The Cobweb of Lies (25)

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I had woken up this morning in Noah's arm, I had gotten back Calie and things seemed to be going great with Noah. Until now. Mackles and Matthews wondered towards the living room, not even noticing the panicked look on my face. 

If i got out of this with my job and Noah's trust, I'll be freaking lucky. 

Matthew's turned around to look at me, "Why do you look so out of breath?" He looked me up and down, trying to figure out what was going on with me. Mackles look at me than, tilting his head to the side.

"There is something different about you, You know, apart from the obvious." Mackles pointed towards the tight jeans where there once would've been a long skirt or slacks. 

"Look guys, now isn't the best time. I have company." I nodded towards my room. 

Both their eyes widened before Matthews burst out laughing, "You finally got laid!" He all but shouted, I winced. "You know, I was wondering when you were going to loosen up." I mentally cursed him for talking so loud, I was surprised Noah hadn't emerged yet. 

"Maybe, you should try it sometime Matthews." Mackles barked, flashing me a smile. My smile dropped as my bedroom door opened and Noah looked at the scene in front of him. My eyes moved from Noah's face, to Mackles and Matthews face's which were masked with shock. 

I moved in front of Noah, trying to hid his shirtless body. "Ah, Noah this is my Uncle Tony and his godson, John." I waved to Mackles and Matthews, "Uncle, John, this is my," I paused waved to Noah and accidentally hitting his chest, "my friend, Noah." The both nodded slowly, looking between Noah and I. I could see Matthews eyes narrowing as he realized what was going on, Mackles however looked more confused than i had ever seen him. 

"You'd look like Cops." Noah stated. I cringed. 

"I'm an ex cop, got caught one too many times hitting the pipe on the job," Mackles acted out smoking a joint, "Not good to be high on the job apparently." I laughed loudly, causing all three of them to look at me. 

Calie's door opened, "What the fuck is going on here..." She trailed off taking in the scene, like Noah had. 

"Hey Cuz, if you and Noah here are friends, where's his shirt?" Matthews asked and I internally screamed at Noah for not putting on a shirt and at Matthews for asking the question. 

Noah smirked, "It got a little hot in here." 

"Not sure I like the sound of that." Matthews said, throwing a look my way. If looks could kill, i'd be dead and six feet under right now. I was so fired. I was going to have to turn in my badge and never become a detective. I'm done. Dead. 

"Not sure it's any of your business." I jumped when Noah rested a hand on my hip, both Mackles and Matthews watching the movement. 

"Liana, you're still going to see your mum right? Because if you are, you should probably go now before visiting closes."  I felt Noah's eyes on me as Calie's words reached his ears.  

"Yeah so if you guys could maybe, you know, hope on your bike mike." I moved out of Noah's grip and towards the door, holding it open. "I'll call you later Uncle Tony, I have to tell you about Sam." Mackles nodded and said to stop by the house tomorrow if that's easier.

Matthews paused as he got to my side, he lent in and whispered, "You got a job to do, Martinez. Do whatever it takes." I backed away slightly, feeling cheap because now both Mackles and Matthews think that i'm sleeping with Noah for information which in no way was I. It may have looked like that to them but to me, I couldn't put my finger on why I acted like I did around Noah. 

I watched as Mackles and Matthews walked down the stairs, getting into their car. I closed the door and lent back on it, swearing under my breath before looking at Noah who was watching me closely. 

What the fuck was I doing? Almost sleeping with a suspect? I was going to exchange sex for information and when Noah when to jail I was going to get my heart broken. I didn't need this in my life. I told myself this wouldn't happen, I wouldn't get caught up in this. In whatever this feeling was, not matter how strong it way. 

Imagine the reputation I'll get when the people at the station find out that I'm willing to sleep with people to bring them down. 

I was whoring myself out for what? I had no future with Noah. I didn't know what my feeling for him  were. I had an infatuation, he would be a good fuck and that's it. I love the excitement of being with a criminal and I had been there before - I might not have known it but I had been there and it had ended in me getting my heart ripped out and stepped on. 

"Liana," Calie moved towards me, "What's wrong?" 

I looked between her and Noah, who's face had changed from confusion to worry. "I can't do this." I shook my head and a tear escaped. "I can't do any of this." Noah and my eyes locked. 

He shook his head, "What did John say to you?" 

"Noah, it's nothing he said, I just I can't -" 

"No, don't say it." He interrupted me, "You can't break up with me before we even start anything." 

I let out a dry laugh, "What did you think was going to happen here, Noah? You get with girl after girl, I'm a long term challenge." Calie sighed, disappointed that this was the route I was taking. Hell, I was disappointed in myself. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not going to be one of those girls that you fuck and drop, Noah." 

His eyes didn't leave mine, "Whatever Liana, you're right, I thought you would've been a sweet fuck and that's all." I was pretty sure heard his voice break at the same time I felt my heart stop, I stilled as he moved closer to me, "But lets not forget who was using who in this equation." I stepped aside so he could open the door, I jumped as he slammed the door behind him, walking out of the apartment shirtless. 

As I heard his car start up I sank to the ground as Calie hugged me, "Oh Liana, it's okay." 

I wasn't sure if anything about what just happened was okay. I was in shock, all the shit that had gone down in the past twenty-four hours was making my head spin. Nothing seemed right anymore. 

I wish I had never said yes to this stupid job.

This is a super short chapter and its a bit late because im not happy with the length of it! but i hope you guys enjoy anyway!

please comment/vote, it would mean the world to me if you let me know what you thought! 

Love you all! xx

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