The Boss (3)

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"Who owns the nice Camaro out the front?" A deep voice said, and I knew straight away who it belonged to. I had never met the guy, but I just knew it belonged to Noah. Deep, raspy but smooth at the same time. It shook me to my core, making me freeze up. Never in a thousand years was I expecting him to sound like that, like a few little whispers in my ear could make me drop my panties for him. I lifted my head as I noticed that Clinton had a finger pointed at me with a smirk playing on his lips. I felt someone come up behind me, Breathe, just breathe Liana.

Piper looked behind me, "Noah, this is Liana Marshall, she just moved here and needs some work done to her car." I turned slowly, telling myself to act cool. I couldn't help but take in his body as my eyes started heading down south. He was tall and lean but his arms showed nothing but strength in his tight black t-shirt. His muscles in his arms flexed with every movement he made. I could tell by the toning of his body that he had probably been fighting and fixing cars since he was young, his arms held a power that I hadn't seen in many guys. His broad shoulders called to me, making me want to run my hands over them and trail the long lines of the tattoo on his left bicep.

It was his face that compelled me to stare for a little longer then I should've, he was flawless. His long sweeping lashes cast a shadow across his cheek bones softening the sharp lines of his face. As his pouty lips sat in a lazy smile, his eyes looked like they had seen many things, they were hard and aware. His brown hair, which looked like it had recently had hands roaming through it, was being swept away from his face.

His eyes captivated me the most, they were such a dark brown, they reminded me of the chocolate mud cake my mother used to make me every birthday.

His smirk grew on his lips, but that was when I noticed him take in me. Everything about Noah said 'Danger' and my brain was yelling at me to run away while I had the chance but my body had other ideas, under the pressure of his eyes my body was frozen still and had started heating up. I felt hot under as his eyes flicked down my body staying a little too long on my chest area. I lent back on the counter trying to play it cool, "You done?" I asked.

"Hey, I was just returning what you were serving." His voice sent shivers up my spine. Confidence radiated from Noah and I was having a hard time sticking to the plan. I wanted to get on my knees and beg him take me somewhere right then and there, which was something I had never felt with anyone before. "I'm Noah, I own this place, and you're in my parking spot."

Piper groaned behind me, "It is not you're parking spot Noah, god sake." She came around the other side of the counter and stood next to me with her arms folded. "Can you tell Clinton to go check out what's wrong with Liana's car? I'm getting sick of him standing over there staring at her ass." I frowned a little, totally unaware that was happening.

"But what a fine ass it is, Hey Clint!" Noah called over the shop to Clinton, who had an evil smile plastered on his face. My mouth almost fell open at Noah's comment, I was shocked that Noah had just said that, partly because he said it not even worrying that I was standing right in front of him and partly because no one had ever said something like that to me. Noah smirked at me before wondering over and high fiving Clinton.

They both wondered outside grabbing my keys on the way out, going to take a look at my new car. "I'm so sorry about them, Noah is such an ass 99% of the time. You should see half the women he brings home..." She trailed off her face paling. "It's even worse the way he kicks them out in the morning." She shook her head and moved back around the other side of the counter. I could only imagine some of the lines that Noah pulled on girls to get them back to the house, and i felt sick just thinking about the mean things that must come out his mouth when he wants them to get the hell out of his house. "You know, you should come around to ours tonight, we're having a bit of a house party to celebrate Noah's win."

"Yeah sure, what did he win? A tightest shirt comp?" I laughed to myself, Piper laughed too.

"Narh, he hasn't actually won yet, but tonight he will." I nodded, feeling a little confused and I could tell that it came across my face because Piper spoke up again. "Look, you seem to be in the loop - kinda. There's a race tonight, and Noah always wins, so we usually celebrate afterwards." This was the 'in' I needed, I didn't want to just attend the race, I wanted to be in the race. I had to get Noah's attention, and not just his attention to what I look like and what car I had, I had to get his full attention if this plan was ever to work. I needed him to want me around, and I had to be excepted into their group, if Racing against him in a race got me that, then I'd do it.

"Oh, sounds like a plan, I'll be at the race anyway." I smiled, and picked at my nails. Piper's eyes widened, and her smile got bigger.

"Really?" Even though she was smiling, there was a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"Yeah, how else am I supposed to show off my killer new rims?" So it wasn't exactly a lie. I mean I might have left out the bit about racing and how I had no clue where it was, but I did want to show off my new car and the new rims.

"Oh darh, well that sounds like a plan, and you should go check with Clint about how long your car will take." I nodded, and promised her that I'd see her tonight and wondered out the front of the shop, bracing myself for another interacting with Noah. Outside Noah was looking under the bonnet, and Clinton was under the car.

Noah's head turned at the sound of my steps, he smirked and stood up straight wiping his hands on a cloth. "How'd a girl like you come across one of these? I've been looking for one for ages." He didn't even bother hiding the suspicion in his voice, like Piper had inside. That didn't bother me though, the 'a girl like you' part had bothered me, the way he said it was like he had already made up his mind about what kind of girl I was.

I crossed my arms across my chest, "Just lucky I guess, and what do you mean 'a girl like me'? What kind of girl would that be?"

"Oh Princess, the whole 'I get what I want when I want it' kind of girl." He chuckled lightly, I couldn't believe that that was the conclusion he had come too. Just I was about to defend myself, he said "Did daddy pay for the car? Can you even drive it?" My whole body literally stopped in shock at the mention of my father, I knew that he had come to a conclusion of the person that I was pretending to be but I couldn't help but take it personally.

My father had left three years ago, when my mother had gotten sick and we hadn't heard from him since then. I literally had no idea where he was, I woke up one morning and it was like any evidence of me having a father was gone, he had taken every photo of us. All I had left were my memories.

It's what made me so desperate to become a detective so fast, so that I could look for him myself.

My shock turned into anger, as I took a step closer to Noah. I honestly wasn't sure where the confidence came from, but as soon as I opened my mouth I was surprised at just how badass I sounded. "Look, let's get one thing straight, my father didn't buy anything for me but bad dreams. So, if you want to make an assumption, how about you actually make one that is right." I took a step closer again, until my body was literally inches away from Noahs. "And about not being able to drive, how about at the race tonight we put money on how well I can actually handle a stick." My voice dropped to a whisper, "Unless you're too worried about losing to a girl." I stepped back but Noah's hand shot out and he pulled me back towards him.

"You're the one that should be worried." My eyes flicked to his lips, seeing him worked up made my insides flip and twirl.

"You're so on."



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