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-(Y/n's POV)-

I woke up like normal in my room. I turned off the alarm and groaned as I sat up in my bed. I put my arms up in a stretch before throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up and stretch some more. I pick up my phone and start checking my notices.

Message 6.57

Are you up?


Wake up

If your late again I'm not going to wait for you





Read 7.24 am

Chill! I'm up now..

Read 7.24

Did you just wake up...

Read 7.25

Ya what about it?

Read 7.25

You know we start at 8:00 right?


You know that right?!

I'm gonna be late again...

Sent at 7.27

Message closed

I threw my phone on the bed and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my normal jeans, a turtleneck shirt and an oversized T-shirt. After I got dressed I fixed my hair enough so that I didn't look like a caveman- woman. I grab my phone and put on my headphones before playing some music. I brush my teeth and pack my bag. After putting my shoes on and grabbing my jacket I leave the house and head to school.

I take the same way as always through the woods and end up in the same alley. I walk out in the street and see a certain male approaching me.

"You're late" he says

"Naah, I'm right on time! Look! 7.43. I'm even early today." I state proudly while pointing at the time on my phone.

"Whatever let's go, we're not at school yet." He says and starts walking.

"Yeah yeah, hurry up then!" I tease him as I run past him.

"Why are you running! Argh" he yelled after me and started running. Halfway to school we stopped to walk.

"I don't get why you're always so stressed, we're never actually late." I tell him.

"Because you always sleep in and end up skipping breakfast to make it on time."

"That's not true..." I avoid eye contact.

"What did you have for breakfast today?"


He sighs.

"Air" I mumble.

"that's what I thought... here" He brought out a small bag and handed it to me.

"What's this? AH SANEMI'S OHAGI! Genya this is why you're my besto friendo" I take out the ohagi and start stuffing my mouth with it.

"Just eat it before we arrive at school, if Sanemi sees you he's gonna kill you... and me. He's gonna kill us."

"I know but for real he should honestly just accept it. I've been stealing his ohagi for years so..."

"Have you met my brother?"

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