The Trap (35)

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It  was a race against the clock and my father. 

Piper hadn't said a word to me since we got in the car and to be honest, I wasn't sure what i could say. She thought I had betrayed her and I had. I had lied to her and Noah time and time again and despite what had happened between Noah and I, I knew he was never going to forgive me. 

But if he walked away from all this free, I didn't care if he didn't forgive me. He could hate me all he wanted as long as he was safe. 

I speed along the 101, pushing my car to it's limit, I had my badge and gun holders strapped to my waist, shoulders and thighs. I wasn't taking a chance, if they didn't catch my father, i was taking him down. I wouldn't let him walk away alive or free. 

"What's that?" Piper asked, noting a police car on the side of the road. My heart sped up as my car did to, I was going to be too late. 

I weaved in and out of the traffic, until my eyes came down upon something in front of me, Noah's black challenger, a cop car and a silver Camaro, all surrounding one truck. Fuck.

"We're too late." Piper whispered and I shook my head. 

"No we're not." I changed gears and pushed my car faster and I cursed as i the truck went off the road and the three cars followed it, all of the coming to a stop on a  bit of land off the highway. "Now, we might be too late." I skidded off the road, just as Noah, Matthews and my father got out of their cars. Every single one of them looking pissed, Matthews drew his gun just as my father did the same, leaving Noah without anything to defend himself with. 

Everything was going wrong, This was not how i was supposed to spend this day. I was supposed to stay in bed with Noah all day and figure it out tomorrow, we were supposed to have good sex and fool around in bed all day. I wasn't supposed to be trying to keep Matthews from sending him to jail and my father from killing him. 

I pulled up, Piper and I shot out of the car and all eyes were on us. I pulled my gun from the holster and avoided looking at Noah, especially when Matthews stuffed up and said, "Martinez stand down." 

I clicked the safety off, "Then stop pointing the gun at Noah, point it at the man who wanted all of this to happen. What you are doing right now is exactly what Samuel wants." I moved and put myself in front of Noah and noticed Matthew's gun lower slightly. 

"Liana, you are going to get yourself killed." Noah whisper yelled at me and I shook my head staring down the barrel of my fathers gun. 

"He won't kill me." I stated. 

My father smiled, "Honey, you have no part in this, listen to your boyfriend and run back home before I do kill you." 

I knew what I had to say next was going to be the start of breaking my trust with Noah, the start of him hating me, "Dad." I could basically feel Noah's eyes on me, burning into the back of my head, "Dad please, this isn't going to end well for you. I recorded you admitting to setting this whole thing up and if you set this up than its not so far fetched for you to be the one who has been doing the hijackings." I heard Noah suck in a breath and I tried not to listen to Piper moving to his side. 

"Martinez, what are you saying?" Matthews asked turning his gun on my father, whose eyes were wide. 

"I'm saying that my father has been doing the hijackings, he's kidnapped a girl and threatened a officer of the law." I heard multiple sirens sound in the distance, moving closer to us. 

Sam laughed, "What officer?" 

"Me." I admitted. "You threatened me or did you forget what profession I went into after you left dad?" I was aware of every word that i said was ruining things for Noah and I. 

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