-Don't- Don't Do It-

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I follow Muzan to the dining room where his 'wife' is waiting. It's a huge table with so much food, all from fruit, to sandwiches, to desserts. We both join his wife by the table and exchange our good mornings. After a few minutes Rei's daughter, Haruka, join us as well and we all begin dining.

"Mother" Haruka whispers loudly with a hand over her mouth.

"Yes dear" Rei whispers back to her daughter.

"Who is that?" Haruka continues as she (not) subtly points at me.

"That's no way to talk about your sister" Muzan comments while sipping on his tea. The girl only gasps in excitement.

"Are you (Y/n)? Are you my new nee-san?!" The girl asks me with stars in her eyes.

"That would be me, yes" I chuckle at her cuteness

"Waaaaa! You're so pretty! Will you play with me? Will you!" She asks me hopefully.

"Thank you, and I think I can do that" I smile at her. 'Kids aren't usually me favourite but she's just too adorable!'

"Oh (y/n) I almost forgot" Muzan starts as I look over at him. "Here's that soda you like" He pushes a glass bottle over the table and towards me.

"The soda?" 'What soda? I didn't even know they had soda?! I wonder what kind..?' I grab the bottle and inspect it before opening the lid. Immediately I knew what was inside, the smell was strong and didn't know how to react. "Thank you father, I will save it and enjoy it later." I smile at him 'What is he thinking just handing me a bottle of fucking blood?! In front of these two as well! Is he crazy?'

"You're welcome. Don't let it sit too long, it's best had fresh" Muzan says with a small smile.

"Nee-san, what's that? Is it good? Can I have some too?" Haruka asks me looking at the red liquid.

"I think you'll have to get a little older first.." I smile and laugh a little awkwardly.

"Awww" She continues sadly.

"(Y/n) why don't you tell us a bit about your school? How do you like it there?" Rei changes the subject.

"I quite like it. The teachers are all very nice and intelligent, I constantly learn new things and because I live at school for the most part it's much easier to focus on my work." I smile as I explain what my imaginary school is like.

"What subjects do you study? Are there any you're particularly interested in?" Rei continue, seemingly  interested in my school life.

"Well I have a rather broad scope of subjects but I suppose I do enjoy (f/ subject) the most." I tell her, this time based on my real school experience.

"Really? I myself studied that when I was in school, I'd love to discuss it sometime if you'd like." She continues excited.

"Yes that'd be nice" I smile back excited. Muzan then made his presence remembered when he stood up and cleared his throat.

"Well I'm glad you're all getting along but (Y/n) and I should get going and begin our work." Muzan say, looking at me.

"Um.. I'd like to stay a while longer- If it's alright with you of course.. I promise to help you later" I ask Muzan who looks a bit confused at my request, but agrees nonetheless.

I spent some time with Rei and we talked about (f/ subject), she showed me around and I also found out that she loves gardening and that most of the garden outside the mansion is her doing. She even invited me to join her sometime. Unfortunately I didn't have time to answer her since Haruka swiped in and stole me away to play.

Haruka is such a sweet girl. The first thing she did was show me around her room and introduce me to all her dolls. After all the introductions were done it was time to play. She picked out her favourite and then I got to pick mine. During our play Haruka asked me lots of questions and wanted me to come up with scenarios for our dolls to play through. Eventually we stopped playing and a maid was kind enough to help me find Muzan's work room.

*Knock knockedy knock*

"Come in (Y/n)" Muzan answers to my knocking. 'How did he know it was me?!' I think for a minute before opening the door. The second I stepped inside I could clearly feel the presence of the infinity fortress. He must have linked the door leading into this room with a door inside the fortress... I suppose that's useful since it'll give him access to all his work no matter where he is..

"I'm back" I say as I see him working by his usual table.

"What took you so long?" Muzan asks, still focused on his work.

"I've been with Rei and Haruka..? I never would have guessed Rei was taking care of the garden herself! She even said she'd let me join her-" I start to tell him about my day with excitement.

"That would be hard, seeing as the garden is outside and most gardening is done during daytime." Muzan interrupted, pessimistically.

"Then I'll have to help her in the evening when the sun's down." I question confused.

"It'll still be too dangerous" he says bluntly.

"How old do you think I am? Five?" I blurted annoyed.

"No, but I can probably trust you to stay out of trouble less then one."

"..." I stay quite, knowing I haven't really been the easiest guest.. 'I didn't kiddnap myself, it's your own fault..'

"If you're not here to help me, why not go and start unpacking your things? Your rooms is right across the hall."

"...Fine." I mutter as I slowly leave the room.

I walk into my own room and as Muzan suggested I start unpacking the clothes. 'How do you hang these?? Do I just fold them? Do I hang the kimono and fold the obi?' I do my best to put away the clothes and after being finally done I lay down on the bed.

"What time is it? It's so darn dark in this entire house I can't tell.. I haven't seen the sun in forever! Im going to die from lack of vitamin-D soon" I cry out to myself. "I miss the days when I could complain about melting during training under the sun... Nothing beats the day Genya first saw me shirtless and realised I wasn't a dude. Aww the memories." I laugh to myself. I look over at the balcony door, completely sealed from sunlight.

'I wonder...'

'Just a quick peak...'

'Maybe just one hand...'

Slowly I retracted the layers of thick fabric hanging before the door, opening it just enough for the afternoon sun to light up a small line inside the room.

'What's the worst that can happen..'

•Taisho secrets

•Mama Rei and sissy Haruka uwu

•Rei and (Y/n) bonding over interests? 😏

•Muzan jealous? Pfft- No... never...


a/n: I like this fam. :) 

Summer is going nicely!! I just ate the best meal, took a dip in our pool and then just went back to chilling. 

Y'all doin anything fun???

I hope you have a good time/summer/day/night and that you're all taking care of yourselves!! Go eat some good food!! And DON'T FORGET ABOUT DESSERT!!!!😡

-Love, author-chan<3

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