The Old Boyfriend (6)

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I turned around the last corner, and my apartment block came into view, the ride with Noah hadn't exactly been unpleasant, actually it had been kind of nice, apart from the tension that laced the air. It was a quite trip, Noah hadn't really said a word to me since we got in the car, he only commented on how he loved the setup of my car. It was a nice silence, not at all awkward like I was expecting it to be.

I pulled up in the car park, and turned to Noah. "Sorry in advance for the mess." That's what people usually say when they have a complete stranger coming into their apartment right? I opened the car door, and stepped out, Noah followed suit. I wondered up the steps. I pushed my key into the hole, and held the door open for Noah, he took a step inside and I noticed him take in the long hallway of the apartment. I slammed the door, hoping Calie would hear it over the sound of the TV. "I shouldn't be long, I just need to call my mum back and change out of these clothes." I smiled at him, leading him down the Hall.

"Ana?" Calie's voice echoed from the living room, Noah cocked his eyebrow at the sound of her voice. I moved into the doorway of the living room, my eyes landing on Calie curled up in the arms of a guy that was not Ricky. My eyes widened, just as hers did when Noah appeared behind me. I watched her take in Noah just as I was with the half-naked blond guy sitting on my couch, I hoped he was half naked anyway. I cringed as I noticed the blanket that covered his lower half.

"Hi," I said, "and you are?" my voice came out harsher then I intended. Calie threw the blanket off her, standing up and I was thankful that she at least had clothes on. Even if it was just a singlet and panties.

"Ah, this is Adam." Calie pulled on a pair of jeans that were thrown on the ground, I nodded slowly. "Who's this?" Calie asked raising her eyebrows at me. I looked too Noah, who's lips were tilted up in amusement as he watched the scene in front of him.

"This is Noah," I waved it off as if he wasn't important before I looked back at Adam on my couch. "Please, please tell me he has pants on," Adam stiffened a little as I looked to Calie, "Calie, you know that was my mother's couch." Adam's eyes widened as he looked at the couch in horror. I felt Noah's body shake a little as he pressed his front against my back, I tried to ignore the heat that spread from where he was touching me.

"Shit, Adam go put some pants on and go home, I'll call you later." Calie said desperately, I coughed and Noah chuckled behind me. I grabbed Noah's arm and pulled him out of the living room, Calie followed us. "A little warning next time would be nice, Ana." I smiled to myself, Calie was playing this shocked thing so well. I always told her that she should've been an actress instead of a journalist.

"Geez well, I didn't think I'd have to call in advance to come home to my own apartment." Noah allowed me to drag him fully into the Kitchen where I dropped his arm, I watched him lean back casually on the counter, completely at lease with being in my apartment. His eyes danced around the kitchen until it landed on a picture on the fridge, I cursed Calie for not putting it away. Actually no, I cursed myself for still having a picture like that around. It was a picture of Vince and I, Vince's arms wrapped around me from behind as he kissed my cheek, a wide smile was spread across my face as he kissed me. That was a month before he left, and probably the last time I was truly happy.

I pulled out of my thoughts and looked at Calie who was giving me a sad smile. "Well, you're lucky you didn't come about five minutes earlier." Calie wiggled her eyebrows at me, and I laughed a little before leaning forward on my elbows on the kitchen island. I couldn't shake the feeling that Noah was watching me.

"Bloody hell Calie." I shook my head at her, "What happened to Ricky?"

"He stood me up on a date, and left me sitting there in the restaurant for like an hour." She paused looking to Noah, who looked like he was having a hard time not laughing. "So, I got a little too drunk and next think I knew I had some guy from the staff of the restaurant back here and we were having sex on your mother's couch."

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