*cOugH* boring *CouGH*, before breakfast and then do some stretching and flexibility training. After that I will train Total concentration breathing with giyu, and after lunch I will do sword practice with Obani outside. Lastly, I will eat dinner before I do full body training with Gyomei.

The worst thing is... I think this is the easy part. I'm only gonna learn the basics. Later on I'm going to have to just train myself to death so that I can actually be good.

We walked into the room and Kanae led me to a table with a pile of books.

"Okay, let's start with the history of demons..." Kanae started but I didn't really listen too much. I already know most of it, probably even more than they do. Thanks to that I can at least take it easy for now, only half listen and then I can just make up the parts I don't hear with what I already know.

I think we were at it for like an hour. The sun's already fully risen. We stopped studying and started doing some simple stretching, like sitting down and reaching for your toes. I thought it would be worse. More painful, like when kamaboko-squad did it with the butterfly girls. Who cares, who am I to complain anyways. After we simply stretched our whole bodys, we left for breakfast.

It was a pleasant breakfast, calm, and the food here is like *CHeFs KisS*. SO FUcking DelICIOus! After Kanae and I finished we left to do some more stretching and now I was a bit scared since I saw the butterfly girls.

"I called these girls to help with your stretching." Kanae said with a closed eyed smile.

'I guess the butterfly girls are here now... hehe...shit.'


The training with the butterfly girls is finally over... 'Damn now I understand why Inoske and Tanjiro always looked like they were about to drop dead... Well at least I can have a easy minute with Tomioka now, I mean how hard can it be to breathe?'

I sit on the floor of the room while the butterfly girls disappear to who knows where. Kanae said that Giyu will be here any minute and that I should just wait for him, before also leaving. Now I was left alone in the room, just waiting.

As I waited for Giyu, I started to feel quite impatient. 'Where the hell is he?!' I might not have the best sense of time but it's been way too long. Did he diss me. For real! I'll just have to go find him myself then.

With that I stood up, turned around and marched towards the door. I grabbed the side of it, smashing it open and running out only to be met with a wall. Wait since when is there a wall on the other side of the door? Wait. Back up a little.


"AHH, Tomioka-san I-I'm sorry!"

"It's... fine." 'Ah such a cute shy boy!'

"Actually I was just gonna go look for you, I've waited for quite a while you know." I say pouting slightly.

"Mm, we'll start training now." He says looking away slightly. 'AH, SO CUTE!'


We started with the basics. He told me how to do concentration breathing, and I did it. Well more like tried. It's harder than it looks, okay! The whole time, all the way 'til lunch, I just tried to do concentration breathing and holding it for as long as I could. My record so far is about 4 minutes and 42 seconds. I'm officially ashamed of myself. 'How can I only breathe for 4 frickin' minutes!' Anyways, Giyu said it was going well for my first time learning it, so I guess it'll do for now.

Time flew by and it was already time for lunch. 'More DEliCiouS FoOOd, yay!'

I decided to eat outside since it's so beautiful here and the sun is at its peak, which means it'll be quite warm in the rays of sunlight. Just as I was about to start, both Giyu and Kanae joined me. We had a nice time while finishing our lunches. Eventually Obanai showed up and I had to head back to training.


a/n: Hey guys, here's chapter 8!

I have a few chapters ready to post but I want to at least have a day or two between posting them, so that they'll last longer incase I get write block or too much in school or something.

Also @aloilmokka , thank you for your comment! I'm actually working on the Doma chapter rn but there are a few chapter in between first... Hopefully I'll be able to get it out soon tho! 

Any ideas are welcome too, I'm not really sure what to put in the Doma chap. even tho I have some ideas. Please tell me if there's anything you'd like to see in the future!

I hope you'll all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you in the next, take care<3

-Love, author-chan.

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