The Abused (22)

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Noah's arms on my waist provided me with nothing, I felt nothing because it had finally hit me that they had take Calie and that my father was behind it. My whole body was numb... I hardly even registered when Noah picked me up and started carrying me out of the club. My mind just kept playing the last ten minutes or so over and over again. Calie getting kidnapped, the gun, the guy I had taken down, and the words that would change everything. Samuel Martinez.

I hadn't seen my father since I was around seventeen, for all I knew he was dead. Actually I had thought that he had been dead, when he left without telling anyone, I had hoped he'd come back after a year or so but I gave up on him coming back about two years ago.

The shock of it all had left me feeling cold, I needed to find Calie but I feared if I did I'd come face to face with my father and I wasn't sure if I was ready for that.

"What's happening to her?" I was set down on the curb of the street, the fresh air finally providing me with some feeling. My vision kept blurring and spinning, Noah's dark hair was in my vision in one moment and the next he was gone but I couldn't even be disappointed about that.

"She's having a panic attack." A head of dirty blond hair replaced Noah's, Vince's face came into view, his lips set in a hard line. "Hey, remember what you used to do Ana?" I shook my head; I couldn't even think straight. my mind was everywhere, it just kept going back to the thin man's words. "Yes you do Ana." Vince's hand moved to my shoulder, "Tell me three things you can hear."

I tried to focus long enough to hear things, "I can't." I whimpered.

"Yes you can, Liana. Focus, clear your mind." I looked into Vince's green eyes focusing on them. My thoughts started to quieten down.

"Car's, music and people."

"Good, now three things you can see." I looked around. My eyes landing on Noah's which were filled with concern, he was slouched down on the other side of Vince. Piper's hand rested on his shoulder, her eyes were red, it made me wonder if one of my father's men had held her at gun point too.

"Street lights, water and Piper."

Vince brushed my hair away from my face, "Now what can you feel?" I could already feel myself calming, the trembling in my hands was still there but my heart had slowed and my vision was focusing.

"The road, my heart beating and you." I smiled weakly, thankful that Vince had been here to calm me. I wish I hadn't of needed calming in the first place, I wish I had never come out tonight, or maybe I wish that I had stuck by Noah and not gone off to dance.

"What happen, Ana?" Piper spoke up, I shook my head. I didn't want to think about it, I was still numb from the stock of the whole situation.

"They took Calie," I couldn't say anything else, not while Noah and Piper were here. I couldn't say that my father had taken Calie because they knew me as Liana Marshall not Liana Martinez. If I told them he was my father, all shit would break lose and I'd lose my cover. No matter what, I was not willing to blow it. Even now. "They took her, and I don't know where."

"Liana, we'll all help find her." Vince's words make me look at him, I stood slowly. Noah watched me carefully, his eyes trailing every move I made and every move Vince made to help me.

"Will we?" Willow scoffed in the background. "I don't think so; I'm not helping this bitch with anything." I whirled to look at her, I felt weak now that the adrenaline was finally leaving my body. My knuckles ached and so did my throat from the thin man's hand.

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