The Fight (17)

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I walked into my apartment and was met with silence, Vince had let me go after I had gotten all the information from him and had promised that I wouldn't take him down with Noah. I still needed more information from Noah, I needed him to confess to doing the hijacking. That's what Mackles and Matthews had said they needed. I wasn't sure how I was going to about getting Noah to confess when we weren't on the best terms.

I guess that just meant that I needed to get back in his good books, and I defiantly didn't know how to do that considering I didn't know why I was in his bad books.

"Liana?" Calie's voice called through the apartment, making me jump. She appeared from the lounge room, "Where have you been?" Her voice was hushed which I found strange. Calie was never one to be quiet especially when it was just us two in the apartment.

"I was with Vince," I said back in a soft tone. "Why are we whispering?" Calie grabbed my arm, and pulled me into the lounge where my eyes landed on a sleeping Piper and... Ricky?

"They feel asleep while waiting for you, we were worried after you left the bar without saying anything." I noticed something flash across her face, "Wait, you were with Vince?" I nodded, before spilling everything that just happened over the past twelve hours. Calie's facial expressions had changed between stunned and intrigued as I told her all about what Vince had said, it felt good to tell her and not have to keep it to myself.

"I need to get back into Noah's good books," there was a tap at my door causing me to shut up, "Come in." Piper's head popped around the door frame.

"Can I join you girlies? Ricky started snoring." Calie and I threw each other a look before nodding. We knew that we would have to finish this conversation later because I couldn't talk about the case in front of Piper. "Where have you been for the past two days? We've all been worried sick."

"Oh I was just busy, Mia wanted me to do something for her." I smiled softly, "Is your brother at the work shop?" Calie gave me a look before shaking her head slightly.

Piper nodded, "Yeah but don't take this the wrong way but he doesn't want you hanging around anymore apparently." Annoyance bubbled up inside me, so this was how it was going to be? He was the one that sent by boyfriend away and lied to me about not knowing him. For all I knew he knew a lot more about me than I knew about him, which meant that he had lied to me about more than just Vince.

It also put this operation in a bad spot.

But I was determined to get on his good side and get this information out of him, I wanted him brought down.

"That's too bad, because I need to have words with him."


To say that I was nervous about seeing Noah again would be an understatement. I was terrified. It had been two days since I last saw him, and I was absolutely dreading driving to the workshop today, Piper had finally agreed to letting me come by the shop. We had decided that it might be good to have a reason for me going there. So Piper, Calie and I were on our way to go a bit of shopping and Piper needed to pick something up from the workshop. I had insisted on driving my car so that I had an escape car in case seeing Noah went south.

I needed this information. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel as my stomach flipped with anxiety. Calie threw me a worried glance as we pulled up to the workshop. I sat there for a moment just staring at the big red words on the wall of the workshop, Riverside.

"Just try to breathe yeah, Ana?" Calie's words did little to ease my nervousness. I took a deep breath before stepping out of the car, pulling down my long skirt so it didn't rise up. I pushed my sunglasses up onto my head, getting my hair out of my face as it spilled over my shoulders. Piper patted my back in reassurance, as Calie followed closely behind us as we walked to the workshop, pushing open the door and I was thankful when the cool air inside hit my face like a wall of freshness.

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