The Case (1)

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My life was one big ball of staying on the tracks, literally and not. I always did the right thing, sure growing up in down town LA there was always the temptations to do bad, but I never did. When I was in high school, I tried to stay out of the spotlight as much as I could, and make it thought school without any incidents. I once got punched in the face by a girl twice my size and apologized for it even though I didn't do anything wrong. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I lived my life one day at a time and was determined to make my dreams come true.

Really the only bad thing I ever done was working at a bar and learning to race cars, but that was always in a safe environment. I was good too, better than half the old men in the police force that had been racing and training for most of their lives.

Basically, I was in training to become the youngest Detective that they had in the LAPD, my plan was to become a detective before my twenty second birthday, so I had about seven months to do just that. Honestly, for that title, I'd do anything which was why right now I was sitting in a chair staring at a screen at the deputy's 'secret location', which was a bit too fancy to be police headquarters. The screen had five names and information on each of the names placed across it.

"Liana, We've called you here, because we need you to do a job for us." Sargent Mackles stated, his grey hair falling onto his face as he looked from me to some random guy to the screen. "As you may know the LAPD have been working on the Rivera case for quite some time now, and recently the FBI have come into the works, and Liana, you're our finest rooky here and you're also our youngest which is why, Myself and agent Matthews want to an assign you to a mission." A mission I couldn't help but feel honoured that they picked me for the job.

"A mission? What kind of mission?" I questioned, sitting up straighter suddenly so much more interested in what he was going to say next.

"We want you to go undercover and bring down the Rivera crew from the inside." I froze, not breaking my stare from Mackles. I was trying to figure out what he was saying. Undercover, as in he wants me to be someone I'm not, he wants me to lie? I was a terrible liar. Not only that, all of the people in the Rivera gang have serious back bone and have broken so many laws. It wasn't a normal week if the Rivera's didn't have news segment for breaking some sort of law or getting into a bar brawl. Me? I cried when I got a parking ticket or accidently hit a bird with my car. Honestly, sometimes I questioned if I was good enough or strong enough to be a detective.

"Sir, if your suggesting what I think your suggesting, I think you have the wrong girl for the job."

"I thought you might say that Miss Martinez, so if you bring down Rivera Crew, you will get your detective badge in full. No more testing or waiting." My eyes widened. This was all I ever wanted, I wanted my badge, since I was ten I wanted to be a detective and right now it was just a small length away. It was close enough to grab and I wouldn't let it slip away now.

I took a deep breath, "Okay, what do I have to do?" Mackles smiled, and walked over next to the screen.

"Okay, so these are all the people in the Rivera gang that we know are close to the gang leader, Noah Rivera." I looked away from him, raising my eyebrows at the file on the screen.

Noah Rivera.
Age; 22. Height; 6"1.
Criminal activity;
Attended juvenile detention at age of fifteen for popping cars.
Assault charges.
Street racing.

I couldn't help noticing how good looking he was, dark hair that was messed up as if he'd just come from having hands run through it, dark brown eyes, his skin was perfectly tanned and his arms were covered in ink. In the photo they had captured of him, a smirk was on his lips as he talked to some girl. Her expression showed that she was at ease with him, a flirty smile on her face. Actually it kind of looked like she was about to throw herself at him, there was hunger in her eyes. "Noah is the leader of the gang, the closer you get to him, the closer you'll get to closing down the whole operation."

"Knowing Noah, as long as you have boobs you'll get close." Agent Matthews spoke up for the first time.

"Excuse me?"

"Noah is a twenty-two-year-old guy, he loves all the other things that guys that age enjoy, Boobs, bums, sex, money and parties, just because he controls half the illegal activity going on in this town doesn't mean he's not a the same as any other guy." Agent Matthews said, shaking his head. "You're going to have to learn that sweetie." The way he said that made me angry, almost as if he didn't believe that I was up to the task, which was true I guess. I wasn't ready or had the guts to take down a whole gang. I hadn't done anything exciting in my life, like ever.

"Moving on, next is his little sister, Piper Rivera. She's always at his side, but she's never had any run ins with the law, she works at the car shop that Noah owns and is never involved with anything illegal. Noah is very protective over his sister, so that's why you're going to get to him through her. You are close in age and both have an interest in cars, so that's going to be your first move." I looked at Piper's photo and I was already intimidated by her, she was gorgeous. Her features we're much the same as Noah's, brown hair and but she had hazel eyes, olive skin. Her file said she was 20 and 5"8 in height.

"When you say that's my first move, what do you mean? What is?" I asked. I wanted to get into it right now, and just get this whole thing over and done with.

"Well, you're going to get a car and take it over to the Riverside workshop, have a chat to Piper, get an invite to hang out or something. It's up to you. But that's later, right now you need a new look. You're not quite street racer enough."


After three hours of acting lessons, going over the files, basically a whole wardrobe change and a slight makeover. My brown medium length hair was now down to my waist with the help from some extensions, my black slacks, blouses and cardigans were traded with light blue denim jeans that did wonders for my legs and bum, a tight black singlet which had me worried that we might have a spillage of my boobs and black heeled sneakers. I stood in front of a full length mirror, just staring at myself. My dark brown eyes were surrounded by dark makeup making them appear darker and my lips were a glossy pink. I had never been one to keep up on all the latest fashion and makeup trends, as I was always so busy trying to get where I am today. Seeing myself like this was a shock, because I looked like a different person.

"Liana, come out to the back when you're ready, we have a surprise for you." Mackles shouted from a different room, making me look away from myself. With one last look in the mirror, I nodded and headed out to where Mackles stood grabbing a leather jacket on my way. "You look different, Liana. Badass almost." He nodded at me.

"Thanks, I think." I wasn't quite sure how to take that really, so I took it as a compliment.

"Okay, so now for the car." I followed Mackles out the back of the house, and there sat on the driveway was my dream car. I could've cried at how perfect it was, I internally screamed and ran over to the black beauty. Getting a 1969 Camaro ss was like a dream, I had just never been able to find one or afford one. This one looked like it was ready to be raced and had had time and effort put into it to make it look slick and fast. This car was the perfect race car, well, except the wheels.

"What's up with the stock wheels?" I asked, looking at the gross faded and scratched grey wheels.

"You need new ones and it has problems shifting gears which I'm sure you'll pick up on your travels, and you're going to get the tires and help from Riverside workshop."

So the plan begins.




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