The Key (19)

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I shoved Noah's body off the side of mine, standing and pulling down my skirt that was hitched up around my hips. This was not the way I was going to get the information out of him. There was no way in hell I was going to sleep with him for information. I didn't need the drama honestly, and I defiantly didn't need the cheap feeling that I was feeling that this present time.

How could I have let myself do this? I should've walked out of this office when I first stopped it I should've have gotten court up in the pressure of it. I brushing down my wild hair, raking my fingers through it and hissing when they got caught in rots.

Mixed feelings slammed down into me; Confusion, panic and a slight hint of I'm going to get fucking fired.

I glanced around to look at Noah, who was watching me closely, curiously, not trying to move too much, like he'd spook me if he did. His eyes were soft and full of interest, but his lip was twitched up in amusement. I'm glad he found my freak out amusing.

I wanted nothing more than to forget what just happened, but the dull ache and wet underwear in between my legs seemed to remind me that this was all too real. I wished I could just put this off to a drug problem, or that I had some sort of mental breakdown or something, but I couldn't. I need deep inside – like where his finger had just been – I wanted him more then I should want a criminal.

I needed to get out of here and change, maybe burn this skirt and these panties.

I jumped slightly as Noah rose off the desk, his hand out in surrender as if he were approaching a wild animal. I wasn't sure what I was more pissed about, the fact that I had let him touch and enjoyed it, or the fact that he was standing there acting like I was a skittish animal.

He had yet to pull up his jeans too, my eyes wandered down his body making me even more angry. He was waiting for me to freak out, I could feel I coming on and so could he.

"That was not meant to happen." I snapped.

"But it did."

"Oh my gosh, what have I done?" I shook my head as an imagine of him groaning in pressure as I palmed him through his briefs appeared in my mine.

"Babe, no girl can resist my charm." My mouth fell open as I looked at him, he did not just say that to me? His ego was big enough and by doing what he just done I had put gasoline on an already big flame.

I moved back as he took a step towards me, "You're disgusting."

My eyes caught something on the far wall, my inner cop coming out. A key hung on the wall with the number '1623' hanging off it. It reminded me of a key that I had that went with a storage garage where I kept most of my mother's stuff. I needed that key, I needed to know where it went to. If it did lead to a storage garage, I needed to know what was in it.

Noah's body blocked my line of vision, "I bet you weren't thinking I was disgusting two minutes ago."

"Well, obviously I'm having some sort of breakdown." My head was going fuzzy as Noah got closer, he brought his hand up my arm sending shivers all over my body. I needed to get away from him before I ended up having sex with the guy.

Luckily, there was a tap at the door making both of us moved away from each other. Noah picked up his jeans, pulling them on before he threw his shirt on and moved towards the door. I tried to look as suspicious less as possible, as Noah opened the door to his office revealing Clinton.

"Hey man, sorry to interrupt." Clinton smirked at me, "But it's time." his voice was hushed; Noah threw look over his shoulder.

"I'd love to finish this conversation princess but I've got to go. You good to see yourself out?" He asked, his voice actually showing some concern. Not that I could really care about that, I needed to know what they were talking about.

I nodded, "I'm good, go." I curiosity had peaked, I needed to know what it was time for. I needed to know where they were going.

I watched as Noah walked out of his office, leaving me along in his office. I listened to their footsteps move down the stairs, until they vanished at the bottom. I moved to the door, and watched as Noah and Clinton got in one car, and Justin and some girl who I had never noticed before got into another one. She seemed very familiar though, there was something about her face that I knew from somewhere.

I shook it off, and walked back into Noah's office locking the door. I hunted around in the files that were now thrown about on the floor. I shifted through the files trying to find something that might connect him to the hijackings. Maybe billing receipts or something, something that isn't above the board. Parts that he didn't sell here in the shop.

I huffed out a breath as I didn't find anything questionable. My eyes feel on the desk for a moment remembering what had happened not fifteen minutes ago, the feeling of his hands over my body made my insides flip and twirl.

"You are an idiot." I muttered to myself. Taking my eyes off the desk, and onto the keys. I needed to see where they lead to. I raced over and grabbed them off the wall, slipping them into my pocket. I walked out of Noah's office, the key's pressed into my palm. I walked into the show room, Calie's and Piper's eyes landed on me.

"You're a sly dog, Ana." Calie's voice said across the showroom. Heat rushed to my cheeks.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed, walking over to them.

"Don't act clueless, once the yelling stopped everyone in the whole warehouse knew what was going down in that Office. Hell, we could hear what was going down in there and can I just be the first to say, that you are my idol." Calie's laugh rang out throughout the showroom. My eyes widened in embarrassment. I wanted to go back in time and either not let Noah touch me or maybe be a little quieter.

"I've heard my brother have sex before but I don't think I've ever heard him enjoy it that much." Piper's words made me remember what a sleaze Noah was, the fact that he had had sex while his sister was around was just disgusting. Not that I could really talk, I had forgotten that she was around when he had been fingering me.

I felt dirty, I could basically feel Noah all over me, I needed to get changed out of these clothes and wash them four or five times. I needed to wash myself even more.

"Yeah, dang Ana what were you doing to him? I didn't know you were so handy." They had no idea.

"We didn't even have sex!" I screeched, gaining the attention of a few people around the showroom.

"God, you must be good then... handy indeed." I was done talking about this, I had things I needed to do, and talking about what had happened between Noah and I was defiantly not one of them.

"Let's just drop it yeah?" I asked rolling my eyes at Calie. "I can't go shopping because I've got some things to do, but Piper I'll see you tonight at the bar?" She nodded, "And I'll see you at home Cal? Or do you need a lift home?"

"It's fine, I'm still going to go shopping. I'll get you something sexy for you to wear tonight Ana, since you're not working." Tonight I had promised that Calie could take me out to CrossX because I wasn't working at the bar for once. Of course I'd always be working for the police, always undercover. "Now that Noah has gotten a taste, he'll want more." I frowned at her.

"I'll come with." Piper pipped up, smiling at Calie. I was slightly worried about leaving them alone, but I knew it would look worse if I fought it. I trusted Calie not to say anything.

"Okay, well I'll see you at come Calie, and I'll see you tonight Piper." With that I walked out the front and headed home to wash myself free of Noah's hands and tongue. 


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